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Update 0.47 (Halloween Special)

Download ($1 Patreons) - The files are now on a private itchio page, the access is limited to patrons (It's going to ask you to connect with Patreon). You don't need to have itchio account to get access to it. Every person gets their own personal Key. Sharing this key may result in someone else claiming it for you.

Download ($5 Patreons) - Build with the gallery. The same rules applies as with the link above.


  • Android build is available
  • As a reminder the android build is a fan-made build done by Ren. He is doing it in his free time, so don't expect it to be released the same moment the normal builds are available. It may be few hours later, it may be a day or couple days later, all depends on his time.
  • Also to clarify, let's say the update will be around 5th every month from now on. If there is going to be any delay, I will announce it. Saying it's going to be between 3rd-5th makes some people anticipating it the first day mentioned, so let's stick to a single day.

This is the second part of the update with the first one being the Halloween special. I hope you did enjoy your playtime with Caleb.

For the main part of Update 0.48 we will have a new Crossover with “Robin Morningwood” game. I had a different approach this time. Instead of making one event in one update like it was with Tavern of Spear, this time around I will be expanding the content bit by bit.

So who is joining the LD squad? It’s Zack, the baker!

Where to look for 'Robin Morningwood'? You can check one of those pages:

Twitter , Itchio , Patreon  

And hey, you can also check the game on Steam!


Far away from home (Crossover Event)”

Lakeshard Village


  • Ursadin’s Special Bakery (Req: Daylight, chance to happen)


  • Meeting the Baker (There is different variant for the first time and then a couple of variants when you enter the bakery, with one additional after finishing ‘The case!’ part)
  • Where are you from? - Conversation
  • Event: The case! (Req: Talk with Grahm in Adventure’s Guild done)

Your usual LD content

Deep Jungle


  • Take advantage (New scene after beating him with lust. It leads to having one or two black hearts though, with two black hearts taking him out of the location completely, so be careful what are you doing to this proud cat).
  • Ride the warrior (New scene after beating him with lust. This one is more power bottom variant).



  • Workout (A variant of the scene for those who have three hearts with Logan. Different answer for wanting to look. You can be thankful for my proofreader Virile who wrote most of the descriptions in this one).


Forest scouting:

  • ‘Too knoty’ variant of the scene with Logan. I promised the variant in his human form and here it is (With an extra variable keeping in mind that it was Logan who claimed your virginity… if you were a virgin at this point.)


  • Nothing


Narram’s addition:

  • Zack
  • Acolyte

Civ’s addition:

  • Safety – Replacing the old music at Paulo’s place in Mythshore (some can call it a ‘safe room’ theme)


The Mysterious M3tav0X

So basically, this update isn't for players that want to top... Fun... ;_; I still don't get the option to top Logan (outside of his strictly-bottom route) without being a monster.... The only net-positive interaction with Sabal requires the player to be a submissive bottom, and topping him results in the worst possible outcomes... *sigh* TTnTT

Dragon King Development

Can't wait for more non humanoid enemy encounters, especially ones that aren't super dommy or act like men.


"Collab with Robin morning wood" Hee ho hold the fuck up! This real?!


Can't seem to find The Case event....

Shehzad R

Thanks for such a great update! I have two hearts with treated logan but not sure how to get the third, dang


I can't seem to figure out how to start the house event in Bareshade with Logan. I keep resting and regular sleeping but nothing happening, no visit from Logan and I got all the hearts possible right now. I did enjoy the Zach event though right on spot there. Also workout with Logan another fun event.


Two heaarts are possible only in the specific order of doing stuff. Going after Logan during the werewolf event, doing properly the 'I owe you a beer' and then the last event with the swamp creatures. That gives three hearts. Doing Logan is a complicated process ;p


The other thing with Logan is a part of the previous event that was only one-time thing. I warned that there will be one addition to it so people should keep a save for it. It's the one where you could get his third heart - before it was only option to do stuff with him in his werewolf form.


You should be able to only after having talks with Grahm in the Adventurer's Guild. Then entering the Bakery should trigger the event.


I can't only do that much in one moth. Or rather half a month in this case, cause other half was taken by the halloween event. So unfortunately I can't please everyone every time. The last couple of updates were also very furry oriented, I know it makes some people not very happy about it either. But I'm doing my best to keep going with the story and also develop the old characters.


Ah there, I now just have to find that save point.


Logan!!!!! I think I'll need a new save to see the virginity scene with Logan. Thank you so much for the update!


I can't wait to say alone with Othra


Logan!!!! He is a good reason to start a new game! I have two characters that would make me start over and over: Harold and Logan, thanks Hyao! You’re doing a great job.

The Mysterious M3tav0X

I'm not saying that you need to - or even *should* try and cater to eveyone with every update or anything like that. Far from it, really; I completely understand that not all content that's released will appeal to every player every time. Anyone that expects to click with every piece of content from every update is just setting themself up for disappointment. All I really meant to say was that I'm just a bit bummed out that so much content in this particular update so heavily favors bottoming, even (at least in the case of Sabal's content) to the point of essentially punishing the player for topping. Back when you implemented that one-time event with Logan, you specifically said that you were going to add "one additional option" to the end scene, but were otherwise pretty vague about what that addition would be. Under the assumption that there aren't going to be any other additions to this scene, I was just kinda hopeful that the "one additional option" would be the option to finally top in the normal Logan route, is all, as opposed to just the scene getting a path with Logan in human form. Not a big deal; just a bummer that it wasn't what I'd hoped it would be. And then with Sabal, not only is being submissive and bottoming the ONLY net-positive resolution - that is to say, the only resolution that results in a positive opinion change - to battling him, but now topping Sabal is undeniably the MOST NEGATIVE possible resolution. Most resolutions for fighting Sabal already have a negative outcome regarding his opinion of the player, which leaves very few options for anyone that doesn't want to build up a lot of negative reputation with Sabal. While I'm sure there'll be more chances to build positive reputation with Sabal as his story progresses, for the time being, the options available to the player are pretty divisive, is all. Ultimately, there's absolutely nothing wrong with what's been included in this build; some of the content is just a bit more bottom-centric and/or seemingly anti-top than I was expecting/hoping for. Nothing major or particularly important or anything; I'm not making accusations or trying to dictate how things should be handled or anything like that. I was just hopeful about some stuff and it just didn't work out like I'd hoped it would this time around; there'll always be the next update to look forward to even if this one isn't entirely to my taste, so it's not a big deal and doesn't change the overwhelming positive view I have if the project as a whole. Tl;dr This particular update isn't entirely what I'd have hoped, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that; I'm aware that not everything will always be to my liking, I'm just dumb at expressing myself about it. Regardless, I'll just deal like an adult and hope that I vibe with more in the next update. Love the game. You're doing great.

False Name

What is an Acolyte? Are those the unique ones when you first meet the lizards? Otherwise I only know of the Lizardman Acolyte variety which isn't the gallery version.


ZACK!?!? 😍😍😍 Also how do I get a third heart with Logan, my first came from the swamp war and second from sharing a beer, can I get anymore?


Would love to see more Bareshade NPC updates like this they're all very good! Logan and Bernard especially great job!


Robin Morningwood Event AND Logan content??? What a great month heheheh


Can we have the variable name for if Logan took our virginity? i dont want to get yelled about my sexyThulu for restarting.


Really cool to see a crossover with Robin morningwood and really nice update! Time to get save going to get that virgin Logan event :p Not related to this update but something I've noticed, is it only possible to see Torben nude in the one scene where you ask about buying lewd stuff from him? Would be really nice if we got to see him without the clothes during the other sex scenes with him.


Ok. Enjoyed the Halloween event and looking forward to the morningwood event. After several battles with Sabal with me losing (no teasing, but me getting hot and bothered) I finally won but he likes me less so I ask if this is like a (it gets worst before it gets better situation)


Starting over again because I Logan think I smell weird. Literally you have to have a "no touch" rule.


I load my autosave, or start over with Skip button help me tremendously. If you click on the your status and on the right side, you can see your "virgin" status.


When you're in the lizard village and go to the inner shrine the image for the acolyte now appears


Okay I haven't been catching up, what is this Logan thing and how is it triggered, I'm not opposed to starting new game just for that


anyone here knows how to find garuik? been looking for him for a few updates now


Hey Hyao, if you need a great human bara artist, I recommend @atcesolcyc as their art are really good and great bara quality.


Did i make a mistake somewhere every time I try to help Logan with his work he says he owes me a beer but as soon as I go to the bar he's never there and instead the kid is there. I did a before bandit quest and after, although he does come into the bar and yell at the bandit and the bandit calls me boss but that's it.


That's the home event in Bareshade. After you complete all 3 Bareshade expansions, Keep resting at your house in Bareshade, and Logan will come for his 2nd heart event. Make sure to save,


So I have to keep saying no to Bernard every single time to keep the characters virginity? Or is there a clean slate button when Logan comes over


YES I have been eagerly awaiting the day Logan won't yell at us for wanting to watch him work out :D thanks for all your hard work!

Lemon in a Cat

im still getting forc closed 😭😭😭😭


hey, how do you get the third heart with Logan? So far I could only get two