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This feels like sending my friends a group text while freaking out the night before a huge presentation at work. But the Kickstarter launch is tomorrow (!!!) and it's the first time I've made a real thing that people actually can buy, so plenty of reasons to freak out. And be excited.

The project will go live October 23rd, 8am Pacific Time, and I can't show you what it is until then. But I can show you what it used to be. 

I don't know if any of you remember, but a while back I built a calendar to help me track how much I meditate.

The concept was pretty simple: whenever I meditate, I get to flip a switch for that day. It's a way to track my progress, but also a gold star system to keep myself motivated.

We're launching a Kickstarter campaign for a version of that tomorrow, and it's the prettiest, best thing I've ever made. I know competition isn't very fierce in that category, but still.

There will be a new video up on my channel about it too! So see you tomorrow.

Over and out,




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