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Last poll about the picture for minor NPC was won by Gunnar. Here is the sketch made by Zoroj.

What do you think about him? Was this how you pictured him? Or you think he should be that big?


Marcus Green

I always thought of him and Hayden as a title slimmer than the other guys but I think it actually makes more sense for Gunnar to be this big. Can I ask how big the MC is in your mind? I know you mentioned earlier that you wanted to let us use our own imagination but I would a physical description/representation of what you thing too. Love the game!


Love him, like him just like that!

Ryan Fox

Thought he was a bit slimmer since he was answering to Scar and might have been a little afraid of him.


No beefier option? Nah, jk, he seems good... unless?

Da Manki

i actually envisioned him a bit slimmer than that, but then it looks like everyone is thicc so maybe he is slimmer lol. also i imagined him to be a bit more unshaven, maybe a 5'o clock shadow, to look like that dirty guard image.


There's already a lot of beef. Too be honest I actually imagined him a little bit slimmer, but most people like this representation so I'll stick with that. With some small adjustments.


The size is not everything. There is also a background for Scar that explains why people are afraid of him. But that's something player don't know yet.


That's the thing. Everyone imagine things as they like. For me the MC would be probably a slimmer young guy (Mostly because I like the idea of a big guy pinning down the small guy xD), but those who want to play dominant player wouldn't probably like it. If I decide to go with the visible MC then I would probably go for some kind of middle ground. Nothing too slim, nothing too beefy.


That's the Zoroj style. I'm trying to keep him in bay, but I like big guys so sometimes it's hard for me to say "Make it less beefy" xD That's why I decided to ask here, most of the people seems to be alright with him looking that way. Even if I was picturing him in my mind a little bit slimmer as well.

Duke Rocheister

I, too, imagined him slightly slimmer, but all is good! The concept of characters are incredible!

Chenyu Wen

My imagination is also slimmer and with a much more evil face.... but its ok, this look convinces me why Jester doesn't want to believe him ha ha (and he shouldn't)