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Done as a commission




I found myself laughing far more than I found myself “blushing” while reading this comic. As sexy as any one of these scenes are individually, together they combine to create a really solid piece of ero-comedy. This feels like it came straight out of a really creative, seasonal ecchi comedy and I kinda love that. Conceptually this is excellent. I love the idea of a squadron of micro planes attacking a giantess’s crotch on it’s own, but adding the idol concert aspect was a stroke of genius. I could practically hear this comic every time Taihou reacted to what the micros were doing to her; watching her try and fail to maintain her composure throughout their onslaught was extremely entertaining. Hot and hilarious and in equal measure. This was a funny, well paced comic that executed on it’s concept brilliantly without overstaying it’s welcome. Fantastic work Shize! Thanks for the laughs!💕