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I'm sorry, but there's going to be a delay in the next chapter. I felt fine yesterday morning, but by the afternoon I was so violently ill that I had to be taken to the hospital because of my fever. I'm back home now, got released just this morning once they were sure it was under control. I'll do my best to get back to writing as soon as I can, but I think I might need to take a couple of days off to recover. I hate leaving you guys waiting like this, I genuinely love writing and seeing the comments, good and bad, but sometimes it just can't be helped. Take care everyone, I'll be back at it soon. 



Health first, stories second. Take plenty of rest and lots of water. Take care.


You continuing to be able to write in the future is more important than an update coming weekly Quill. Take no chances with your health, i speak from personal experience. My thanks for the update on the delay but please please take care of yourself first.


Hey, take care of yourself first. We aren't going anywhere. :) I'll pray for your speedy recovery.


Take care of yourself first


IRL first


Dude, just take care of yourself. I'm sure all of us want you healthy and happy before everything else, and the one that dont, well, they can go screw themselves. I would much rather have to wait a few days and know that you're getting better, than get a chapter to a story, knowing that you weren't healthy while writing it. Glad to know you're out of the hospital, and I hope you continue to get well


Take care hope you feel better soon


Get well soon


Take care of yourself. We can reread stories and try to guess where they might go. Only you can prove our guesses correct or not Nd I at least can wait on that. Your health is more important so get some rest.

Nova Sana

Appreciate letting us know, but absolutely no apology needed! Take care!