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I'm interested to see how many of you would like me to continue the Patron Idea Poll stories. Feel free to  let me know what you think in the comments. For those of you that haven't seen them, the Patreon Idea poll is where Patrons submit ideas for oneshots. The whole community gets to vote on which they like best, and I turn that into and actual story. 


Josh Robbins

Having a idea I posted made into a quick story was really cool. It's cool and allows people's ideas to be possibly made or jumpstart your own brain into making a new story or continue one.


I would say you should continue them, I've liked the ones I've seen so far


Collectively, there's a lot of imagination here. I think you should continue to tap into all that imagination


Personally, I’d prefer you to crack on with existing stories but I enjoy the one shots as well so I’m easy either way.