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I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be moving house next week, so unfortunately I will not have much time to create or post as regularly as I usually do but I will post as often as I can, I do apologise and I hope you understand. It has been a long process cleaning my house out, but I have still tried my best to post 5 days a week. I will have a lot more time to create at my new place and I am currently trying to teach myself animation. I have always wanted to put movement into my models but just haven't had the time. I have experimented quickly and have a couple of rough, unrendered animations I quickly created. In the new year I am planning on getting my hands on some video editing software and we will see where it goes from there. Have a great weekend and thank you for your support and contributions this year, I really appreciate it.



good lick w your move


Take your time man. This is a important event which comes every once in a while. Also seeing your stuff in animation could be pretty awesome. Take care.