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This is going to be a looooong post! 

Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I'm an avid fan of Dungeons and Dragons and have for a long while DMed for an adult-rated homebrew universe I put together for a group of friends. 

They're not the most orthrodox of players and frequently get up to less-than-appropriate/legal shenanigans, one of which has been immortalised in this slightly embellished scene.

Here we see the party's frontliner - an Elf Drubarian (Druid-Barbarian) - deviously causing a scene so the others can engage in some unseen larceny. Being part of a sneaky team, Drubarian frequently uses his druid shapeshifting abilities to either boost or disguise the incredible muscles that come with being a barbarian. 

Although the tavern's other patrons don't know this. Yet.

Being a rough, rowdy type of establishment, it's not long before some beefcakes take offence to the skinny twink strutting around in his underwear. As they confront him, Mr. Drubarian returns to his usual build, exploding with so much muscle so quickly he turns himself on. The beefcakes make their saving throws - the human fails his and becomes intimidated, and the orc fails so critically he becomes deeply aroused by what he sees.

Capitalising on the orc's arousal, Drubarian decides he'll hulk out even further, and his muscles grow so unfathomably massive his monster explodes in the middle of the tavern for all to see. For his part, the human can't help but turn tail and flee. The orc, on the other hand, reaches out for Drubarian's flexed hulk-arm in disbelief, instantly blowing his load when he realises he's found a fellow barbarian so much shorter and yet so much more muscular than he. The next day, the party leaves the tavern with one more member in tow.

Not pictured - Orc-Dude lathering Drubarian with 'warm cream' in the privacy of Drubarian's room. They also spend the night polishing their 'weapons' and admiring each other's muscles by the fireplace. 





Johnny Gayzmonic

I effin' love this. I've been playing D&D for literally something like 30 years. Ever since 1st edition. I'm working on a homebrew world that incorporates a fair amount of sexuality into it, as well.

Lux Abrasax

Sounds hot! Wish I could be part of that game! 😏🤓


Specific focus on how the short 'little' elf doesn't get any taller, just huger and wider.


I hope you're including huge, musclebound orcs with more testosterone than they know what to do with. 😏


Maybe have a D&D game sometime with some SuperWaffle patreon members!


Loooooved it 😍😍😍