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I finally fixed all nine pages and updated all pictures on Patreon.  I also added a tag for comics, so they pretty easy to find.

Main changes are on pages two to four, other pages have mostly minor edits.

5$ folder now contain final Hi-Res for all pages as well as older version, just so you can compare them, if somebody want that). 10$ have a psd for all pages.




Hi, I'm a 10$ Patreon of you awesome work. Where can I find the folders you allude to in this post ?


Hi! Thank for support ) you can access them through tags, in this case click "Reward".


Hi, is there a date where the other half is going to come out ?


No. I draw in a free time between job and private life + from now i gonna rotate comics pages and normal illustration. So more or less half a year to finish second half is a safe assumption, unless I reach my last goal.