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Hey people I just send a new  link with the same content to all of people how joined during November 2023, Hope it works this time, remember to logging to your dropbox account, it worked for most people :D

Thanks for your support :D




I got your message but it's giving me a 400 error


Okay what I'm gathering is that it works for most people, but not for some. Patreon's app keeps adding extra characters that aren't in the original link, but it happens only after I send it. If it happens again, just change the last few characters from "amp;dl=0" to just "dl=0" That should fix the issue! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8sx41ayemh707t3n4tp47/h?rlkey=lq9nti59s131nycuajq9trazw&dl=0