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Let me know what stories you want to see a new chapter for. 


Sin Hunter

Can we see the Surrogate continue anytime soon?


Thrown Back is a favorite of mine, I love how the characters are turning out


Just about all of them honestly.


All stories honestly


slave for you isn't on there but yeah


I'd love to see a continuation of the one-shot, Cheaters Never Win. With like an older Harry and Pansy doing something similar but with Draco's mom and aunts.


I think it’s really good and definitely deserves some attention. It’s underrated as hell


I know what you mean but I disagree. Narcissa in Thrown Back isn’t much of a main character amongst all the other girls. Lily and Bella take up more space. I like Dangerous Games because it brings more attention to Narcissa than anyone else. She’s the main girl. Then Hermione. Then anyone else that joins in. Kinda like the other stories focus on Tonks or Fleur or Lily as the main girl and then everyone else. What I like about Dangerous Games is that even tho Harry has a lot more attachment to Hermione he doesn’t disregard Narcissa at all. She doesn’t have an advantage at all. She’s still getting to know him but there’s affection there. I like the idea of seeing Harry court her while she’s basically recruiting for him


Is it wrong that I want new chapters of Thrown Back purely because of McGonagall’s appearance in chapter 17?


Voting for Thrown Back and a Friend in Need but I'd really like to see a revival of Harry Helps Daphne.