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Hey Patreonizers!

How are you? I'm good. You are my favorite internet people. Did you know that? No? Now you do. 

I've had a busy busy week! And what better way to convey a busy week than with an image dump* from my phone. 

I went to Nevada to launch some rockets and film videos for Tested! The event was called BALLS, which I thought had to do with ballistic-something-something. But no. It was simply that you had to have balls to be there.

I do not have balls, but they let me in anyway. Here's me pointing at my rocket that's about to launch. I named it "Send Simone to Space" but the MC read it as "Send Simon to Space". 

Is it because Simon has balls??? Damn Simon. I bet he's friends with Chad. I hope he enjoys his trip to space though.

I've been building hard on the soup robot! Why does automating stuff need to be so hard? It's almost as if it'd be easier to just serve soup to yourself. Silly. It needs to be ready by next week so crunch time!

I bought a flower pot that looks like a whale! Since my life doesn't allow for pets I surround myself with fake animals instead. Very interesting.

Last but not least: I have a Samsung Galaxy S8 that needs a new home! 

Completely unused, in original packaging. 64GB, and I think it's unlocked. Promise I didn't steal it, it got sent to me for a project that then fell through. Do you need a new phone? Leave a comment below and I'll pick someone at random!

*Is image dump an actual expression or did I just make that up?? Does it sound like I'm just going to post photos of poop? As much as the streets of San Francisco offer a wide variety of photographable piles of shit that's not what I'm going for. There are probably other corners of the internet where you can get that though.




I love your posts! you are a hoot! very funny!


Damn it Simon!


That's what goons in my neighbourhood would say while trying to sell this phone.. "I didn't steal it.. I got sent to me for a project...". Thug Life Simone!


I bring my phone to dump as well


Jag skulle uppskatta en ny mobil, du är bäst kör hårt!


Ooh ooh, did you give away the phone yet? I love the S8!


Why not, everyone wants a phone right? xD


And suddenly hundereds of comments, but heck yeah I'd like a new phone :'D My S3 Mini is a bit slow for the newer apps.


capra aegagrus hircus


Did you ask Elon Musk already for a ride? I'm sure he could work something out. Also, yeah a new phone would be nice :D


OMG i just my lost my NOTE 5 but i havent put in my time in the nation. Im a nation noob.


Hope I'm not too late for the giveaway! Ha