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Chapter 5

As classes picked up and the homework began to pile on, Harry solidified his plan to take out Voldemort. As much as he wanted to just destroy the Horcruxes and take the fight straight to Tom, he knew it was too dangerous at that point in time. Harry didn’t yet know where all the Horcruxes were, and if Voldemort discovered someone was after them, he would go to any lengths to hide the rest. Even though it galled him to do it, Harry would have to just bide his time until he knew where all of them were before doing anything.

It also meant he was going to need Dumbledore’s help. While he’d lost quite a lot of trust in the old man over the years, in the end, they were still on the same side, and Dumbledore had the connections they would need to find all of the Horcruxes as quickly as possible.

That didn’t mean Harry couldn’t do anything, however. The Diadem was still in the school and could easily be destroyed without Voldemort knowing about it. On top of that, he had a plan to start taking the fight to Voldemort.

During the months he’d spent on the run with Ron and Hermione, Harry had spent a lot of time thinking about how they could have done things better. One thing he had come up with, was turning the Taboo on Voldemort’s name against the Death Eaters.

Dumbledore hadn’t been too happy with his plan, but Harry had made it quite clear that he was his own man now. He wasn’t going to sit back and do nothing while waiting for information on the Horcruxes.

That was why, on a Friday night, while the rest of his classmates were sitting in a nice warm common room, Harry was standing in the freezing rain out in the middle of nowhere.

“Voldemort,” he said softly.

Tightening his grip on the Elder Wand, there was only the sound of his shivering breath and the patter of rain for several long seconds. Then, just as he was starting to wonder how long it would take, a pair of louds cracks broke the quiet of the night. Two people in black robes and distinctive, skull shaped masks appeared in front of him.

Harry struck fast and hard, his wand lashing out like a whip as he fired a barrage of spells at the cloaked figures. It was clear they hadn’t expected an attack by the way they cowered as his spells crashed against their hastily erected shields like hammer blows.

One of them dropped his shield and twisted on the spot, only to wince when they hit Harry’s anti-Apparition wards. A split second later, he dropped to the ground stiff as a board from a blue lance of magic.

“Avada Kedavra!” the other figure shouted in a deep voice.

Harry slipped out of the way and fired back a spell of his own, a bolt of red that hit the wizard’s wand hand with the sound of shattering bone. As the Death Eater’s wand fell from his ruined hand with a scream, Harry silenced him with a Stunning Hex to the chest. Panting from the adrenaline coursing through his veins, Harry bound the two figures, collected their wands, and removed their masks.

He didn’t recognize either of them, but that didn’t necessarily mean much. There were a lot of important Death Eaters from the first war that Harry didn’t know just by looking at their faces.

Grabbing them by the shoulders, he Apparated them to Hogsmeade, just outside the Shrieking Shack. Floating them inside the run-down building, Harry picked up his cloak from where he’d stashed it under the broken couch and tossed it over their bodies before making his way through the secret tunnel.

When he got back to the castle, he took them straight up to Dumbledore’s office – where he was surprised to find Connie sitting across from Dumbledore.

“What happened to you?” Connie asked while eying his dripping wet clothes.

Harry looked to Dumbledore, who gave an uncharacteristic shrug. Sighing, he reached out and pulled the cloak off of the two Death Eaters. Connie’s eyes went wide as she stared at the skull shaped masks on their chests.

“Do you recognize them?” Harry asked.

Dumbledore stood and walked around his desk.

“This one is Fredrick Dorsey, a low-level clerk at the Ministry,” he said, pointing to one of the men. “The other is Morton Avery, Markus Avery’s father and Head of the Floo Network Authority.”

He remembered a conversation with Sirius about people stepping into the Floo and disappearing during the first war. It hadn’t been until after Voldemort’s fall that the Ministry realized just how deeply the Death Eaters had penetrated into the government.

“That’s good, isn’t it?” Harry asked, wondering why Dumbledore looked so concerned.

“Possibly,” he said. “Let us hope that Voldemort does not decide to retaliate.”

“What are we supposed to do, just sit around and let Voldemort do whatever he wants?” Harry asked frustratedly. “He’s going to attack people no matter what. Doing nothing isn’t going to help.”

“Am I missing something?” Connie asked tentatively.

“I’m using the Taboo on Voldemort’s name to capture Death Eaters,” Harry told her.

Connie blinked several times as she stared at him nonplussed.

“I don’t know if that’s brilliant or insane,” she said eventually. “Why hasn’t anyone in the Aurors thought of that?”

“They have,” Dumbledore told her. “The idea was turned down because of the risk of Voldemort himself turning up.”

“So, definitely insane then,” Connie confirmed, turning back to Harry.

“It’s a risk I’m willing to take,” Harry stated defiantly. “Voldemort nearly won last time because people saw him as unbeatable. If they see someone taking a stand, even if they don’t know who it is, it might give them the courage to fight back.”

“I still think you’re taking too much of a risk,” Dumbledore said with a tired sigh.

“You and I are the only ones that can handle Voldemort if he shows up. Waiting for one golden opportunity is far riskier than standing up to him now, before it’s too late,” Harry argued.

“And if you’re killed?” he asked, arching a bushy white eyebrow.

“You know as much as I do at this point,” Harry said, referring to the Horcruxes.

Connie looked between them with a furrowed brow, realizing there was something going on she wasn’t privy to.

“That’s not all I’m worried about,” Dumbledore said.

“I know,” Harry told him. “Do you need me to stick around for the Aurors?”

It was a blatant change of subject, but thankfully, Dumbledore let it go.

“No, I don’t think that will be necessary,” he replied with a small shake of his head. “You were out of the castle on personal business and defended yourself when you unintentionally activated the Taboo on Voldemort’s name, correct?”

“Exactly,” Harry said with a grin. “I’m going to go get dry. Good night, Professors.”

“Good night, Harry,” Dumbledore said.

Harry left the Headmaster’s office and used his wand to dry himself off once he was in the drafty hallway. He’d only made it halfway to the corridor that led to the main staircase when he heard the sound of running footsteps behind him. Turning around, his hand rested lightly on his wand until he saw that it was Connie rushing to catch up with him.

“Why do I get the feeling that there’s more to you than what I was told?” she asked, falling into step next to him.

Harry sighed and cast a Muffliato Charm around them as they walked.

“What exactly did Dumbledore tell you about me?” Harry asked in return.

“Just that you were sent back in time after an accident,” Connie told him.

Harry nodded and thought for a moment on how much to tell her. He liked Connie, and he trusted her. She worked alongside Amelia Bones quite a lot as an Auror, and Kingsley had always spoken highly of her.

“To make a really long story short, Voldemort lost his powers when I was a baby and then came back years later. I’m the one that killed him,” he told her.

“You beat him?” Connie asked, her eyes wide.

“Yeah,” Harry said, wondering if she would even believe him.

“Wow,” she breathed. “I take it there’s more to it that you can’t tell me about?”

“Sorry,” Harry said apologetically.

“I understand,” Connie said.

They fell into silence for a long moment as they climbed the stairs. Harry was lost in thought, wondering if he should tell her more. Not about the Horcruxes, obviously, but he could safely tell her something about the other parts.

“Well, I guess that explains what happened in class,” Connie started, causing Harry to turn and look at her questioningly. “I know when someone is holding back. Everyone else in class was trying as hard as they could to beat me, yet you did better than any of them and you looked like you weren’t even trying.”

“I thought Fiendfyre might be a bit much,” Harry joked.

Connie laughed, and they talked a bit more until they reached her office.

“If you need a hand next time you go Death Eater hunting, let me know, alright?”

“I will,” Harry promised as they parted.

As the week passed, Harry decided to wait on going after any more Death Eaters until he saw how the Ministry reacted to arresting one of their own. There was no point in risking his life if they were just going to get off with a bribe.

During that time, he noticed Remus looking more and more ill with each day. After giving it some thought, Harry came up with an explanation and waited until the end of Ancient Runes to approach him, a class none of the other Marauders took.

“Remus,” Harry called out.

Telling Lily he would meet her at lunch, he jogged up to Remus.

“Can we talk for a minute?” he asked.

Remus nodded and followed Harry as he led him to an empty classroom. Silencing the door, he pulled a small wooden box out of his pocket.

“Here, this is for you,” Harry said.

Remus looked at him suspiciously before cautiously opening the box to reveal seven vials filled with a blue and pink speckled potion.

“What is it?” Remus asked as he held up one of the vials and eyed the potion inside.

“It’s called Wolfsbane,” Harry said, licking his lips nervously. “My uncle created it. If you take one a day the week leading up to a full moon, it lets a Werewolf keep their human mind while transformed.”

Remus went deathly pale and nearly dropped the potions as he stared at Harry fearfully.

“I-I’m not-” Remus stuttered.

“It’s alright, I won’t tell anyone,” Harry assured him. “Look, my uncle was a Werewolf. I know what the signs looks like, and I know you’re just a normal person outside your monthlies.”

Harry’s joke fell flat as Remus stared between him and the potion in his hands, his eyes shining with fear and hope.

“If this is some kind of joke…” he said.

“It’s not,” Harry told him. “You can ask Professor Slughorn if you want, I already showed it to him.”

He’d known that it was unlikely that Remus would believe him, so he’d asked Slughorn to vouch for him. He also talked the professor into publishing the potion under his own name in exchange for his silence. Harry didn’t want the attention like Slughorn did and there was very little money to be made with a potion like Wolfsbane. Werewolves weren’t known for having money. Plus, it was always good to be owed a favor from Slughorn, even if he didn’t really like the man.

“You’re serious?” Remus asked. “This will stop the wolf from taking over?”

“It will,” Harry said with a smile. “I know you don’t know me that well, or really have any reason to trust me. Just talk to Slughorn, he’ll be able to tell you more about it than I can.”

Seeing that Remus still looked quite shocked, Harry turned to leave so he could have some time to think about it.

“Wait!” Remus called out, causing Harry to turn back with his hand on the doorknob. “Thanks, I – well, thanks.”

“Don’t mention it,” Harry said with a grin.

They didn’t have Potions that day, but from the way Remus and the rest of the Marauders kept glancing at him throughout dinner, he thought Remus had probably spoken to Slughorn. Harry hoped it also might ease some of the tension that had been growing between them in the dorm.

James was understandably jealous of the amount of time he spent with Lily, and Sirius seemed to dislike him for reasons Harry wasn’t really sure about. He made comments about Harry spending time with Narcissa because she was a Slytherin, despite the fact that she was also his cousin, but Harry didn’t think that was the whole reason. Perhaps he felt Harry was an intruder, or maybe he just disliked him on principle because James did. Maybe it was a combination of the two, or it was for a different reason altogether. Either way, it still hurt to know that they didn’t like him.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much he could do about that. Finishing his dinner, Harry wiped his mouth and turned to Lily.

“I’ll see you back in the common room,” he said.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“I’m helping Narcissa with her Patronus Charm again,” Harry told her.

“Could I come?” Lily asked hopefully. “I’d love to learn the Patronus Charm.”

Harry cursed as he tried to think of an excuse.

“I don’t mind, but I’m not sure how Narcissa would feel about that. How about we work on it tomorrow after dinner?” Harry asked.

“Okay,” Lily said with a smile.

“Great,” Harry said, relieved his evening with Narcissa wouldn’t be ruined.

With a smile and a wave Harry left the table, completely unaware of the conversation that immediately started up in his absence.

“You don’t think there’s anything going on between Harry and Narcissa, do you?” Dorcas asked thoughtfully.

“You think they’re sleeping together?” Mary McDonald asked with a giggle.

“They do spend a lot of time together,” Alice added.

“He’s just teaching her a spell,” Lily said, rolling her eyes.

“They’ve been at it for a while though,” Mary pointed out.

“It’s a difficult spell,” Lily said defensively. “Harry said it can take months to learn.”

“So, they’ll be going off together, alone, for months?” Dorcas asked suggestively.

Lily huffed and shook her head at Mary and Dorcas’ continued speculation on other couples as they began walking back to the common room. Lily fell to the back of the group, lost in thought as she trudged through the halls. Alice noticed and stopped to wait for her to catch up.

“You okay?” Alice asked.

Lily jerked her head up.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said.

“Really?” Alice asked doubtfully.

Lily was quiet for a moment, nibbling on her bottom lip thoughtfully.

“Do you really think there’s something going on between Harry and Narcissa?” she asked quietly.

“It’s possible, they do spend a lot of time together, why – oh, Merlin,” Alice gasped with a grin. “You fancy him, don’t you?”

“What? No!” Lily denied instantly.

“I can’t believe I didn’t see it before,” Alice said.

“I don’t fancy Harry,” Lily protested, folding her arms over her chest.

“Oh, come on, Lils,” Alice pressed, nudging Lily’s shoulder with hers. “It’s me you’re talking to.”

Lily sighed and her shoulders slumped.

“Fine, I like him,” she admitted.

“I knew it,” Alice said excitedly. “He’s like James Potter, but without any of the arrogance to go with it.”

Lily turned and slapped Alice’s shoulder.

“What was that for?” Alice asked indignantly.

“For implying, in any way, that I find James Potter attractive,” Lily huffed.

Both girls were silent for a moment before they giggled. As they calmed, Lily lost her smile.

“So, you think there’s something going on between Harry and Narcissa?” she asked.

“Well, it’s possible,” Alice admitted. “But if there was, surely they would have started dating by now, right?”

“Maybe,” Lily said, not looking too convinced.

“And even if there is, if they aren’t dating by now, then that just means it isn’t serious,” Alice continued cheerfully.

“Right,” Lily said, looking a bit more cheerful.

“Tell you what, how ‘bout I ask him tomorrow?” Alice offered.

“I don’t know,” Lily said uncertainly.

“It’ll be fine, Lily,” Alice soothed while wrapping her arm around her friend’s shoulders. “Wouldn’t you rather know for sure, instead of just guessing?”

“I suppose,” Lily admitted nervously. “But what do I do? Should I just tell him? What if he doesn’t like me that way?”

“He’d be a bloody idiot if he doesn’t, I mean look at you,” Alice said with a grin that finally got a smile out of Lily. “Tell you what, there’s a Hogsmeade visit coming up at the end of October. What if we drop a few hints and see if he asks you? If he doesn’t, then I’ll just beat him over the head until he does.”

Lily laughed as they stepped into the common room and walked over to one of the small tables so she and Alice could talk privately while they studied.

Twenty minutes before curfew, Harry walked Narcissa back to the Slytherin common room, as he had done every night they studied together. Although, to be honest, they hadn’t gotten much studying done that night, he thought with a grin.

Giving her a kiss on the cheek, he bid Narcissa goodnight before she gave the password and the bare stretch of wall in front of her morphed into a tunnel leading to the Slytherin dorms. Smiling to himself, Harry turned and started walking back towards Gryffindor tower. As he walked down an empty stretch of hall in the dark, dank dungeons of Hogwarts, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end.

Feeling as if he was being watched, Harry gripped his wand and clutched it in his hand. Suddenly, on pure instinct, he spun around just in time to see a twisting, writhing bolt of purple magic flying towards his legs. With a flick of his wand, Harry shattered the spell into a hundred sparkling pieces. Before the sparks had completely burned themselves out, a shockwave pulsed outwards from his body.

Four disillusioned figures, hiding in alcoves and behind suits of armor, were thrown backwards roughly into the stone walls, knocking the breath out of them and dispelling their Disillusionment Charms. Harry easily recognized their faces as they shimmered into view. Lucius Malfoy, Rudolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, and Markus Avery.

As the four of them scrambled to get to their feet, Harry scowled furiously and swiped his wand, the tip pointing downwards. All of them grunted and fell to their hands and knees, his spell making it feel as if the weight of a Hippogriff was holding them down. It reality, it was Harry’s own magic pressing down on them.

Another wave of his wand ripped theirs from their hands and left them scattered along the hall.

“Cowards,” Harry spat angrily. “Hiding in the shadows, attacking when someone’s back is turned. Now which one of you idiots wants to tell me what this is all about?”

Malfoy looked up and glared at him impotently. Before Harry could say anything else, he heard a set of footsteps walking up behind him. Turning around, he saw Bellatrix walking up to him, wand in hand and a smirk on her lips.

“They’re upset you’re spending so much time with my sister,” she said, her violet eyes glinting in the light of the torches along the wall.

“Don’t just stand there,” Malfoy growled, gritting his teeth at the strain of holding himself up. “Deal with him and get us out of here you stupid bitch.”

“Aw, you think I’m here to help you?” Bella asked tauntingly, before laughing at them.

“Then why are you here?” Harry asked.

“I wanted to see how you’d handle them,” she replied with a grin, her eyes raking up and down his body. “I knew there was something special about you. I just wanted to see it for myself.”

Shrugging off her heavy cloak, Bellatrix dropped it to the ground and smiled expectantly.

“I really don’t think you want to do this,” Harry said, preparing himself for another duel.

“Oh, I think I do,” Bellatrix answered, smiling.

Glancing over at the four boys behind him, she licked her lips excitedly and looked back at him. Harry could see a trace of that obsessive light that he’d seen when she looked at Voldemort sparkling in her eyes as she looked at him. It worried him for a moment, but he couldn’t help but think how much better off the world would be if Bellatrix were obsessed with someone like him instead someone like Voldemort. Could he really save Bellatrix Black, Harry wondered.

It was worth trying, he decided.

“I never did like dueling without a good reason,” Harry said conversationally. “How about we make a bet?”

“What kind of bet?” Bellatrix asked suspiciously.

“The winner gets to do anything they want with the loser for twenty-four hours,” Harry said.

Bellatrix raised an eyebrow, then grinned a moment later.


The second the word left her lips, she went on the attack, spell after spell spitting from the end of her wand. Harry deflected them, but it was clear she was much more powerful and skilled than the vast majority of their classmates. Unsurprisingly, quite of few of the curses she sent at him were Dark in nature and would be incredibly painful if they hit.

Behind him, Harry could feel Malfoy inching his way closer to his wand, but he was moving so slowly it wasn’t a concern. Waving his own wand, he knocked Bellatrix roughly against the wall. Like most witches and wizards, if the spell wasn’t visible, she had a hard time knowing how to deal with it. She wasn’t far enough along to sense magic yet, but he knew she would be one day.

As Bellatrix moved to stand up, Harry used the same trick he had on the others to pin her in place. She was much better at fighting it then her male housemates, using her magic to push back rather than brute strength, but she was still no match for Harry. Holding her in place, he ripped her wand from her hand using a powerful Summoning Charm, and then used her own robe to tie her up by transfiguring it into a long black rope. Slithering like a snake, it wrapped around her arms and waist, just under her large breasts.

Harry walked forward to stand in front of her, his crotch just inches from her face. Bellatrix panted as she looked up at him, her violet eyes sparkling excitedly before she glanced behind him. Smirking, Harry twitched his wand, moving Malfoy’s wand further away from his hand just as he reached out to grab it.

“I don’t know why you even bothered,” Harry said. “Even if you got to it, it’s not like it would do you any good.”

Malfoy growled angrily as he panted exhaustedly from his crawling.

“You’ll pay for this!” he spat furiously.

“Somehow, I doubt that,” Harry said, then reached out to run a hand through Bellatrix’s hair while putting up a powerful Aversion Charm on the hallway. “If they don’t like me spending time with your sister, I wonder how they’ll feel about it when I take two of the Black sisters.”

He pulled Bellatrix’s head closer to him, and she looked up at him with a hooded gaze as she understood what he wanted. The moment the ropes around her fell free, she reached up up, quickly tearing his pants open excitedly. With a quick tug, she pulled down his underwear and freed his rapidly hardening cock.

“Good girl,” Harry said.

It was quite a powerful feeling, to see a beautiful, powerful witch like Bellatrix Black looking up at him with a nearly worshipful look in her eyes. Harry could easily understand how someone could become addicted to this.

Taking him in hand, she stroked his length while taking the head between her full, pink lips. Harry hissed as she nursed on the head until he was completely hard. His free hand joined the first in her long, curly black hair, and he held her in place as he pushed himself deeper into her mouth. Bellatrix took him willingly as she stared up at him, her hands moving to his hips.

Based on what he’d seen both here, and in his time, Harry knew Bellatrix needed a firm hand to guide her. Someone strong and confident that she could devote herself to. He just had to make sure to show her affection as well. For now, though, he just needed her to know he could dominate her the way he knew she wanted.

Holding her head in place, Harry sawed his hips back and forth, fucking her mouth as her lips stretched wide around his girth. It didn’t take long for him to learn an interesting fact; Bellatrix didn’t have a gag reflex. Her eyes sparkled as he quickly buried himself to the root in her tight throat.

“Fuck,” Harry grunted.

Smiling with her eyes, Bellatrix sealed her lips around his shaft and sucked as he slowly pulled back until his head came free with a pop. His glistening length bobbed in front of her as she smirked up at him.

“I bet my sister can’t do that,” she said rather smugly.

“What?” Lucius Malfoy growled.

Harry had nearly forgotten the four Slytherin boys were there. Still pinned by his magic, all of them had collapsed onto their stomachs, too tired to hold themselves up any longer. Bellatrix’s eyes glittered maliciously as she leaned to the side to look past Harry’s leg with a smirk on her lips.

“Didn’t you know Harry was fucking her?” she asked mockingly, then laughed when they all glared at her. “Cissy’s been fucking him for weeks. She comes back to the dorm and brags about how big his cock is, and how good it feels inside of her. Much better than any of your tiny pricks.”

“And how do you know that?” Harry asked sharply.

Bellatrix’s eyes snapped up to look at him, the smile falling from her lips as she began stroking him again and rubbing his length against her face.

“Alecto Carrow told me,” she said. “She’s fucked every Slytherin within two years of her. I’d never let any of these pathetic fools touch me.”

With one hand, Harry let go of her hair and stroked her cheek. Bellatrix leaned into his touch.

“Good,” Harry said, causing her to smile.

Moving his hand back to her hair, he guided her lips back to his tip. Eagerly, she took him back into her mouth and began sucking him again. Quickly, Harry was back to thrusting in and out of her throat. Despite not having a gag reflex, obscene squelches and gasps still left her mouth as his thick cock battered and stretched her gullet.

Knowing he could be caught at any minute if someone discovered his spell, Harry mercilessly used Bellatrix for his own pleasure. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes as she continued to stare at him despite the pounding her face was taking. A copious amount of thick, stringy saliva leaked out of her mouth and dripped down onto her top. Her white shirt turned transparent where it landed, revealing the edges of her black bra underneath.

Feeling himself getting close, Harry pulled himself out of her mouth to catch his breath. Bellatrix gasped for air, and it was only then that he noticed that her hand was buried under the waist band of her skirt. She stared up at him with a lustful, hooded gaze and panted lightly with her mouth wide open, waiting for him to continue using her as she played with herself. Smiling, Harry thrust himself back into her mouth and down her throat.

His cock throbbed as her tight throat convulsed around him, rapidly pushing him towards his peak. With just a handful of thrusts, Harry tipped over the edge. His shaft pulsing, the first jet of cum fired straight down her throat. Pulling back slightly, Bellatrix sucked on his hard on as the rest of his climax flooded her mouth and coated her tongue.

Going limp, he pulled out of her mouth completely and tucked his spent, spit-covered member back into his pants. She looked up at him and swallowed with a moan as her body trembled. Closing her eyes, Bellatrix reached her own climax just seconds after his ended.

“We’ll get you for this you little Mudblood. You and your stupid whore,” Rudolphus barked furiously as he tried in vain to reach for the wand that was several feet away from his outstretched hand.

Bellatrix’s eyes snapped open and narrowed angrily.

“What did you call me?” she hissed dangerously.

Grabbing her wand off the ground, she stood up and stalked over to him. Lestrange’s glare fell away as he looked up at her. Despite the tears and spit covering her face, Bellatrix still looked as fearsome as ever as she stood over the defenseless wizard.

“I asked you a question,” she barked.

A bright red Stinging Hex shot from her wand and hit Rudolphus in the back. Yelping in pain, his muscles strained as he tried to scoot away from her.

“Bella,” Harry called out sharply.

She froze as he walked up behind her, her tense shoulder relaxing slightly as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Don’t waste the effort. There’re much better things we could be doing with our time,” Harry said quietly.

His hands trailed up her flat stomach until his fingers rested on the underside of her breasts. As she relaxed against him, he tilted his head and kissed the side of her neck.

“Traitor,” Rudolphus grumbled bitterly.

“Bella,” Harry said sternly as her arm shot up, her wand pointed at Lestrange’s face.

She froze again, but her body shook with barely suppressed anger. That anger only got worse when Rudolphus smirked at her.

“Don’t use anything that leaves a mark,” Harry said, changing his mind.

The smile on Rudolphus’ face fell, and now it was Bellatrix’s turn to smile. He winced as a blue spell washed over him, then cautiously opened his eyes when nothing obvious happened.

“What did you do to me?” he asked fearfully.

“An Impotence Hex,” Bellatrix said with a satisfied grin. “Don’t bother trying to reverse it, this one’s a special family spell.”

“You bitch!” Rudolphus spat.

“I can cut it off, if you prefer,” Bellatrix said threateningly.

“Rudolphus, shut up,” Malfoy told him, then raised his eyes to look at Harry with a glare.

Harry ignored him.

“Let’s go, there’s a special room I’d like to show you,” Harry told Bellatrix quietly, his fingers running along the underside of her thin bra. “Unless you’d rather go with them.”

Bellatrix scoffed and lowered her wand.

“I don’t like weak men,” she said.

The four wizards on the floor scowled as Harry and Bellatrix turned to leave.

“Have a good night, gents,” Harry said without looking back.



This is the start of a glorious relationship. Perhaps not beautiful in the usual sense, but glorious.


Love it! Such a good chapter.


I never thought I needed this kind of pairing but it is quite satisfying. Good hints earlier and casting things in the right light before she fell to madness and darkness. Having Harry harness her broken bits of personality to heal her and save others, nice.


Now this is a very interesting premise. I look forward to seeing how you progress this.


Sorry to be a bother. Where are the download links?


Oh, this is going to shift a lot of things going forward/ 'Twill be interesting to see just how much gets changed. It's not going to be fun for Riddle and his minions.


Dies lily actually know he is her son or does she simply think he is a time traveler from the future, I cannot quite remember which way it was. One of the two he told her when they were on Diagon ... does lily have an incest fetish maybe otherwise the situation should cause some slight anxiety or time delay until they pair up

Professor Quill

I reposted them, they should be working now. Sometimes they don't show up when I schedule a post. I don't know why.

Zitronen tee

Well, crap. It cements this as one of my favorites, an it ends on a cliffhanger. And is not likely to be continued soon enough for my tastes XD. Great chapter and take on Bellatrix. I seriously dislike the one dimensional "slave to power" or just "batshit crazy lol" depictions. To me she always came across as dangerously intelligent, driven and more manic than straight up unhinged. More warped by decades of dark magic and dementor exposure than simply born a basketcase. so yeah, in a teenaged Bellatrix you shouldn't find the more extreme traits yet. Definetely her fascination with power, true, perhaps some cracks and a sense that she is not quite alright up there, but not the Joker esque "one bad day away from insanity" kind of time bomb the fandom seems to expect.

Professor Quill

Is that soon enough for you? lol. I got the notification for your comment right after I posted the new chapter.

Zitronen tee

Well that aged like milk. But I happen to be very fond of cheese. A surprise to be certain, but a welcome one. Or so a great and friendly fellow once said.