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Back to our "cameo" characters to wrap the story, but with a possibility for sequel, spin-off and maybe even cinematic universe  in a future.

Colors will be next, parallel to the monthly sketches




What an amazing twist, that all of this was due to Emma perpetrating vengeance upon Kitty for previous slights XD

Jason Claymore

I am very much ok with this ending.


I'd, for one, love to see a sequel or spin-off with Scott and Emma. Emma makes for such a sassy sub. XD


Emma Frost sequel please!


Great finish for this whole arc. I like Scott/Emma, but it'd be great to see more of Laura. Or Rogue. Really, any of them!


Mmmm, this makes the whole comic so much more delicious! :)


hahaha, that's a great twist XD This has be a fun ride and I would be up for a spin off series !

Second of Many

What a great ending. Loved their cameo earlier in the comic - one of my favourite pages. Great twist. Pure Emma Frost. Both her actions and her enjoyment in her bondage. And what great bondage to end on. If there is a sequel or spinoff, would love to see more of Emma