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Well, given how good Freddy comics is received and that people in comments want it flesh out, let's give it to vote.

Regardless of a vote results, I plan to sketch a second 3-4 page scene before Halloween is over, I have a good idea for it, just wanted to see how people react to first scene and is it worth spending time for.

This poll is more like: is this mini-comic can compete against current top 4 voted sketches. So keep in mind how did you voted for previous 50 contenders and if this one is really what you want to see fully drawn. 

Also it have disadvantage of being only half a month in the poll (against full month for other 50), but it also have advantage of better advertisement =)

You can see all variants here.

Back to part1

Part 2 is here

Of course if you didn't voted yet, do it! Competition pretty heated in the top, and also you can still push some middle-voted scetch to be choosen for Norendber


Second of Many

This is a fun idea! What about a similar voting slot for the bonus scene? That bonus scene was truly brilliant and even better that the already fun Nightmare on Elm Street comic. It was so evocative, unique and fun


it's a package deal, since it doesn't work without comics premise) Bonus scene is very easy to draw both in main style and quick style anyway


I am absolutely floored by the breadth of choices available! and I'm even inspired to vote for characters I've never heard of before! Bravo!!!

SeaGull (aka FriendlyFire)

A very strange back ground noise, there's a pulsating hum and a base duunnn dunnn… duuuunnnn duun…