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A witch will get a sprite this month. Both her day and night version. 




Oh wow... I really like this design


The witchussy is making me act unwise my leige.


Was about to say she's too pretty. Then I saw the second image


ha ha i always thought that the witch was kinda like baba yaga from DBZ XDDD nice designs!


The witch at night, Me: looks good, nice design. Fits the vibes of being a bit worried with how you should deal with her The witch during the day, Me: Just yes. Everything is on point. The outfit, the pose, the hair, just everything is cheif kiss. Almost makes me think she isn't that bad despite her other side at night.


Isn't that Emilia from re zero? what is she doing there? XD


Oh my stars she's beautiful (by day) what an absolutely stunning design. I really love her dress and her long white hair 😲🤩 but if I gotta see that face at night well just one more reason to avoid the swamps late cuz that is terrifying 😨


A queen by day and ooky spooky at night. Iconic behavior, honestly.


Okay i have to admit that she quite a beauty there eventhough im gay


yaaaaas queen

Suikey Shirasu

the day witch has the gatekeep girlboss malewife vibes and im all for it


The vibes they both gave me is spooky. My imagination got shattered on how their sprites would actually look like LOL. I thought they would both be midgets, just one is good, the other just has the same face but slightly eviler personality.