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The first poll of 2020!

The lizard story arc ended and while I'm still going to add more content with them now and then I want to know what would you want me to focus on next. As there are several ideas I could continue right now I would want you to show me which direction you would want to see.

1. Werewolf story involving Logan, his wife and Bernard's friend

2. Wererat story involving the whole 'village' and the Rat King

3. Mountains cave which means expanding the Northcrest cave area

4. Can we reach the Northcrest already?

It's multiple choice poll, so you can pick all the options you would like to see first.


Duke Rocheister

UwaaaaaAAAAAHH so much content and story -- I LOVE IT!!! Keep it up, my bro. You're doing amazing!


More Bernard and Logan content!




Like Logan and Bernard, but wanna now about king rat, and the north and mountains it's for sure Big Bad orcs lol


I just voted for all of it because I just want it all so badly! Well done on this Hyao!


Lycanthropy all sounds good to me! Who knows, maybe Bernard becomes a werebear? :D


Still holding out hope for a werewolf-bad-end, but Logan/wife extras are also good!


I so much want to see more expansion in story, but i would prefer to tie up stories around town, bernard, logan warewolf and orc for now. That way were not forever going backwards and forewards.

Da Manki

i assume werewolves are humans that can turn to wolves and back? are wererat the same or are they permanently humanoid rats?


I have my own idea of werewolves and how they are changing. But wererats shouldn't be called wererats now when I think about it. It's just a race of humanoid rats.


It's all good. Most of it.

Mikha Bruin

I vote for anything with Logan :)

PK Persona

I legit love all the options! I think I'd prioritise the werewolf story though so we can get a nice sense of closure to Bareshade before heading to Northcrest. It might also give Normal Logan some extra content for those that went that route.


How about new NPCs like a minotaur


I would like more random encounters in areas we already have, expansion of underground, and deeper development of relationship NPCs.... and wererats.