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Greetings good people! 

I didn't have time to mention it earlier because the latest update took so much of my time. 

It was number 0.61. Previous one was 0.60. And while the updates appears basically every month it means LD had its fifth anniversary. 

When I started working on this project I never thought it would grow so much. It was supposed to be a little test game where I try different things to see what renpy can actually do. I was having fun, so I did start to build more of the world and even found amazing Zoroj to fill the visual part. And suddenly boom... here we are right now. The road ahead wasn't always pleasant, there were plenty of changes and we even had one savepocalypse. I worked with plenty of amazing people (Zoroj, Narram, Passerby, Guran, Gavel, Civ, Burb, Virile, Brim or all the guest writers that contributed as well) that I'm forever grateful.

I'll be honest here. I never thought I will be able to accomplish something like that. I'm trying to work hard, but I didn't succeed in many fields before that, so I didn't have too high expectations. And yet more and more people were dragged towards the game. It was really nice to see people enjoying my work. It was a huge boost if it comes to motivation.

In this place I would want to thank everyone who are supporting me. It wouldn't be possible without all of you. 

To celebrate Guran made this amazing art. The boy went crazy with how big the picture is and how many characters he fit there. It's a bit of a continued joke about how LD is going to be a tv series. So we have this movie studio with... Yes, yes, I know where you all are looking. It's not easy to take eyes away from that chest. I love it, hope you like it too!





Wishing you all the best in the future! Always looking forward to seeing what comes next, but take care of yourself and have a happy holiday!


it's just acting all the times so one one actually dead. good lore. :D

Vague Ginger

Haha good fun, I may not be rich but that dollar will always be yours Hyao