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Hey everyone!! I’ll be releasing content this month soon after my mini vacation and Re-Debut!! Remeber that Re-Debut is on the 9th of July!! At 2:00 am!! I hope you’ll be able to be there!!

I’m currently away from the Observatory! But once I’m back I’ll upload a very big sneak peek!! And some more content too!! Please wait patiently for my return honeys!

Keep in mind this month we will be having our monthly VR CHAT Meet ups! I miss you guys so much!! I can’t wait to hang out with you all~!! 💙

Love you all!! ✨💕



I will be there dear mom. Count on it. Have a fun time and stay safe. <3


Enjoy the rest of your vacay! Can't wait to see you back!


Said it before and I stand behind it: We miss you like strom troopers.


Miss you lots and lots can’t wait to see you again ❤️