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This is a reminder, and for those of you just joining this month, an announcement, that the end of the writing contest is just 10 days away. You have until July 20th to submit your stories to be part of the poll where the readers here choose the winners. 1st place will win $50 USD, 2nd wins $25 USD, and 3rd place wins $15 USD. All prizes will be given through Paypal, so make sure you have a working account if you're entering. I've had 2 stories submitted so far, but I know at least a few more are coming. Please submit your stories as early as possible. I have to read each one to make sure there's nothing in it that will get my page deleted. Hopefully, I don't them all at the last minute, but I have a feeling I will. If this is your first time hearing about this, I've put the rules for entry below. Again, I wish you all the best of luck. 

Rules for entry:

1. Send me your story in a PM, or post it on the Submissions channel in the Discord https://discord.gg/dxDD3WSd.  All stories will be reviewed to ensure they don't violate Patreon ToS. The final decision of whether a story is appropriate for this page or not will be at my discretion. Make sure your Patreon screen name is on the document you're submitting for voting. If you wish to remain anonymous, let me know when you submit your story. No one but the mods can see who posts in Submissions on Discord.

2. Stories must be Harry Potter based (no crossovers,) and be at least 2k words in length. Include a short summary, the pairing(s) (if there are any) and any applicable tags. Please do your best to correct spelling and grammar before submitting. Sex scenes are optional.

3. No non-con, underage characters, incest, blackmail, violent sex, bestiality, or sex involving bodily waste. This is not an exhaustive list and more may be added. Just try to keep Patreon ToS in mind when writing and use common sense.

If you have any questions, you can ask in a comment or PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Crossovers my be allowed in later contests if there's enough interest.



I'm not in a position to participate this month. Will this be a thing that happens again someday?


I'm guessing it has to be an original piece not posted elsewhere.