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Dorm Party

A/N: All characters have been aged up to be 18 or older. Takes place in an AU where Ron and Lavender and Harry and Ginny never dated.

Hermione sighed in annoyance as she watched Lavender and Parvati run around, getting ready for the slumber party they had planned. She was glad they were celebrating Katie’s return to Hogwarts after her stay in St. Mungo’s, but she just wished they’d do it more quietly.

As she thought that, Ginny, Demelza, and Romilda came into the room, laughing and chattering loudly. Hermione rolled her eyes and turned back to her book, only to wince a moment later when they tried to move the beds to make room and scraped the legs across the floor.

“Don’t scratch the floor!” Parvati yelled. “McGonagall will kill us.”

“Sorry,” Demelza said.

With a swish and flick, she levitated the bed out of the way, clearing a large spot on the floor where they made a nest of pillows and blankets. Hermione was distracted from her reading – again - when Ginny jumped onto her bed.

“Come on, Hermione,” she said. “Put the books away for one night and come have some fun.”

“This is fun,” Hermione said. “Besides, I have a test next week.”

Rolling her eyes, Ginny plucked the book out of her hands and closed it with a snap.

“Ginny!” Hermione exclaimed.

“You can take one night off from studying to have some fun with your friends,” Ginny said.

Sighing, Hermione ran a hand through her hair.

“Fine,” she sighed, knowing they’d keep bothering her until she gave in anyways.

“Good,” Ginny beamed. “Now go put on your pajamas, grab a pillow, and come join us on the floor.”

“Can we at least push the beds together so we can sit on the mattresses?” Hermione asked. “The floor gets really cold at night.”

“That’s a good idea,” Ginny smiled.

Hopping off Hermione’s bed, she shared a quick word with Lavender and Katie. Excitedly, they whipped out their wands and moved all of the beds together in two rows of three. Hermione was jostled as her bed moved, her squawk of surprise causing the other girls to laugh. Shaking her head, she climbed off her bed, grabbed a pair of flannel pants and a tank top from her wardrobe, and went to the bathroom to get changed.

As she walked back into the dorm, there was a tap at the window. Katie rushed over with a grin and threw open the window, allowing a large, brown barn owl to swoop in. Untying the brown paper-wrapped package from its leg, the owl took off into the night while she enlarged the package and opened it.

“Look what I got,” Katie sang, holding up bottles of Butterbeer and Firewhiskey.

Hermione had to stamp down on the desire to confiscate the bottles and turn them into McGonagall. As a Prefect, it was her job to stop this sort of thing, but looking over at Katie and remembering that horrific incident with the cursed necklace, she just couldn’t bring herself to do it.

“I better not lose my badge over this,” she muttered to herself.

A moment later, she forced a smile on her face when Katie handed her a Butterbeer.

“Where did you get this?” Parvati asked, popping the cork and taking a sip.

“Fred and George,” Katie smiled. “I asked them to send it to me.”

“Oh, sure, they do that for you,” Ginny muttered. “If I asked, they’d just laugh.”

“That’s because I have blackmail,” Katie smirked.

“What blackmail?” Ginny asked eagerly.

“Fred and George used to switch who was dating Angelina and who was dating Alicia,” Katie said.

“That’s horrible,” Demelza said, wrinkling her nose.

“What the twins don’t realize is that Angelina and Alicia already know,” Katie smirked.

Even Hermione had to giggle at the thought of innocent Katie Bell getting one over on the twins. They talked for a few more minutes before Parvati broke out a deck of Exploding Snaps. The conversation quickly turned to a subject Hermione hated. Boys.

“Ron’s been looking quite fit lately,” Lavender said.

“Neville’s grew up nicely over the Summer, too,” Parvati added.

“I can’t believe Ginny broke up with Dean,” Romilda frowned.

“He’s a good guy,” Ginny shrugged. “He’s just not the guy for me.”

“What about you, Hermione?” Demelza asked. “Do you have your eye on anyone?”

“Not really,” Hermione replied. “I just want to concentrate on my studies.”

“Come on, Hermione,” Lavender whined. “There has to be someone you’re interested in.”

“Sorry,” Hermione shrugged. “I’m not.”

Rolling her eyes, she sat back and listened quietly as the discussion moved on around her. It didn’t take long for them to get around to talking about Harry. Romilda got especially excited about the subject, while Ginny was suspiciously quiet. Katie got quite talkative about him, and Hermione suspected that the alcohol was starting to go to her head.

“Harry’s a lot more fit than you’d think,” Katie said, giggling as her cheeks flushed. “I’ve seen him shirtless a lot, and his abs are ripped.”

Hermione squirmed, feeling a little uncomfortable hearing them talk about her best friend like that.

“I wanna know how big his wand is,” Romilda said suggestively.

Hermione rolled her eyes while the others laughed loudly. As they calmed, a sly look came over Katie’s face.

“You’d have to ask Demelza about that,” she smirked.

Demelza blushed heavily as everyone turned to her in shock.

“You’ve seen Harry’s broom?” Lavender asked.

“Did you get to ride it?” Parvati asked, causing more laughter.

“It was an accident!” Demelza yelled embarrassedly. “I forgot my soap, and I’m allergic to the one Katie uses, so I went to borrow some from the boy’s shower. I thought they’d left already. I wouldn’t have gone in there if I knew Harry was still in the shower.”

“Just to give you a better picture, Demelza was naked when she went in there, too,” Katie explained. “All Ginny and I heard was a loud squeak, and then Demelza came rushing back into the shower, blushing all the way down to her belly button. She refused to tell us what happened, but we figured it out when we went back to the locker room, and Harry was blushing just as much as she was.”

“How big was he?” Romilda asked eagerly.

“I don’t know if I should say,” Demelza hesitated. “Harry wasn’t… you know… at his best.”

“Please,” Lavender pleaded, fluttering her eyelashes and clasping her hands in front of her chest.

Hermione rolled her eyes while Demelza gave in and held her fingers a few inches apart. The other girls squealed loudly and giggled, grating her nerves.

“Do we really have to talk about this?” she asked.

“That’s bigger than Seamus when he’s hard,” Lavender snickered, completely ignoring Hermione.

“When did you see Seamus?” Katie asked.

“I gave him a handjob after the Ball,” Lavender admitted with a shrug.

“What’s the farthest you’ve gone with a guy?” Romilda asked.

“Ever?” Lavender asked, to which Romilda nodded. “I’ve given a few blowjobs.”

The girls giggle around Hermione before turning to Parvati expectantly.

“I’ve only snogged,” she replied.

“I gave Dean a handjob before we broke up,” Ginny admitted.

Demelza blushed as everyone turned to her.

“I haven’t done anything,” she muttered, hunching in on herself self-consciously.

“Neither have I,” Hermione said, offering some support to the younger witch.

“You didn’t do anything with Krum after the Ball?” Parvati asked incredulously.

Hermione rolled her eyes. Even two years after the Ball, rumors were still running wild.

“Viktor gave me a kiss on the cheek and wished me goodnight,” she told them. “That’s all that happened. I don’t know where some people get these wild theories from.”

“We need to get you two some experience,” Parvati giggled. “I can’t believe neither of you have even kissed a guy yet.”

“I’ll be right back,” Lavender said, jumping to her feet.

Curiously, she didn’t go to the bathroom like Hermione expected. She left the dorm entirely. With a furrowed brow, she turned back to the others and looked at them questioningly. The other girls shrugged their shoulders.

“Well, while we wait for Lavender to get back, how about we have a shot of Firewhiskey?” Katie asked.

Pulling the bottle out of the package sitting on the floor, she popped the cork and took a big swig. A grimace passed over her face as she swallowed, and a moment later, she tilted her head back and let out a breath full of bright orange flames with a woosh. Handing the bottle to Ginny, the redhead took an equally big swig before passing it on to Parvati. The girls passed it around in a circle until it got to Hermione.

Throwing her head back, she took more of a mouthful than she intended. Hermione grimaced from the sharp burn of the high alcohol content and swallowed in two big gulps. A large gout of orange and red flames escaped her lips before she started coughing hard, her eyes watering. Laughing, Ginny leaned over and patted her upper back roughly.

“Was that your first time drinking Firewhiskey?” Katie asked.

“No,” Hermione replied hoarsely. “I had some in third year when you won the Quidditch Cup. I just didn’t remember it being so strong. Is that a different brand?”

“No,” Katie giggled. “Fred and George watered that stuff down to make it last longer. That and they didn’t want to get in too much trouble with McGonagall for getting third years pissed. Want some more?”

“No, thank you,” Hermione said, pushing the bottle away.

Katie laughed as Hermione tried to soothe her throat with a sip of Butterbeer. The door to the dorm opened, and Lavender returned with an excited grin on her face.

“Where did you go?” Parvati asked.

“To find a boy,” Lavender grinned as Hermione glared at her suspiciously.

“What do you mean ‘find a boy?’” she asked.

“Well, truth or dare is a lot more fun with a boy,” Lavender said, swinging her long, curly blonde hair over her shoulder. “Besides, we need to get you two your first kiss.”

Demelza blushed while Hermione glared angrily. Did Lavender really think she was just going to kiss some boy she picked at random so she could check it off some sort of list?

“Who did you find?” Parvati asked before Hermione could respond.

“You’ll see,” Lavender smirked.

“Boys can’t get into the girls’ dorm,” Hermione reminded Lavender and herself. “It’ll set off the alarm.”


Flying around the side of Gryffindor Tower, Harry peeked in the window of the sixth year girls’ dorm. He furrowed his brow when he noticed the beds pushed together and the girls sitting on the mattresses in a circle. Even more oddly, it wasn’t just Lavender, Hermione, and Parvati. Ginny, Romlida, Demelza and Katie were there as well. Shrugging to himself, he tapped on the window.

Lavender shot Hermione a smug smirk before making her way over to the window and pushing it open. Flying in, he landed lightly on the floor and sighed in relief when the alarm didn’t go off. It had only been a small worry, but a worry nonetheless.

“Harry?” Hermione asked incredulously.

“Hey,” Harry waved and smiled. “So, what’s the problem? Lavender said you needed some help.”

“And we’re so glad you’re here,” Lavender beamed, hugging his arm between her breasts while Hermione glared at her for some reason. “We really need your help. You see, we’re having a bit of a slumber party to welcome Katie back to Hogwarts, and we wanted to play a game of truth or dare.”

“O-kay,” Harry said, allowing himself to be led over to the bed.

Kicking off his shoes, he climbed onto the bed. With a smile, Katie handed him a Butterbeer, and he couldn’t help but notice her distinct lack of a bra under her thin t-shirt. In fact, none of the girls was wearing a bra, he realized. That was especially clear with Ginny, Demelza, and Hermione, whose nipples were poking against the fabric of their tops. While Demelza probably had the smallest breasts compared to the other girls, she certainly had the longest, hardest nipples. Lavender climbed onto the bed after him, her large, perky breasts swaying and bouncing alluringly under her shirt. Taking a sip from his Butterbeer, he watched Parvati take an empty bottle and tap it with her wand, causing it to float a few inches above the mattress.

“I’m not going to get caught in here, am I?” Harry asked, only half joking. “I’d rather not have detention for the rest of the year.”

The girls giggled, with the rather predictable exception of Hermione, and Katie bumped his shoulder.

“When has the threat of detention ever stopped you before?” she asked, smiling prettily.

Harry tilted his head back and forth in thought and then smiled with a shrug.

“Good point,” he said, taking a sip of Butterbeer as the girls laughed again.

Taking out her wand, Katie shot a basic Locking Charm at the door.

“There,” she said. “That should give you a few seconds to get out if McGonagall shows up for some reason.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” Hermione huffed.

Taking out her wand, she sent a series of complex and powerful charms at the door, none of which Harry recognized. Setting her wand back down on the bed, she turned back and blushed to find the girls staring at her in surprise while he smiled at her knowingly.

“What?” she asked.

“You’re helping us?” Parvati asked in surprise. “I half expected you to go running to Professor McGonagall.”

“Well, it’s not like I want to see Harry get into trouble… again,” Hermione said, giving him a look.

“Don’t look at me. This wasn’t my idea,” Harry said, raising his hands placatingly.

Clucking her tongue, Hermione rolled her eyes while Katie handed him a bottle of Firewhiskey. Taking a gulp, he blew out flames and handed it back. Before she could take it, however, Romilda reached out and snatched it from her hand. Keeping her eyes on Harry, she ran her tongue around the rim before taking a sip. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, he turned back to look at Parvati.

“So, who wants to go first?” she asked.

“I will,” Lavender said excitedly.

“Wait, what are the rules?” Harry asked.

Lavender and Parvati froze, staring at him in shock.

“You’ve never heard of truth or dare?” Lavender asked incredulously.

Blushing lightly and cursing the Dursleys in his mind, Harry shook his head.

“It’s simple,” Katie said. “Someone spins the bottle, and whoever it lands on has to pick truth or dare. Truth means you have to answer any question honestly. A dare is… well, a dare. Once you’re done, you get to spin the bottle, and it starts all over again. If you don’t answer or refuse the dare, you have to take a shot of Firewhiskey.”

“Alright,” Harry nodded.

Smiling, Lavender grabbed the floating bottle and gave it a spin. They all watched as it gradually slowed more and more before coming to rest with the neck pointing at Parvati.

“Truth or dare?” Lavender asked, grinning.

“Dare,” Parvati said without hesitation.

“I dare you to flash your tits,” Lavender told her.

Harry’s eyebrows shot up while Parvati blushed and laughed. He was nearly convinced it was some kind of joke before she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and drew it up to her chin. He only got a glimpse of her grapefruit-sized, pointed breasts and dark nipples before they were covered up again to the sound of girlish laughter.

“I’m so getting you back for that,” Parvati promised, grabbing the bottle.

Lavender gave her a smirk while Parvati spun the bottle. This time, it landed on Ginny, who threw the Indian witch a challenging look.

“Dare,” she declared.

Parvati hummed in thought, tapping her finger on her chin. Leaning over, Lavender whispered in her ear.

“I dare you to sit in Harry’s lap and let him play with your boobs until your turn is over,” Parvati said.

“Really?” Hermione asked while Harry blinked in surprise. “Isn’t this going a bit too far?”

“It’s fine, Hermione,” Ginny said, crawling over to Harry and sitting between his legs. “No one’s being forced to do anything they don’t want to do. It’s just a bit of fun. Relax. Stop acting like a Prefect and just enjoy yourself for once.”

Grabbing Harry’s hand, Ginny looked over her shoulder and quirked her lips in a smile as she moved them under her loose t-shirt and up to her chest. He swallowed nervously as he cupped her breasts, his excitement swelling in his pajamas. Her breasts felt larger than he expected them to. While still small, the soft globes more than filled his palms, stiff nipples rubbing against his palms. Ginny moved her hands away from his, leaving him to gently and tentatively grope her breasts while she spun the bottle. A giggle rippled through the room when it landed on Hermione.

“Truth,” she said.

Ginny thought for a long moment. She wiggled in Harry’s lap, her bum rubbing against his erection. At first, he thought it was unintentional, but when she did it a second time, he knew it wasn’t. Fighting down a blush, he got back at her by lightly squeezing one of her nipples. In response, Ginny leaned back against his chest and ground her bum hard against his straining length.

“What guy at Hogwarts do you fantasize about most?” she asked suddenly.

Hermione’s cheeks flushed, and she licked her lips. Twice, she opened her mouth to speak, only to close it with a snap before she could utter a word. Eventually, she gave up and reached for the bottle of Firewhiskey.

“Oh, come on, Hermione,” Lavender whined.

Taking a swig, she grimaced from the taste and blew out a breath of flames. Her neck and cheeks remained flushed as she passed the bottle back to Katie, and it made Harry wonder how much she’d had to drink.

Turning in his lap, Ginny gave him a smile and a wink before moving back to her seat. Harry had to sit with one knee raised to conceal his erection. Meanwhile, Hermione spun the bottle, and it landed on Demelza.

“Um, dare?” the tiny brunette said nervously.

Before Hermione could speak, Lavender leaned over and whispered furiously in her ear.

“Oh, fine,” Hermione huffed. “I dare you to kiss Harry for five seconds.”

Blushing heavily, Demelza crawled over to him and sat on her knees nervously, her bottom lip caught between her teeth cutely. Harry gave her a reassuring smile as he cupped her cheek and leaned forward. Their lips touched lightly at first, and surprisingly, it was Demelza who deepened it, mashing her lips against his. As the girls counted to five around them, he ran his tongue along her lips and pulled back. Harry smiled at the flushed, dazed look on her face while the girls clapped and cheered around them.

Moving back to her spot, Demelza spun the bottle. This time, it landed on Katie.

“I dare you to kiss Harry,” Demelza said, not even bothering to ask what she wanted.

Smiling, Katie turned to Harry and gave him a shrug. Scooting a little closer, he wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned close. Katie met him much more confidently than Demelza had. Threading her fingers through his hair, they started snogging heavily, tongues exploring each other’s mouths. It was a long moment before they finally parted breathlessly. They smiled brightly at each other before Harry pulled her in for a tight hug.

“It’s good to have you back,” he whispered.

Smiling, Katie squeezed him hard, then pecked him on the lips when she pulled back. Grabbing the bottle, she gave it a spin. Romilda got excited when it began to slow, then frowned when it passed her and landed on Lavender.

“Dare,” she said, giggling.

“I dare you to… take off your shirt for the rest of your turn,” Katie said.

Parvati laughed loudly as Lavender blushed. Ginny, Demelza, and Romilda egged her on.

“Take it off! Take it off!” they chanted.

Though she was blushing heavily, Lavender grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head in one swift motion. Her large, perky breasts bounced and jiggled with the movements of her body. Harry was amazed that they could be so big yet sag so little. Her areolas were about the size of Galleons and pink, with small red nipples in the center. He was snapped out of his awestruck staring when the girls cheered and laughed. Sharing a glance with Hermione, and even she was giggling, though from the redness of her cheeks, he was certain the alcohol was starting to get to her.

When Harry looked back at Lavender, she smiled at him and deliberately shook her breasts before breaking into giggles. After she calmed down, she spun the bottle, which landed on Hermione.

“Do a dare, Hermione,” Katie called.

“Dare! Dare! Dare!” the girls chanted.

“Alright!” Hermione yelled, a smile tugging at her lips. “Dare. But nothing bad.”

“I dare you to kiss Harry for ten seconds,” Lavender said.

Harry forced himself to look away from Lavender’s amazing breasts and turn to Hermione. She bit her lip as she looked at him nervously. He gave her a reassuring smile and tried to hide the slight hurt he felt when she reached for the bottle of Firewhiskey.

“Oh no,” Katie said, pulling the bottle away. “You’re not getting out of this one.”

“I can’t kiss him in front of everyone,” Hermione said blushingly.

Grinning, Lavender jumped off of the beds, her large breasts bouncing all over the place as she rushed over to the closest wardrobe and threw open the doors. Pushing the clothes to the sides, she pulled her wand out of her waistband and gave it a wave and a wiggle. Using a surprisingly complicated spell, she enlarged the inside until it was about the size of a small broom cupboard.

“Where did you learn to do that?” Hermione asked.

“I use Expansion charms all the time when I go shopping,” Lavender said. “Now, come on, get in.”

“You want us to go in there?” Hermione asked incredulously.

“Well, you didn’t want to kiss him in front of us, so here you go,” Lavender said.

Harry looked at Hermione, waiting to see how she would react. With a sigh, she climbed off of the bed and walked over to the wardrobe. He followed her over when they were suddenly pushed inside by Lavender and Parvati, and the doors were slammed shut with a laugh. Neither Harry nor Hermione could see a thing, and in the tight space, they bumped into each other a few times until they got situated. He had to keep his hips back to keep his straining erection from pressing against her thigh.

“Are you okay with this?” Harry asked softly.

“I’m fine,” Hermione said, her breathing oddly heavy. “Let’s just get this over with.”

Nodding, even though she couldn’t see him, he leaned forward. Unfortunately, in the darkness, they both tilted their heads in the same direction, causing their noses to bump together. Laughing quietly, they both tilted their heads to the other side and laughed again.

“Here,” Harry said, cupping her cheeks.

Leaning forward, he held her head still and tilted his head to the side. He kissed her softly at first, but Hermione, surprisingly, pressed herself against him and kissed him harder. Her thigh ground against his erection, causing him to groan into her mouth. Harry left one hand on her back while the other trailed down to her bum without any conscious thought. Hermione moaned, clutching at his shoulders as their tongues met.

Neither of them noticed when the wardrobe doors were opened. It wasn’t until they heard clapping and cheers that they finally broke apart. Flushed and breathless, Hermione took one look at her dormmates standing around the wardrobe and hid her face in his chest. Chuckling, Harry rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head.

“Way to go, Hermione!” Katie cheered.

“See, I told you she wasn’t gay,” Parvati said to Romilda.

Hermione looked up in surprise.

“You thought I was gay?” she asked.

Romilda shrugged unapologetically, “Well, it’s not like you’ve ever shown an interest in boys before. You had Krum as your date to the Yule Ball, and you’re best friends with the most eligible bachelor in England, but you’ve never tried to do anything with either of them. It would’ve made sense.”

Rolling her eyes, Hermione leaned up and gave Harry a deep but brief kiss before stepping out of the wardrobe. As she did, Demelza gasped, her eyes going wide at the sight of his erection tenting the front of his flannel pajama pants.

“Well, I  guess Harry liked that kiss,” Katie smirked, causing Hermione to blush fiercely.

“I think part of that is because Lav’s tits are flopping all over the place,” Parvati added.

“My tits don’t flop,” Lavender yelped. “Do they, Harry?”

She stood in front of him and bounced on the balls of her feet, the motion carrying to her large, impossibly perky breasts.

“Definitely not floppy,” Harry said, his eyes following her pale, perfect globes.

The girls laughed as they climbed back onto the beds. After grabbing fresh Butterbeers, Hermione spun the bottle.

“Oh, come on!” Romilda yelled when it stopped just short of her and landed on Ginny.

“Dare,” Ginny said.

“Um,” Hermione hummed thoughtfully. “I don’t know… flash Harry.”

The girls cheered, both at the dare and the fact Hermione was finally relaxing and getting into the spirit of the game. Smiling, Ginny caught Harry’s eye and pulled up her shirt. Rather than stopping at her chin, she pulled it completely over her head and tossed it on the bed, displaying her small breasts. They were roughly the same size as Parvati’s, though more rounded than pointed. Her nipples were also different. They were thicker than Parvati’s and dark red instead of brown.

“I didn’t say you had to take your shirt off,” Hermione said.

Ginny shrugged, her perky breasts jiggling slightly, “It’s more fun this way. Besides, I don’t hear Harry complaining.”

“And you never will,” Harry said, raising his Butterbeer with a wink. “Feel free to go topless anytime you want.”

“I’m sure Ron would love that,” she smirked.

Quickly, she gave the bottle a spin. Romilda huffed when it landed on the other side of her, pointing at Lavender.

“I don’t think that bottle likes us very much,” Harry said, smiling at Romilda. “It hasn’t landed on me either.”

“Dare,” Lavender said.

“I dare you to take Harry into the wardrobe and let him do anything he wants to you for one minute,” Ginny said, smirking challengingly.

Lavender’s mouth fell open as the other girls laughed at her. Teasingly, Katie held up the half-empty bottle of Firewhiskey and shook it. Turning her nose up at it, she climbed off the bed and walked over to the wardrobe, looking over her shoulder at Harry expectantly. Sharing a look with the other girls, he shrugged and followed her.

“Time starts when the door closes,” Ginny said, holding her wand.

Harry and Lavender stepped inside. The doors weren’t even fully closed when she grabbed the back of his head and kissed him heatedly. His hands immediately sought out her full, plump breasts, kneading them gently. They felt amazing in his hands, her soft, smooth flesh spilling out between his fingers. Moaning into his mouth, Lavender pushed her chest into his hands and reached for his waistband. Suddenly, her hand plunged into his boxers, and she wrapped her small hand around his length.

They snogged passionately while he groped her breasts, and she stroked his erection. Lavender alternated between stroking his shaft and trailing her fingernails up and down his length. Her nipples hardened against his palms, small, delicate nubs rubbing against his skin. When she ground her heel against his base, Harry bucked his hips forward with a desperate groan. That was the moment the door opened, loud cheers and whistles coming from the girls.

Pulling back with a saucy smile, Lavender trailed her nails along his shaft as she pulled her hands out of his pants. Giving him a quick, searing kiss, she left the wardrobe, his hands slowly falling from her breasts.

“How big is it?” Romilda asked eagerly.

Harry blushed as Lavender held her fingers a good distance apart, and the girls, even Hermione, giggled girlishly and glanced back at the tent in his pants.

“Is he bigger than Dean?” Parvati asked Ginny as they crawled back onto the bed.

“Much,” Ginny said definitively.

Harry, though a little embarrassed, felt his pride swell. The girls chattered for a little while longer before Lavender spun the bottle. Finally, it landed on Romilda, who bounced on the mattress excitedly.

“Dare,” she said, swinging her dark hair over her shoulder.

“I dare you to take off your shirt and give Harry a blowjob for one minute,” Lavender said.

The girls laughed and cheered. Meanwhile, Romilda didn’t hesitate in the slightest to take off her shirt, revealing her full, round breasts – only slightly smaller than Lavender’s – and crawled over to Harry with a smirk. He swallowed nervously when she grabbed his waistband and pulled it down, freeing his rigid length. His erection leapt free, bobbing eagerly in front of her face. The girls cheered and shifted around for a better view.

Romilda looked up at Harry with a smoky gaze and kissed the head softly. Laying down on her stomach between his legs, she propped her upper body up on her elbows, one hand wrapping around his shaft. Stroking him twice, she held him vertically and licked him from base to tip. As she reached the head, she opened her mouth and wrapped them around him before descending a couple of inches. Harry tilted his head back and groaned from the feeling of her tongue swirling around his sensitive glans.

Moaning, she kept her eyes on his as she bobbed up and down. Running his fingers through her hair, Harry leaned back on his elbows and luxuriated in the amazing sensation.

“How far down can you go?” Lavender asked.

Romilda shrugged her shoulders and hummed around him, drawing a groan from his lips. Scooting forward so her face was directly over his pelvis, she plunged her mouth onto his length. She made it nearly two-thirds of the way down his shaft before she gagged harshly and was forced to pull back, eyes watering. Coughing, she cleared her throat and tried again. This time, she made it just a little further and held him there, his tip pressed against the entrance of her throat. Harry couldn’t help but buck his hips at the feeling.

“Time’s up,” Ginny called.

Harry groaned disappointedly as Romilda pulled off of him, leaving his length soaked in her saliva.

“I bet I could do better than that,” Lavender said, reaching out to stroke his shaft. “you don’t mind if I try, do you, Harry?”

“Er, no, not at all,” Harry said, prompting giggles from the girls.

Smiling, Lavender bent down and wrapped her full, pink lips around him. He throbbed in her mouth as she sucked hard and bobbed up and down, dragging her lips along her skin. Suddenly, she plunged downwards, swallowing inch after inch with ease. It wasn’t until she got to within an inch of the base that she stopped and gagged loudly. Despite the tears gathering in her eyes and her choking, she held herself in place, keeping him buried in her tight, convulsing throat.

“Fuck!” Harry grunted, barely stopping himself from bucking his hips.

Lavender held herself down for an impressively long time before pulling back sharply and sucking in a deep breath, a smug smile on her lips.

“Slut,” Parvati said, nudging her shoulder.

“How do you do that?” Romilda asked.

“You have to relax your throat,” Lavender said. “I practice with a Muggle dildo.”

Harry throbbed excitedly at the thought, causing the girls to laugh.

“Can we get back to the game?” Hermione asked, looking a little uncomfortable.

“It’s kind of mean leaving Harry like this, isn’t it?” Katie asked, reaching out to wrap her hand around him, stroking him lightly.

“You can get him off if you want to,” Lavender shrugged.

Smiling, Katie took a big swig from the Firewhiskey bottle before pulling her shirt over her head. Her breasts, maybe a cup size smaller than Lavender’s, stood straight out from her chest. They jutted out like two cone-shaped mounds of flesh capped with light pink, puffy areolas and small nipples hidden in the middle. They bounced alluringly as she shifted to her bum and pulled off her pants and panties, completely revealing her athletic body.

Instead of crawling between his legs, she straddled them and pressed her hairless mound against his throbbing length. Surprised, Harry grabbed her hips and held her in place.

“Katie, are you sure about this?” he asked, worried she might’ve had too much to drink.

She smiled softly and leaned down to kiss him on the lips.

“I’ve wanted to do this for years,” she whispered.

Kissing him hard, she ground her damp folds along his length, drawing a groan from his lips. Suddenly, she sat up and, before Harry could react, lined him up with her entrance and speared herself on his length. He gasped at the feeling of her tight, silky smooth depths wrapping around his shaft. Bottoming out, Katie stiffened at sat still as a statue, eyes closed and mouth open.

“Om my god, are you okay?” Hermione asked worriedly.

Katie held up a finger and let out a trembling breath. Harry stayed perfectly still, caressing her thighs soothing as she slowly relaxed.

“Probably should’ve done that a bit slower,” she joked.

“Are you hurt?” Demelza asked.

“No,” Katie said, rolling her hips tentatively. “I just went too fast. It hurt for a minute, but I’m fine now.”

Lifting herself up a couple of inches, she eased herself down and moaned softly.

“Oh, that feels so good,” she moaned.

Leaning over Harry, she kissed him while his hands moved to her breasts. Katie rolled her hips rhythmically, riding him at a slow, steady pace.

“I should’ve done this two years ago,” she whispered.

“How does it feel?” Lavender asked curiously.

“Amazing,” Katie said, pushing herself back up with her hands braced on his chest.

Closing her eyes, she really started bouncing up and down on him. The mattress squeaked under him as she drove herself down onto his length. Remembering Sirius’s advice, Harry cupped one bouncing breast with one hand while moving the other down to her mound. Pressing his thumb down just above her clit, he wiggled it back and forth, drawing a harsh groan from Katie’s lips.

“Oh, fuck!” she gasped.

Katie began bouncing even harder, lifting herself up to the tip of his length before plunging back down. Harry used the rebound from the mattress to thrust, sending her back up his length, where the whole process started again. It was an amazing sensation, and given everything Harry had already experienced, it didn’t take him long to feel his climax approaching. Moving his thumb down, he pressed his thumb directly against her clit. Katie threw her head back and cried out, her depths tightening and fluttering around his length. Knowing that she’d reached her peak, Harry didn’t bother trying to hold back any longer. With a grunt, he thrust up and erupted in her depths.

Katie gasped and fell forward, collapsing on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her as they rode out their climaxes.

“Merlin!” Demelza gasped. “I can’t believe you actually did that.”

“I can’t believe they had sex on Hermione’s bed,” Lavender said.

“What!?” Hermione gasped. “Wait, that is my bed! Harry!”

Harry couldn’t help it. He laughed with the others while Katie giggled on his chest. Lifting her head, she kissed him passionately and climbed off of him.

“That’s a lot of cum,” Parvati said, watching it leak from Katie’s folds.

“Can I get a towel?” Katie asked.

Demelza climbed off the bed and trotted into the bathroom, returning a moment later with a towel and handing it to Katie. While she wiped herself clean, Romilda crawled between his legs and started licking his softened shaft.

“Romilda!” Parvati gasped laughingly. “You’re worse than Lav!”

Romilda shrugged and took him completely in her mouth, sucking him clean and bathing him with her tongue. Harry groaned, the thought of her tasting Katie on him causing him to harden rapidly. In moments he grew so big that she had to pull back or risk choking again. When she sucked on his sensitive head, Harry hissed and moved his hips back.

“Sorry,” Harry said when she pouted at him. “It’s sensitive.”

“Let’s go back to the game while poor Harry recovers a bit,” Lavender suggested.

As they moved to sit in a circle, Katie pulled Harry’s shirt over his head and leaned against his side. Smiling, he wrapped an arm around her and kissed the top of her head. Romilda spun the bottle, and it landed on Hermione.

“Um, dare,” she said hesitantly.

“I dare you to take off your shirt,” Romilda smirked.

Biting her lip, Hermione glanced over at the bottle of Firewhiskey. Before she could reach for it, Harry pulled it out of her reach.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he told her. “But I think you’ve had enough to drink for tonight.”

The girls egged her on until she sighed and looked at Harry pleading.

“Just promise me you won’t tell anyone about this,” she said. “Especially Ron.”

“Of course not,” Harry assured her.

Taking a deep breath, she gripped the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Surprisingly, her breasts were even larger than Ginny’s. Harry guessed that her tight shirt made them look smaller than they actually were. They were full and round, capped with bright red areolas and hard, crinkled nipples. As the other girls clapped and cheered, she blushed hard and covered her face. It took a long moment before she dropped her arms and spun the bottle. It landed on Harry.

“Finally,” he smiled. “Dare.”

Hermione frowned thoughtfully before smiling slyly.

“I dare you to tell me who you fantasize about most,” Hermione said.

“Hermione, don’t make me answer that,” Harry begged.

In response, she gestured to the bottle in his hand unsympathetically. Sighing, he just decided to answer. He didn’t want to get too drunk to have more fun.

“Fine,” he sighed. “It’s probably a tie between you and Katie.”

“Me?” Hermione gasped in surprise while Katie beamed and kissed his cheek.

“Of course, he would fantasize about you,” Ginny said, rolling her eyes. “You’re together all the time.”

“Well, yes. But I never thought that he would…,” Hermione trailed off with a thoughtful look.

Hoping he hadn’t upset her, Harry spun the bottle. It landed on Parvati, who smiled expectantly.

“Dare,” she said.

“I dare you to get naked,” Harry said.

The girls laughed and cheered while Parvati started stripping out of her clothes. She had a thin figure, beautiful bronze-colored skin, and a modest bust. Sitting back down, she spun the bottle, which landed on Demelza.

“Um, dare,” she said nervously.

Parvati pursed her lips and thought for a moment before responding.

“I dare you to make out with Harry for thirty seconds and let him take off any clothing he wants to,” she said.

Katie giggled and kissed Harry on the cheek before scooting out of the way. Demelza crawled over to him and waited shyly. Since she was shorter and lighter than any of the other girls, it was easy for him to lift her up and pull her into his lap. Smiling, he kissed her on the lips. Knowing that she was nervous and not wanting to push her too far, he continued kissing her for a while and let her relax before grabbing the hem of her shirt. Slowly, he pulled it up and over her head, breaking the kiss.

Demelza shyly covered her chest, a vulnerable look on her face. Rather than ask her to move her arm, he laid her on her back and hovered over her. Harry started kissing her neck, gradually making his way down over her collarbone to her chest. Moaning softly, she tentatively moved her arms out of the way.

He could understand her nervousness. Demelza, by far, had the smallest breasts in the room. They were just small, round bumps on her chest with very long, prominent nipples. Taking one between his lips, he lavished her breasts with attention. Demelza threaded her fingers through his hair and moaned, pulling him into her chest. Taking one of her long, stiff nipples between his teeth, Harry bit down lightly and gave it a tug. She gasped and squirmed under him, making him wonder just how sensitive her nipples were.

“Time’s up,” Parvati called.

Moving back up to Demelza’s lips, he kissed her passionately and pulled back with a smile. The tiny brunette beamed as she moved back to her spot in the circle, no longer shy about revealing her breasts. Spinning the bottle, it landed on Harry.

“Dare,” he said with a smile.

“I dare you to…,” she trailed off thoughtfully before finishing her sentence, “give Hermione an orgasm.”

Harry stared at her in surprise, Hermione’s mouth fell open, and the other girls broke into a fit of laughter and cheers. Recovering, he looked over at Hermione and realized he really wanted to do this dare. Before she could refuse, he crawled over to her.

“Harry?” she asked nervously.

Instead of answering, he kissed her on the lips while pushing her onto her back. It took several seconds before she started kissing him back. He continued kissing her until they both became breathless. Catching his breath quickly, Harry kissed his way down her chest. As he reached her breasts, he paused to cup them, kissing and sucking at her swollen nipples. Hermione moaned softly, her fingers threading in his hair and her nails scraping his scalp lightly.

Leaving her breasts, he kissed his way down to her waist. He glanced up at her as he grabbed the waistband of her pants and panties. Biting her lip, Hermione raised her hips, allowing him to pull them down her legs. It was a surprise to find her mound completely bald. For some reason, he expected her to not take the time to do something like that. Shaking himself mentally, he kissed the inside of her thigh, slowly making his way up to her taut folds.

Harry could already smell her excitement and see it beading on her lips. Again, he was surprised. He hadn’t expected her to be so excited. Realizing she wanted this as much as he did, all of his hesitation fell away. Hermione gasped when he dove forward, running his tongue between her folds. The taste of her arousal filled his mouth as he teased her slit. He moved up and over her clit, deliberately ignoring it despite her bucking hips, and moved back down on the other side. He did that twice more before finally running his tongue over her excited nub.

With a loud gasp, Hermione bucked her hips and moaned unrestrained. Panting, she rolled and bucked her hips against his face while he focused on her clit. Harry lashed it with his tongue, took it between his lips, and sucked lightly. Her hands fisted tightly in his hair as her back arched. His erection throbbed with every wanton moan and gasp that left her lips. It was amazing to see her lose herself.

Suddenly, she arched her back and went stiff before a shiver ran from her head to her toes, a trembling moan escaping her lips. A gush of arousal against his chin told him she’d reached her peak. Harry continued lavishing her clit, his tongue flicking over it frantically, keeping her on the crest of her climax for several long seconds.

Finally, it became too much for her, and she went from tugging his hair to pushing him away. Rolling onto her side, Hermione curled into a ball, shaking and twitching as she came down from her climax. Harry barely had time to feel smug before he was pushed onto his back. Lavender gave him a steamy, lustful look as she pulled down his pants, freeing his throbbing length. At some point, she’d already lost her own, leaving her completely naked. Gripping his shaft, she straddled his waist and sank down on his length slowly.

“Fuck!” Harry groaned, closing his eyes as her tight walls slid down over his shaft.

“It’s so big,” Lavender moaned. “You’re so much bigger than any of my toys.”

“Does it feel good?” Parvati asked.

“Yes!” Lavender hissed as she reached the base. “So good.”

She began riding him, her large breasts bouncing wildly. When she leaned over him, Harry placed one hand on her hip and the other cupped her breast. Lavender kissed him hard, but she had trouble finding a rhythm. It felt awkward, and the way she rolled her hips bent his shaft in an uncomfortable way. Planting his arm on the bed, he rolled her over onto her back. She arched her back and moaned as he slid even deeper, his pelvis mashed against her clit.

Harry began thrusting in and out of her, supporting his weight on his arms. With every moan that left her lips, he moved faster and thrust harder. Lavender arched her back and moaned, her breasts bouncing in rhythm with their movements. Arousal leaked from her folds, causing a loud slap every time their bodies collided.

“Oh, Morgana,” Lavender gasped.

Arching her back, she came hard, her depths clamping around his shaft. Harry nearly peaked on the spot but managed to hold back. As she trembled and shook under him, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Sitting up to look back, Ginny smirked at him and kissed him on the lips before crawling over to and on top of Lavender, her full, pale bum sticking out at him. Looking over her shoulder, she shook it back and forth temptingly.

Smiling, Harry eased out of Lavender, causing her to groan. As he lined himself up with Ginny, she surprised him by bending down to snog Lavender. The blonde grunted in shock but quickly gave in and kissed back enthusiastically. Shaking his head, he pushed forward, easing himself into the thin redhead.

“Fu-uck!” she cried. “It’s like a Beater’s bat.”

“Do you want me to stop?” Harry asked worriedly.

“Don’t you dare,” Ginny glared, moaning when Lavender sucked on her nipples. “Don’t you dare stop until you cum in me.”

Throbbing excitedly, Harry sank into her depths. After giving her a moment to adjust, he started thrusting gently.

“Harder,” Ginny said, throwing herself back onto his length.

Tightening his grip on her hips, Harry pulled almost all the way out before slamming back in. Ginny threw her head back and moaned while Lavender pinched and pulled at her swollen nipples.

“Somebody likes it rough,” she joked.

“Yes!” Ginny hissed, her pale cheeks rippling against Harry’s thighs. “Pull my hair and fuck the shit out of me!”

Laughing incredulously, Harry did as she asked. He gathered her hair in a ponytail and used it like a handle to thrust hard and fast. Ginny’s tight depths fluttered around his length as she moaned wantonly. Watching her bum jiggle, Harry brought his hand down, spanking it lightly. She showed no reaction, so he did it again, harder.

“More,” Ginny groaned. “Make me your bitch.”

“Merlin, that’s hot,” Parvati said, kneeling behind Harry and hugging his back.

Smacking her ass hard, he raised one leg and thrust as hard and fast as he could. Ginny howled as she tipped over the edge, but Harry didn’t slow down. He was determined to reach his climax, just like she asked. Ginny beat her hand on the mattress and clawed at the sheets as she cried again. A tremble ran through her body right before a stream of arousal gushed around his length. The sight was so exciting that Harry buried himself as deep as possible and erupted inside of her.

As soon as his hand let go of her hear, her upper body collapsed on top of Lavender with a groan. Giggling, Lavender stroked her back while Harry finished emptying himself in her spasming depths. When he slipped out of her and collapsed on his bum, Katie handed him a Butterbeer with a smile. He took it gratefully.

That ended the game to truth or dare for the night. They spent some more time talking and ended up falling asleep in a pile of mostly naked bodies. Thankfully, Hermione was smart enough to set an alarm so he could get back to his dorm before anyone else woke up. When he did wake, it was to the feel of Romilda giving him a blow job. After he climaxed and enjoyed the sight of the girls gathering their clothes, he dressed and grabbed his room.

“Can we do this again next weekend?” Demelza asked.

“Sounds good to me,” Lavender smiled.

Everyone else agreed and turned to Hermione questioningly.

“Fine,” she sighed.

Smiling, Harry gave her a hug and opened the window.

“See you next week.”



This one was a banger.

joel miller

I liked this one small series please


Loved seeing Ginny get involved in this one, definitely one of your best!


I'm sensing a part two, and maybe expanding to other houses as well.


This was really good! I hope to see an eventual sequel with more girls forcing themselves into the next session. After all what did Harry expect when he played this game with Lavender and Parvati. Maybe Slytherins wanting to verify the rumor of Harry's broom length? Maybe McGonagal busy with detention making Prof. Vector or Sinistra be the ones who show up to break it up but instead as sucked into the chaos. --- This gave me an idea for a 4 part series just for this chapter though. Part 1: A slow Truth or Dare game on Katie's return that is a bit boring even with butterbeer and firewhiskey. Hermione's constant dodges and truth's that beggared belief lead to them getting Harry. Everyone is tipsy, so Harry stays and plays the responsible friend getting them water and stuff. Some of the girls conspire to get Demelza and Hermione some action and themselves a chance at messing around with Harry. Part 2: Parvati's still upset with Harry for the Yule Ball and, instead of being nice, dares Harry down to boxers. Surprise, he's a briefs kind of guy, but they are his smaller pair and a bit tight and hide nothing. Harry's turn finally arrives and he wants to ask something innocuous and asks Lavender about her childhood dreams. She teases him about becoming Mrs. Lavender Potter and her wedding night with him. This trend continues with essentially everyone revealing that Harry's a hot commodity. They ask him who the most attractive girl in the room is which he dodges, so they instead change the question to the hottest Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw (Greengrass because she's obviously not a part of the whole DE cult spending so much time in the Hospital Wing, Tonks and Clearwater are the surprise picks but Harry shrugs and says he answered faithfully if not in spirit; though he does mention dropping Padma in the running as she's a twin and all). When they push for Gryffindor, Harry selects Hermione for always having his back. Hermione preens and blushes and is the inflection point for the evening with her saying that she likes Harry as Harry, not the Boy-Who-Lived. Part 3: Everyone is more than tipsy, but not plastered at this point. With the BWL comment, the gossips begin to tease out that Harry's yearly adventures are real. A few more rounds leads to the gossips being smart and doing the old "answer X's questions while you play with X's body" dare and Harry ends up answering things he normally wouldn't so he can continue playing with their bodies. Once it's too hot and heavy, the adventure questions drop off and instead we have them teasing and daring Harry to be more assertive. This leads to the wardrobe bits and everyone down to their skivvies at most. Part 4: This is essentially smut for the first 3/4 of the chapter and then the last 1/4 is the school finding out that Harry's first time was essentially an orgy with 6 girls because what did he expect was going to happen when he slept with Lavender and Parvati? Sequel obviously has the girls mentioned in part 2 either joining in or tracking him down in the case of Greengrass. Of course, we can have other girls angry that he didn't pick anyone from school for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw for more shenanigans.


Ginny is so Awesome, written so well and fiesty 👌👌

Robert Liston

One of the best! More of this one please.


One of your best yet!


Dman, that was hot. An excelent story and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens at their next party.


I really enjoyed this one


I am so glad I persisted with this one, this is some fantastic work and exactly what I was hoping for!


Great work! But no hermione nookie?