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  • 24-6.mp4
  • 24-6.mp4



Does this comic really need this scene? Probably not...

But I just wanted to animate a little dance and no one can stop me =)

Proper size is in attachments, Patreon resize gifs and mess them up in the process.

Like I said comics going in directions people probably didn't expect =)

Previous 2 pages have slight edits on them, mostly design related: bubles in 22th page is without black outlines now and I added a "visible music" on page 23.

Next page is NOT animated, or at least not fully. Initially I planned to make 2 dance animations, with a second being more complicated and also with frame-by-frame animated elements, but I droped this idea and will experiment with traditional animation some other time. 




that animation is incredible, very impressive!


That was mesmerizing, but I agree, she could do better


Very cute!! 😍


I figured she'd do the girly pop metal dance from goth TikTok! 😂

The Mu

Will this be the "boost" Raven need? 😜


Wow! and what's next with some motivation and effort?! Nice and cute animation, Bravo :)


These animated panels are so impressive. It's already so good but this is just over the top fantastic.


Is there any kind of song you had in mind playing for her to dance to? ^^


General idea is that while they are in a Disney movie (or any movie) they can hear the soundtrack. So basically pick a more fitting Aladdin tune)


Another delightful page -- love the sense of humor it has, and the encouragement for Raven to get a little more creative.


I'd like to suggest a couple of minor tweaks to the art, if I may. Both of these are for the inset panel where Raven is getting jolted. 1. If her top is sheer enough to even partially show her aureoles in the main frame, it should also be in the inset. 2. How about (involuntary) pokies as a reaction to the jolt going up her spine? They're kind of there in the main frame as well.


yo that pose in the punish panel is *chef's kiss*

Trevor Bond

If you wanna animate a little dance, you go right ahead lol!


How about this? A little old, and not Disney, but its just about the right tempo -- youtube.com/shorts/v8Lf8Smj1J4


Another amazing job.


We need more raven dancing


I need the comic to have this scene, and that should be more than enough!

SeaGull (aka FriendlyFire)

Nice work. He better remember that Star is right there next to him and she might react a little negatively to how he's 'encouraging' Raven to improve, he was rather careless during the first session after all.


Maybe this one will match a bit better? youtube.com/shorts/W8MhZVbx6uI Coming as it does from the kpop realm, CF should love it!

Second of Many

Hot dance! Bondage and dancing go well, especially when animated! And the animation is great. Loof forward to what dance she'll do next page

jerry jerome

wow. if only you could animate gag scenes


He is not harming Raven, he just bump the settings of Raven's belt for a short time. It's hard to convey this in one panel, but previously I drscribed that belts do not inflict direct pain.


I can, but that will require frame-by-frame animation, which would take a long time.


This kind of style require to be less detailed, so in a smaller panels I don't draw smaller elements


Also I have a scene much later where StarFire in a sweet maner will tell CF that if he really harm Raven, then "No-Kill-Rule will be off and you will die =)"


On the other hand, Star may start showing Raven some moves, to help her. Or advice like "move your whole body. not just your hips". CF hasn't forbidden her to do so


Said too many attempts when I tried. I'll try again later.

A fan

After just a break and costume change, Raven already rebelling again. Well, not outright, rather dancing mockingly. Yeah, she wouldn't go down easily.


I’ve started practicing with animation lately, mostly sticking with lineart for now, and this must have been pretty in depth!


I really love the animation, simple but very fluid. Especially the expression work on raven as it shifts.



jerry jerome

That makes sense. Wonder if that’s why anime gag scenes don’t usually show them getting gagged.

Behrad Bagheri

when we'll see the next page 🥲?