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I've been holding off making this post, but I have been so furious the last few days that I had to say something. It has recently come to my attention that all of my Art from this Patreon page has been stolen and posted. Because of this I haven't even felt like posting or creating this week but there is no way that I would let the vast Majority of my Patrons who spend their hard earned money and support me suffer because of certain individual's pathetic actions. I started this page because I wanted to give people that have followed me on other platforms the chance to see the more erotic side of my Art. I put a massive amount of work and hours into what I do and the money I earn on here goes towards, software, hardware and assets to continue creating the quality of Art you are used to from me, what is left goes towards paying the bills. To those who are stealing my Art Fucking stop it, I don't want people like you here and all you are going to do is ruin it for everyone else who does the right thing, because if it continues it will leave me no choice but to stop creating all together.


Beau Barlow

Well said. I’m sorry this shit has happened to you. To whoever keeps doing this, STOP. You literally gain nothing from positing his art online while he loses a shit ton with all the eyes viewing his content for free. You’re only hurting the artist when you do this and ultimately, we all end up losing if he rightfully decides to cease all work on his art I don’t want that and I know all the other patrons don’t want that, so STOP.


well, I'm used to this, this is what happens when you become more popular, this is a sword with double edges!


This has been happening across a lot of people I've been subscribed to. Sorry that this is happening, hopefully this can be resolved!


If it helps let me share some experiences. Typically I support smaller creators (usually when creators get too big they begin appealing to the mainstream taste and I eventually leave), so it's quite common for me to deal with smaller creators. This is probably the 3rd or 4th time I get to see a very hard working, creative content creator get robbed. Every one of the previous Patreons (some I'm still subbed too) felt betrayed and rightfully upset. It's a ugly reality, and unfortunately it happens to everyone at some point. Just know that your subscribers are looking forward to your work, and some nasty leak isn't going to make them stop supporting you. People will support you if you give them the content they want (regardless of it's online availability). Luckily everyone I know that has been cheated eventually comes back with a good mindset and learns to put it behind them. Understand, I sympathize with you. Your work is great and it's infuriating seeing people do that. My only best advice is to try and put some subtle "watermarks" on your work that isn't distracting, that way when your work is pirated it can atleast lead MORE people here. Believe it or not, I have found several Patreons I support because of Piracy. Not because I'm actively looking for "free" work, but I just so happen to stumble into it (usually it shows up on Rule34). When I like work enough, the first thing I ask is "WHERE IS THE SOURCE??" That way I can find "more" of it and support the creator. Just know most of your supporters love your work and hope the best for you. It really does suck man, but I hope that helps. Take the time you need.


Sorry but its cruel reality. I hope this doesnt stifle youe creativity. I greatly enjoy your work. Stay strong sir. Your a very talented artist with a good understanding of anatomy and sculpture. Dont let them hwt to you.


Thankyou Jim I really do appreciate the insight and of course your support. I've always tried to avoid watermarks to give people the full quality of my Art but if this keeps happening, I think I may have to. It's people like yourself and many others that make me keep creating. Thankyou again


Thankyou for your support. As much as what happened upsets me Your support and kind words make it all worthwhile. I will Always keep creating and sharing with you guys, I enjoy it too much.


Yes I knew it was going to happen at some stage and I was hesitant to say anything about it, but thought I had to in the end. I have had other fellow artist warn me about it. Thankyou for your support


Thankyou for your support. I just wanted to get it out there. It's time for me to move on and keep creating lol.


No worries man. Its something you just have to factor in no matter the field. I hope you keep going man. Damn shame to lose ya creativelly.


Thankyou, don't worry I will keep creating your guy's comments have motivated me even more I really appreciate the support.