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I've spent the last couple of days trying to update some of the All Chapters posts and every time, Patreon crashes my browser. For some reason you can read them fine, but it crashes when I try to edit them. I even tried 3 different browsers, and they all do the same thing. I've let Patreon know and they said they'll work on it. If it's not fixed in the next couple of days, I'm going to start posting the all chapters PDF and EPUB files in with the latest chapter of each story so you can at least download them. I apologize for the inconvenience. 



Would it help to upload them to a google drive instead of having to edit the Patreon post each time? Like if Patreon just links to the drive with the PDF in question? You could still upload a fresh attachment, but if Patreon keeps crashing on you, you can update the Drive in the interim anyway?

Big ToFu

Thanks and I hope you get that sorted soon, I don't wish computer troubles on no one. The world's run by computers and its gonna be a cold world when they all crash.

Professor Quill

A lot of people like to read straight from Patreon instead of downloading the file. Also, changing things will create a lot of confusion. I'm hoping they get it fixed soon. If not, I'll just upload the files either to the latest chapter or in a separate post as a work around for the time being.


Having the epub/pdf in the latest chapter would actually be a better solution. I use the app and to get to the all chapters post and scroll to the bottom is a pain in the neck.


Really appreciate your effort to make the reading experience enjoyable for all your fans. It means something. Thank you. Keep up the great work.