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Some WIPs from Zoroj with new sprites for the next update.

There will be a new orc enemy (Yes, we are getting into that part of the story). Korg mentioned that something weird is happening with his clan, but his clan is not the only one. Red orcs are a part of a different clan that are currently fighting with Northcrest. You can see one of their warriors and Zoroj was also nice enough to work on a banner for the clan.

Except of that one of the old enemies is getting a sprite as well. A swamp creature in all his tentacle glory (Well, almost, there can be even more tentacles).




i'm super excited now, ive been looking forward to the possibility of fucking orcs for so long its driving me nuts xD


This is going to awesome can't wait😬😁


wait, swamp creature was hot this entire time!?!?


I'm hoping to one day see a sprite of Scrap, can't help but love him.


Oooooh~ I did not expect that to be the Swamp Creature, but I am really glad that will be the design for it and not the abomination I had in mind... X'D

Suikey Shirasu

now I can max out the affection of swamp monster now


Ooooh he's red


are there going to be green orcs too or is this clan just red?


This clan will be most likely with only red orcs. But there are going to be other clans too.


I will defeat the source of this corruption and collect all the husbandos !!


Scrap will have a sprite eventually. Most likely in September.


I had always something like that in my mind, but describing it was not an easy job. I'm glad there will be a good graphic representation now :D


oh okay cool! hopefully there will be green orcs too then, those are my fav and i know zoroJ draws them really well~

Miles Stranger

If they going with that route ( and I am really hoping they are) we may need more prisons.


I seriously love all the character designs, literally all in the game! Well done guys!


Don’t imprison the husbandos 😱 I’ll sacrifice myself to satisfy their lustful desires (heh get it) who doesn’t want to live as a herbalist with your small army of husbandos


I was imagining the swamp guy from avatar the last airbender this guy just has cool wooden armour and a more defined body he turned out really cool looking

PK Persona

I swear try name a better partnership than Hyao's writing and Zoroj's art. Perfection 😤👌


Aww, thank you. You made my day with that comment :D Even if I don't think my writing is that good ^^'

PK Persona

Never doubt it boss! Your characters, interactions and world building are all top notch 😌


Any plans for Roushk. I would like to help him manage his ever growing lust without tainting his pure priestess. Lol


Hope there's more options overall it looks amazing so far can't wait!