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The #ThankYouPatrons day almost came with the day when I passed 1000 patrons, which is incredible.

To be completely honest I didn't expect this project to attract so much attention. I have to admit it overwhelms me sometimes. While I'm trying to respond to all your comments and suggestions, sometimes it's just too much, so my apologies if I'm missing something ^^'

Anyway I wanted to thank all of you for the support you are giving me. It gives me motivation to work even harder and come up with new ideas. I know the project is far from being perfect and needs a lot of polishing, but I'll promise to do my best to make it as good as possible!

I also wanted to thank you Zoroj for continuing working with me on this. A big part of success is his amazing artwork!




Keep it up! you & zoroj did good on this.


Thank you, the game is entertaining and it's both your writing and the amazing art that make the sex parts so hot (I mean, Logan getting fucked in the barn 🤤) keep it up




Congratulations is that picture in the game ? Don’t think I have come across it ?


Thank you for making such a great and fun game!


Thanks for the fun game!


Thank you to you ,for this great game, and I hope that you continue long.


There are better and worse months, but I'll be doing my best!


Thanks! I'm happy to hear that both writing and drawing are good! Logan getting fucked wasn't even in my original plan. But a lot of people here wanted to see that ^^'


It is. You can encounter it while exploring the bandit camp. Just here the picture is in high resolution


I'm glad to hear it's fun. I hope it's going to be even better in the future!


I have a lot of plans and ideas, so there's still a lot to come!


Ayeeeee thank you for all of your hard work! I am really enjoy this game XD


Honestly thank you for your hard work. You and ZoroJ are such kind and considerate people. You don't have to ask people what they want to see but you do. You added a popular character by people's request. I can't express how unique you are and that's why I want to support you. At the same time though I want you to take care of yourself too, so please do things for you too. Much love.


I hope you'll be enjoying all the future updates too!


I have an overall idea what I want to do, but I also have a lot of freedom with this project. I don't see why not add stuff that people actually want to have in the game. I really like some of them and there were a few that gave me quite a challenge. I'm still learning a lot of stuff if it comes to coding. But thank you very much for those words. And thank you for the support ^^


Thank you for making such a great game! I've been loving this project so much and I'm so excited to see where else it goes! Keep up the good work but don't push yourself too much. I'm in this for the long haul so I look forward to the project's future! <3


at some point there was a threat made by some of the lizard men to make you the tribes bitch.......fingers crossed that threat is made real at some point

Chenyu Wen

a thank you post with a CG like that.... hmmmmmm (ha ha)


I'm trying to find the balance between a proper amount of content and not driving myself insane with the amount of work ^^' But it depends on each month, there are better days and worse days. Still I'll be trying my best. Thank you for your support! ^^


Thanks for making a great game ! The stories in this game are perfect. I can't wait to see more especially LOGANNNN (My fav!!!).


A lot of people like Logan the most, I guess that's why he is appearing so often ^^' Thanks!

Da Manki

Thank you for a wonderful game and including us in the creation process. We appreciate it and you very much.


I on the other hand appreciate all the support you guys are giving me! ^^ So thank you for that!


Its great that you're getting so much attention. You put out some amazing stuff. I just hope you don't get negatively affected by this. Excited on what you do.


I'm sometimes stressed that people won't like the update or will be disappointed with the amount of content - there are better months and worse months, it's not always look the same for me. Except of that I'm super happy that so many people like the project and it keeps me motivated to keep going. Thank you ^^


I'm a new patron but playing your game for the first time I found it to be a lot of fun, and sexy (duh), And I hope to see more great things come from it. Also yay for more sexy chubby guys in games! (team bartender and fat bandit here!)


I'll try to deliver as many great things as possible! As Zoroj is really great with chubs then I'm sure there will be more of those ;p


Thank you for that fantastic project! Glad to see you getting the recognition you deserve! That more Patreons keep comming and can't wait to see what will be next on the game! =D