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Some peoples portrait StarFire as a "slightly dumb" character, due to her naivity and cheerfullnes in the show. In actuality she is one of the smartest titans and even lead the team in comics when no Robins are around to hog the spotlight. She is just optimistic and literally not from this planet. So while Raven is completelly out of her element there, Star is more tough one, since she is sexually open and already were in slavery before.

Upd: Mirrored bottom panel and make it look at least slightly more like 2 panels. Also small edits everywhere.

One more page of the part 2 left. It will be relatively easy one, though I plan to make it slightly animated, not like the 13th one, just a little. Probably will finish it and finalise all pages before August ends.




The contrast between both of them is great. Starfire looks so fed up with everything in the last panel lol

Trevor Bond

Starfire's experience showing here. She's definitely better equipped to deal with this. Also I like that her concern isn't 'what can we do', it's 'how does this affect Raven'


Raven is so sensitive and Starfire is so unfazed (from chatting about the tech, to the murder seen in her eyes here), I love the contrast! I wonder how the reward for good behavior is gonna effect their attitudes.

A fan

Starfire would have no problems enjoying her punishments, compared to Raven, already evident during their long punishment. CF is technically holding Raven hostage and Starfire has to obey. What does CF have in mind once they actually start obeying?


Thanks for another great page. As always, I'm very curious as to what will happen next, especially in regards to the girls and the their reactions.


I love the way you continue to account for the physical (and emotional) differences between the two girls, accurate characterization means a lot to me...even in a comic like this. XD


If I use characters and "write" them out of character, I could just use original characters instead)


I am really thick so when you say that there is a link at the bottom of this post and when I get to the bottom of this post and there is no link that I can find I assume that I'm the idiot and you are not being deliberately vague for some reason perhaps you could find a easier way for idiots like me to see your excellent artwork instead of jumping through hoops that seemingly don't exist


shorturl.at/bgtu2 this one. And it's not your fault, my current method is complicated. I will use much easier one in part 3.


It's been the same dropbox link every time, just added to. Bookmark it for later reference once you're there.


I really want to know what the monologuing that's happening under raven and star's thoughts.


That's a good question! Aidenke the letterer here, and I can confirm that it is a ridiculous ramble that goes full ham as Control Freak can't help himself. Here's the full script behind those thought bubbles: "Isn’t that so much easier than resisting my orders? Now, you’ll see that this is a much more NATURAL STATE for you, as your bodies can stop fighting and serve me, experiencing nothing but pleasure as your reward for being good girls! You’ll have a much happier life as safe and cared for bondage pets -- the prizes of the great Control Freak’s collection! When your training is complete, you’ll be the happiest ladies in the world, and the envy of thousands--no, millions--of collections all over the planet, and beyond..."