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I know many of you are anticipating the voice packs for this month's tiers, I'm really, really sorry to say that there will be a delay on them as I need more time to get them done. I will be however making sure to deliver these voice packages to everyone through Discord, within the month of June.

I have been usually very good at delivering everything promised on time but I lately this month and last have been suffering from stress, IRL stuff, and creator's block so things have been slightly rough for me. I really do apologize and promise to improve myself and get back on track with everything. This is not professional of me and It's not fair to you guys as well.

I hope that this does not make you view me in a lesser manner, I am very sorry for being irresponsible regardless of my situation. I will do better and make sure to deliver promised content on time for you guys. I apologize for this and I hope to every new patron this month that, this does not make you think I'm a lazy content creator. I promise I will do better for you all, again I am sorry about this.

Please, Please look forward to these voice messages! I will be for sure uploading them to
DISCORD during June and to my Patreon in July when everything resumes again!

Thank you for understanding and for your patience, you guys are very sweet and kind to me, thank you truly for everything you do. ♥ 



You already told us you were going to be busy in May, it's all ok! Also, I kinda just assumed the voice packs were going to be coming out when the redebut happened and since that got delayed, it moved everything else :miilky1Pat:


It’s okay Miilky, we know you have a lot going on in life that’s just how life is, never forget that you are a wonderful and amazing person and deserving of love and praise, even if you’re late on some things we know that you’ll deliver on it eventually, things just take time, keep your chin up Miilky *headpats*


No te preocupes Miilky hay momentos que las cosas se ponen difíciles así que tu tranquila. Enfocate en lo tuyo que nosotros entendemos, okay. Cuídate mucho.😘 *Headpats*


is there something i need to do to get them on discord when available? like a special role or something lmk


You should have access to the Patreon only part of the discord where I'll be posting them!