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Chapter 5

The morning Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were scheduled to leave Hogwarts, Fleur came running up to Harry in the Great Hall with a huge smile on her face.

“’E said yes!” she said excitedly.

Harry stood up with a grin of his own and hugged her tightly.

“Who?” Hermione asked curiously.

“Monsieur Fleetweek,” Fleur said, butchering the name. “’E ‘as agreed to ‘elp me wiz my Charms Mastery.”

“Oh, so that means you’ll be coming back next year?” Hermione asked.

“For zhe next zhree years, oui,” Fleur said happily.

“That worked out well,” Tonks said. “Are you still going back to France today with your classmates.”

“Non. I’m staying wiz Harry for zhe summer, and Maman and Gabrielle are already at zhe castle,” Fleur told her.

“You’re welcome to come as well, Hermione,” Harry said, his grin still in place.

“I’d love to, but I probably won’t be able to come until the end of the summer,” Hermione said. “I don’t get to spend much time with my parents.”

“I can talk to my parents about inviting them to stay with us,” Harry offered.

“Really?” Hermione asked excitedly. “That’d be great, they really don’t get to see magic that often. They’d love to visit a magical house.”

“I’ll talk to them as soon as I get home,” Harry told her.

The last few days of the school year passed quickly and, before they knew it, the students were headed home. Harry was swamp by reporters when they reached Hogsmeade Station, but thankfully, Hagrid was there to clear a path. Although, Tonks looked a little disappointed she didn’t get to Hex anyone.

Honestly, there really wasn’t anything new he could have told them anyways. He’d been pretty open and honest about what happened at the end of the Tournament to anyone who asked.

Finding a compartment, Harry sat down with Fleur leaning against his right, Tonks on his left, and Hermione sitting across from him. Penny was supposed to have joined them, but she’d been doing such a good job lately that his mother had asked for her help making a proposal to the Wizengamot. She would still be living at the castle over the summer, so he would see her soon enough.

“What are your plans for the summer, Hermione?” Tonks asked.

“Not much,” she replied with a shrug. “Just spending time with my parents. We usually go to the beach at some point.”

“We should veesit zhe beach at zhe Enclave,” Fleur said, turning to look at Harry with a teasing smile. “You weel love eet.”

“Sure,” Harry said. “it’s been a while since I’ve been to France.”

Suddenly, the compartment door was thrown open. Tonks and Harry drew their wands in a flash and turned to find Malfoy, along with Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, and Parkinson, glaring at them angrily.

“You’re going to pay for what you did to my father, Potter,” Malfoy spat.

“And mine,” Nott added.

“What did you expect to happen, Malfoy?” Harry asked. “Did you think I was just going to sit there and let them kill me?”

“You’ll gets what’s coming to you, you and that Mudblood bit-”

Malfoy’s tirade was cut off as Harry flicked his wand, yanking him into the compartment and locking the door behind him. Before Malfoy had regained his balance, Harry was out of his seat and had him pinned against the door by his throat. Outside, his friends frantically tried to open the door to no avail.

“You listen to me you little shit,” Harry snarled through gritted teeth as Malfoy looked at him with a terrified, wide-eyed stare. “This isn’t some game. If you fuck with my family, or anyone I care about, I will end you. Do you understand me?”

When Malfoy didn’t answer, Harry pulled him forward before slamming him back against the glass with enough force to crack it where his head impacted.

“Do you understand!?” Harry shouted.

“Y-yes,” Malfoy stammered, his eyes wide and terrified.

“Good. Now get out,” Harry said.

Discretely, Harry used what little wandless magic he knew to shatter the glass door while shoving Malfoy through it. He stumbled backwards and fell into his friends, knocking them all down into a pile. Before they could get up, Harry repaired the glass and casually moved back to his seat.

Malfoy got to his feet first and took off. Seeing their leader flee, the rest quickly followed.

“You don’t really think he’ll try anything, do you?” Hermione asked worriedly.

“I doubt it,” Harry said. “Malfoy always been all bark and no bite. Still, we should keep an eye out for anything unusual from that lot. I’ll talk to daphne over the summer, see if she can keep an ear out. If any of them try anything with any of you, let me know.”

Smiling, Fleur kissed his cheek and his arm to her chest, trapping it between her breasts.

“I like eet when you take charge,” she said sultrily.

“There’s a surprise,” Tonks said sarcastically.

Harry shook his head and smiled as he settled in to enjoy the rest of the trip.

A few hours later, they arrived at King’s Cross Station. Harry made sure to pull Hermione aside and give her a good snog before they got off the train. His parents were there waiting for him, along with a dozen Aurors disguised, badly, as Muggles. That was a bit of a surprise considering what had just happened, but he guessed they were there to make a point.

“Hey mum, dad,” Harry said.

“Hello Harry,” Lily said, giving him a hug. “Hello girls.”

“Mum, do you mind if Hermione’s parents come visit us for a week or so over the summer?” Harry asked.

“Not at all,” Lily said with a smile.

“Great,” Harry said whit a grin as he turned to Hermione. “Do you want to ask them now?”

“Sure,” Hermione said. “Thanks Mrs. Potter.”

“No problem, you know your always welcome, Hermione.” Lily told her.

Harry and Hermione left the group to go find Hermione’s parents while his mother began asking Fleur about her Charms Mastery.

“There’s my mum,” Hermione said, pointing.

As they made their way through the crowd, Harry paused several times to wish his classmates a good summer. After giving Katie, Angelina, and Alicia hugs, they finally made it over to Emma Granger.

“Hermione,” Emma exclaimed happily. “It’s so good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you to mum,” Hermione said. “You remember Harry?”

“Of course,” Emma said, giving him a friendly smile. “It’s good to see you again dear.”

“Where’ dad?” Hermione asked.

“Oh, he got called in for an emergency. Mrs. Jenkins chipped a tooth again,” Emma said with a sigh.

“Emma,” Harry said, gaining her attention. “My parents and I wanted to invite you and your family to come stay with us this summer.”

“Really?” she asked, looking thrilled at the prospect of staying in a magical home. “I’ll have to talk to Dan about it, but I don’t see why not. Do you know when, and how long you’d like us to stay?”

“I was thinking you could come in a week or two, and you’re welcome to stay as long as you like,” Harry said.

“Alright, we’ll talk about it tonight and I’ll have Hermione send you a letter,” Emma said.

“Sound good,” Harry said. “I’ll see you later, Hermione.”

“Bye Harry,” she replied, leaning forward to hug him.

Feeling a bit mischievous, Harry gave her a kiss on the cheek as he pulled back. As Hermione blushed, he gave her a cheeky smile and a wave before walking back over to his parents.

Back at Potter Manor, Sirius met them in the entry way with a huge grin, and Harry knew he was in for a teasing. Apolline was there as well, looking as stunning as always. Next to her were Gabrielle and Jasmine. As soon as he stepped into the house, both girls ran up and hugged him tightly around the waist.

“No ‘ug for me?” Fleur asked with a pout.

Gabrielle let go of him and raced over to her sister.

“Well, since you asked,” Sirius said with a grin, opening his arms.

Apolline smacked him upside the head, but there was a smile on her face.

“Did the kids behave?” Lily asked while Sirius rubbed the back of his head.

“Zhe girls were fine,” Apolline said.

“And Sirius?” Lily asked with a smirk.

“Hey!” Sirius exclaimed. “I’m fully house trained I’ll have you know.”

Grinning, Sirius walked forward and gave Harry a hug.

“Good to see you again, kiddo,” he said.

As soon as Sirius let him go, Apolline walked up, kissed him on each cheek, and hugged him gently.

“I’m glad to see you’re alright,” she said quietly.

“James, I think we taught him too well. He’s stealing all the beautiful women,” Sirius said in a not so quiet whisper.

James nodded, and Lily arched an eyebrow at both men.

“All of them, huh?” she asked with narrowed eyes.

“No,” James said quickly.

“Yeah,” Sirius said. “You don’t count, you’re married.”

James rather smartly shuffled away as Lily folded her arms over her chest.

“So, you’re saying I’m not attractive anymore because I’m married?” Lily asked.

“No, no,” Sirius said quickly. “I just mean you’re not attractive to me.”

Harry dropped his face into his hands while Sirius paled at Lily’s glare.

“That’s not what I meant. I mean you’re married to James and – uh – oh, look a distraction!” Sirius said, pointing over her shoulder.

Even though Lily wasn’t fooled, Sirius still bolted from the room. As soon as he was gone, Lily dropped her glare and smiled as she shook her head. Jasmine and Gabrielle giggled at Sirius’ antics.

“Why do we keep him around?” Lily asked.

“Comic relief,” James said, wrapping his arm around her waist. “Come on, let’s get everyone settled.”

After helping Fleur and Tonks get settled in his room, Harry ended up in the living room entertaining two eight-year-old girls. It had been a while since he’d been able to spend time with his sister, and Gabrielle was just too cute to ignore. Unfortunately, his time with them was cut short when Dumbledore showed up.

“Harry?” his mother called for the office.

“Yeah?” he called back.

“Can you come here for a minute?” she asked.

“Sure,” Harry said.

Getting up, he walked into the office to find Dumbledore and his father waiting for.

“Is something wrong?” Harry asked as Lily closed the door.

“I’m afraid so,” Dumbledore replied.

“What is it Albus?” James asked.

“I received word just a short time ago that Lucius Malfoy was spotted in Albania. Unfortunately, he was able to escape before the local Aurors could arrive,” Dumbledore informed them.

Harry’s heart clenched in his chest and, for a moment, he stopped breathing.

“Albania?” James asked. “That’s where Voldemort was last spotted,”

“Indeed,” Dumbledore said.

Unconsciously, Harry reached up and rubbed his scar.

“I’ll reach out to the Albanian Ministry and see if they’ll let our Aurors help with the search,” James said. “Hopefully, we can stop him before he’s able to find his master.”

“I’ll start researching ways Tom can regain a body,” Dumbledore said. “Have a good evening.”

“You too, Albus,” James said.

As the old man disappeared through the Floo, Lily rested her hand on Harry’s shoulder.

“Sweetheart, are you alright?” she asked.

“I’m fine,” Harry said stiffly.

Turing, he left the office and went straight upstairs to his room. It had been sixteen years since Voldemort had attacked their home in Godric’s Hollow and Harry had somehow managed to banish the Dark Lord. Dumbledore had always warned that he would come back one day, but the thought of it actually happening was scary. He’d heard enough stories to know just how bad things had gotten during the last war.

Before he could think on it too much more, the door to his room opened and Tonks entered, followed closely by Fleur.

“You alright, Harry?” Tonks asked as she climbed onto the bed with him.

“Malfoy is looking for Voldemort,” Harry said in a dull tone.

“I zhought ‘e was dead,” Fleur said.

“His body was destroyed, but he’s still alive somehow,” Harry told her. “Dumbledore says he’s like a ghost right now, we can’t hurt him, but he can’t hurt anyone else either. But if Malfoy gets to him, he might be able to get Voldemort a new body.”

Turning, Harry looked at Fleur seriously.

“If he comes back, he’s going to be coming after me, and anyone I’m close to,” he told her.

“Zhe ‘e weel ‘ave to deal wiz me,” Fleur said.

Leaning over, she kissed him hard on the lips. Harry’s hand rested on her hip and slowly moved up towards her chest just before the bedroom door was thrown open. Harry and Fleur pulled apart as Jasmine and Gabrielle jumped up onto the bed.

“Why’d you leave, Harry?” Jasmine asked. “I thought you were going to play with us.”

“You need to save us from zhe Dragon,” Gabrielle said, holding up a big, purple stuffed Dragon that flapped its wings and gave a small roar.

Giving them a small smile, Harry sat up.

“Alright, let’s go back downstairs,” he said.

Cheering, Gabrielle chased Jasmine out of the room, the Dragon held out in front of her as red and yellow ribbons shot out of its mouth.

“You sure you’re okay?” Tonks asked.

“I’m fine,” Harry said. “I’m just worried, you know?”

“I know,” Tonks said sympathetically.

Running her hand through his hair, she kissed him briefly before grabbing his hand and pulling him back downstairs.

Harry tried to enjoy the rest of his evening and, while playing with the kids was a good distraction, he still found his thoughts wandering on occasion. When they were sent off to bed, it got even worse. And he really wished people would stop asking if he was alright.

As it grew late, Fleur and Tonks dragged him back up to his room. He didn’t even notice that Apolline followed them until he turned around to close the door. Before he could say anything, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Harry barely had time to catch his breath when she pulled back before Fleur, and then Tonks, took her place. Quickly, he relaxed, grateful for the comfort and the distraction.

In just a couple of minutes, all three of them were naked, and Apolline pushed Harry back onto the bed. As he lay on his back, she straddled his waist, her huge breasts with hard nipples pressing into his chest.

“Mmh, I’ve missed zhis,” Apolline said with a grin as Fleur and Tonks climbed onto the bed.

Lifting herself up, Apolline guided him to her entrance and impaled herself on his rigid cock with a wanton moan. When she planted her hands on his chest and began riding up and down on his length, Harry reached up and cupped her breasts. Sliding a hand across his chest, Tonks used her fingers to turn his head to the side so she could kiss him hungrily. When they parted and he looked over to the side, Fleur was openly teasing her folds as she watched his cock slide in and out of her mother’s dripping depths.

Oh, bloody hell,” Harry groaned.

Chuckling, Tonks climbed up onto her knees and knelt behind Apolline. Moving the blonde’s hair aside, she kissed and sucked at her neck as her hands slide down her stomach slowly. Apolline moaned loudly, her tight walls fluttering around him when Tonks’ finger traced around her clit.

As she slowed, a shudder running through her body, Harry slid his hands from her firm breasts to her wide, full ass. Gripping her cheeks, he started thrusting up into her hot, tight depths. Apolline moaned loudly while leaning back against Tonks, who reached up to squeeze one of her breasts roughly with her free hand. Seconds later, she began speaking breathily in French.

“I don’t know French, but I think she’s close,” Tonks said.

“Oui,” Apolline said, the word fading off into a moan as she came hard.

Harry grunted as she tightened around him while her body trembled. She jerked her hips spasmodically, fucking herself on to his cock wildly as Tonks rubbed her clit frantically. With a yelp, Apolline shoved her hand away and collapsed on top of Harry. Tonks grinned and spanked her ass lightly as it jutted out towards her. After a minute to catch her breath, she climbed off of his still hard length.

Tonks eyed him excitedly but, before she could climb back on him, Fleur bend down and took him into her mouth. Harry throbbed at the thought that she was tasting her own mother on his cock.

“Slut,” Tonks said teasingly.

Fleur looked up at her and buried his length down her tight throat before slowly pulling off of him.

“Can I go next, please,” Fleur asked with a pout. “I promise to make eet up to you.”

“Fine,” Tonks said with an exaggerated huff while folding her arms over her chest.

Grinning, Fleur rolled onto her back and pulled Harry on top of her. He smiled, leaning down to kiss her as he sank into her depths. Fleur let out a long, low moan as he filled her tight, hot core. Just as he bottomed out, he felt a tap on his head. Looking up, he saw Tonks kneeling above his head with a smirk as she waved him out of the way. Smiling back, Harry sat up, allowing her to crawl over top of Fleur.

“You said you’d make it up to me,” Tonks said.

Fleur giggled as she grabbed Tonks by the hips and guided her folds down to her lips. Harry watched as Fleur’s tongue slipped between her damp to flick over the clit while he began thrusting.

“Fuck,” Tonks gasped.

Crawling over, Apolline knelt behind Tonks, wrapping her arms around her body to grope her chest and kiss her neck.

“Oh Merlin,” Tonks panted. “Harry, I’m so glad you started dating Fleur.”

“Me too,” Harry said with a grin.

Reaching up, he caressed Fleur’s breasts as he pumped back and forth. As he watched the girls, Apolline slowly kissing her way down Tonks’ side to her thighs. He was wondering where she planned on going when she tilted her head to the side and began assaulting Tonks’ clit with her tongue as well. Tonks gasped while Harry blinked, wondering if they were doing what he thought they were. A moment later, Tonks moved Apolline’s long, silvery hair to the side, giving him a good view of her and Fleur’s tongues dancing together as they attacked Tonks’ clit.

“Holy shit,” Harry said, his cock leaping in excitement.

Without conscious thought, he began pounding into Fleur harder and faster, driving her down into the mattress and causing her large breasts to bounce wildly. She gripped the sheets tightly with her hands while moaning loudly, which in turn caused Tonks to moan as well. Panting heavily, she rolled her hips, smearing Fleur’s face with her arousal.

Under the combined ministrations of the duo, she was quickly driven to a screaming climax. As she fell backwards onto her bum, Apolline turned her head and kissed Fleur sensually, their tongues sliding along between their lips. Hearing Fleur reach her peak a moment later pushed Harry over the edge. With just a few more frantic thrusts, he exploded inside her.

As Fleur moaned out her climax, Apolline pulled back and smiled as she stroked her face. Sitting up, she shuffled over to Harry and kissed him as he came down from his sexual high. Collapsing onto the bed, the two blondes cuddled up to his sides while Tonks crawled between his legs and kissed his spent member.

“You’re not going to forget about me, are you?” she asked teasingly.

“Just give me a minute,” Harry said.

Smiling, Tonks took his sensitive head between her lips and sucked lightly. Harry inhaled sharply from the nearly painful sensation.

“Merlin, you girls are going to be the death of me,” he said to laughter.

Harry and the girls were woken up the next morning by someone pounding on the door.

“Wakey, wakey,” Sirius called out in a sing song voice. “You three might want to get dressed and come down for breakfast.”

“We’ll be down in a few,” Tonks yelled back crankily, not being much of a morning person.

“I could always go get Apolline if you like,” Sirius jokingly threatened.

Tonks growled as she sat up blearily. Just as she opened her mouth to shout back, Apolline sat up and put a hand on her shoulder. Tonks turned and blinked at her for a moment.

“Oh, right,” she sat, finally remembering what had happened the night before.

Harry and Fleur chuckled quietly, used to seeing Tonks like this. With a mischievous smile, Apolline climbed out of bed and slipped on a robe as Sirius pounded on the door again. Before he could shout again, Apolline threw open the door. He gaped at her, freezing in place with his hand still raised as she intentionally wiped her lips with her fingers.

“Zhey’ll be down een a minute,” Apolline said with a smirk.

Blinking at her, Sirius looked up and stared at the three of them in bed, all clearly naked under the covers before turning back to Apolline.

“Come Sirius,” Apolline said, patting her leg like she was calling a dog before sashaying down the hall.

“Oh that’s just not fair,” Sirius said, hanging his head as he followed after her.



Sirius in this is just gold... but does he have like a crush on Apolline or are they sleeping together or what?


Poor Sirius 😁 always getting shown up by his godson. Awesome chapter, as always. Sexy and fun both.

Garami Gergely

do you plan to get together Lily and Apolline?


I’d hope not because I like Apolline’s chemistry with Harry/Tonks/Fleur. Plus i feel bad for James he always dies or is made out to be some sort of cheating bastard, be nice to see the man enjoy a normal relationship with Lily.