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Here's are some stuff that Zoroj is working on this month. 

First of all we have Ruben. Welcome your fellow herbalist... or rather alchemist? Who knows what he is after. 

The other one is Emerine Golem, he will appear in the Munbury Caves in a new level of dungeon. It's an enemy that will come in two colors. 

Sorry for not being active anywhere, I have still tons of stuff on my head, which makes following every place quite difficult. I hope things will calm down soon. 




Oh wow just when I thought I’d never simp for anyone else. 🥵


I did not expect Ruben to look like that but I love it!

PK Persona

He's giving me major FMA vibes! A threesome with him and the city guard would be amazing 😏


I don't know why but I wasn't expecting Ruben to be so hot! Definitely looking forward to spending more time with him!


ZoroJ makes everyone hot. ;)


WOW, Didn't think Ruben would look so hot, had pictured him as an old wizard looking guy, Boy was I wrong. wouldn't be surprised If he ends up being the shape shifter.


The golem looks like it would drop its core when defeated was it perhaps made with alchemy ? Is Ruben trying to study it so he can stop them or does he have more sinister motives maybe I’m excited to find out


As always, amazing work ! Ruben looks like a vilain... I wonder what he's up to ! :D


Wow, I can't wait the new update of this month~~


Those look good. Thx Hyao for developing, and Zo for drawing. Question: Do we get to tame the golem, and bring him back to our dungeon? :)


Wondering if any of the existing enemies will get sprites like the ragroach


So we'll be stuck between a rock and and even harder rock. I'm fine with that :P


can we get more scenes with the lizard tribe. Especially Roushk. Also would it be possible to change or lizard men to have 2 penis as it is in real life where lizards have 2 penis.


I knew there was something up with Ruben, I can't wait to find out what he's up too! I also hope that the new update will have sexy naughty scenes with Roushk, I hope I can dominate his ass like I dominated Rhot's!!!

Chenyu Wen

love to see some more progress in the lizardman tribe, especially Rhot haha


Yup, hemipenes Snakes and lizards have two penises, not just one. They are called hemipenes. hehe :P neat little fact and I 100% support the idea of one or two of the lizard people having double endowments, hell maybe let X experiment with it ;)


Ruben looks super cool! I like his style with the big coat and all :3 And loove the Emerine Golem design!! <3 It's awesome, really like all the crystals and details on him, and that grin when he is horny.. <3