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Sorry for the repost, I forgot to fix the settings. You can now vote for multiple options. While I'm reposting, I'll clarify for a few things from the early comments. HP will always be the main focus of this page. I'm just checking to see how many of you would be interested in seeing some original stories from me. I really have no interest in doing crossovers or working with other fandoms. If I were to write some original stories, it would be one at a time with updates being likely once a month. Hopefully that clears up my position a little bit. Also, thank you so much for the many comments. They're always appreciated. 



I'm up for anything.


would love to see you do some other fictions like starwars or some anime like naruto bnha ect

Son of Odin

Personally, I'm here for HP smut. I might read original stories, I might not. Would depend on the genre and premise. But you write for yourself, primarily. If you wanna try something new, be it other fandoms or original work, go for it.


Prefer HP, but if sometime you make an original I am willing to try.


It is obvious it will just be HP, personally I prefer just HP as it was the sole reason I joined Patreon in the first place to begin with :3

Zitronen tee

Honestly, I believe you are more than good enough to make original writings work. Your OCs more than proved your ability when it comes to characterization, you know how to pace and structure stories pretty decently, you are good at keeping timelines, cast and locations straight. That is significantly better than I have come to expect these days. What this poll reflects isn't so much a knock on your talent, but a branding issue. your patrons came here in search of a very specific product and the knee jerk expectation is more other stuff equals less of the stuff they came for. To that part of the audience: why not give it a shot? Just a test story to see what happens? Though it makes me feel like some sort of dealer getting my weed customer onto oxy here.


Though it makes me feel like some sort of dealer getting my weed customer onto oxy here. ICONIC

Finn Ryan

This feels like a good point for me to say this. I am against this not because I don't think you would do those stories well but because I think your attention might already be split too much. Each series might go weeks without an update. I would suggest wrapping stories up satisfactorily and not adding new ones as much.


You could write HP in an original fantasy? I know it’s not the same as what you are asking but it gives a sampler of what we could expect for it.


For me to enjoy erotica, I tend to need some connection to the characters present already. Already emotionally invested. I'm mostly here for the HP works (Who isn't?) but I would read original fantasy and sci-fi. However, I definitely need a summary for the starting place... A hook, before I can go in deeper. You have demonstrated the ability to write OCs and flesh out characters, so I have no doubt you would be fully capable.

Basti Fortuna

I voted for just stick with HP, but if you're getting burnt out of writing HP fics no one's stopping you from writing what you want. Tbh the HP fics is why I subscribe, I won't complain if there's original works here as long as the HP updates are regular. Who knows we might come to like your original fics. :)