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Notifications for Edited Posts

  • Yes 140
  • No 70
  • 2024-01-16
  • 210 votes
{'title': 'Notifications for Edited Posts', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes', 'votes': 140}, {'text': 'No', 'votes': 70}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 16, 6, 39, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 210}


R.Collins has kindly agreed to edit my new posts for me. The question I have is, do you want Patreon notifications when I replace a post with the edited version? This will likely happen a couple of days after the original post. 



IMHO, it's needed. Most times I suspect the changes will be minor, but there's always a chance that there will be major changes or retro-changes as a story evolves.


I usually read stories more than once as is, so if there are minor edits it won’t be too noticeable, but that might just be me

Finn Ryan

I feel like maybe wait for a big batch of them to be edited before letting us know.

R Brown

Maybe limit notices to major changes or things that cause a shift in direction, not spelling or grammar fixes. I would say to put an edit into the post that it had been beta'd, for those who do care. I've seen several authors that have a regular lag between initial post and beta do as such.

Doug Barton

I'm a yes, but if you're concerned about overwhelming us with notices, I would be Ok with not having them for the unedited versions. No insult intended, there isn't a writer out there who doesn't benefit from a good editor, and I personally find that the typos, etc. take me out of the story, so I will only be looking at the edited versions. Also wanted to say that this is a great step, I'm really excited for you, and what it will mean for the quality of your writing overall.