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- You sure this thing is gonna work?

- Trust me, I'm certain it won't blow up again.

- I'm just mes- BLOW UP?!

Changed design for Asami toy to closer look to her in-show tech. Bye-bye wire

UPD:  Made arms for both girls bigger and slightly muscular, made Korra skin slightly more darker, some minor fixes. all 5 and 10$ stuff  now on dropbox




This turned out looking lovely!

Second of Many

I love it. The toy looks amazing with the adjustments. I really love the details on their lingerie, which is jncredunky sexy and feels like something each of them would wear. I love Korra's lip bite and Adam's eyeshadow. Great job. Though is it the lighting, or is Korra's skin lighter than it should be? She is certainly darker than Asami, but not as dark as she usually is in the show. It might just be the lighting, as such lighting certainly never existed in the show, but wanted to check before wide release


Could you do one with Korra wearing a muzzle gag please?


Korra skin color is inconsistent in the show and she is not very dark I think.


sorry, muzzle gag is hard to draw quickly (it distort face a lot) and i don't have time for it currently


Ok no worries mate. If you ever get the chance I sure would appreciate it. Look after yourself in these troubled time. I'm going to increase my patronage to you to $20.


Ok no worries mate. If you ever get the chance I sure would appreciate it. Look after yourself in these troubled time. I'm going to increase my patronage to you to $20.