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Hey everyone! Wanted to make an update with this upcoming month that we will be removing patreon polls for now. Previous polls that we already did will still be drawn, and for the last few months that we've missed we will do something for it (not sure when, but it won't be forgotten about).

At some point we do plan on reworking the patreon as a whole, but until then we're taking things easy and keeping it at comics and commission uploads ;)

Appreciate everyone! <3



So in other words: the polls will remain on hiatus until you guys finally get around to reworking the patreon. Sounds reasonable enough. Though I feel like you’ve been mentioning this patreon rework since April lol. Do you guys have any details about this impending rework that you’d be willing share at this time? Like a possible timetable, or any planned changes to pricing? It’s fine if y’all are still in the pre-planning stages and don’t have any concrete plans to share with us yet. I’m just curious is all. Also, just to be 100% clear, you guys do plan on bringing the polls back at some point right? Or at least replace them with a different patron benefit post rework? It would be a real shame to outright lose the feature in the rework imho.


No problem👍


Originally we planned to do it in September, but there have been some things happening on our end that has been preventing us from doing so (mainly making changes that we wouldn't be able to keep up with atm) so we're just waiting until the time is right for us. Nothing to share yet, but I don't think it'll be anything crazy that would need any teasing haha We aren't sure yet tbh, we'll need to wait and see ^


Alright then, I guess we’ll see when the time comes. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Thank you for the response.