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1, 2, 3 and 4 characters sketches. Perfection. 

I said previously that part 2 will be sooner and as usual life decided that I should be wrong. Though i not severely late this time =)

Poll will start in 2-3 days, to let new sketches settle first.


all sketches




That Jack and Miranda one is definitely my preference out of this set, with the Rapunzel one a close second.

jo holloway

Cerberus and rapunzel are my favorites in this little set.

Blue Wolf

Don't know anything about Cerberus/Helltaker but that picture is great. Very much enjoy all of these, thank you.

Second of Many

Some great pictures. Love the Gotham CIty villains have a kinky poker night, and really love that first Rapunzel picture. So sexy And the Mass Effect picture is a lot of fun