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Chapter 2

Harry smiled as he watched Gabby strike a pose in front of the camera in her thin, light blue dress. Flashes of light and loud pops from the old-fashioned camera came at a steady pace as she moved gracefully from one position to another.

It was eight months after Harry and Gabrielle had started dating, and they were now living together Happily at Grimmauld Place. Once the public got wind of the fact that they were dating a few months back, Gabby had quickly started being hounded by the press just as bad as he was. While, at first, he was worried the attention might scare her off, Gabby handled the attention with grace and never seemed to let it bother her. Even when some articles thought she was using her Allure to ensnare him, she easily brushed it off.

When the initial, and often ridiculous rumors of their relationship were proven false, things started to calm down a bit. Of course, with Gabby’s looks, it didn’t take long for magazines, in both England and France, to come asking for her to do interviews or photoshoots. While Harry had plenty of gold, and Gabby was a brilliant witch working towards her Charms Mastery, they usually offered huge amounts of money for her time. After they had talked about it, Gabby decided she would pick and choose the ones she was willing to do.

Of course, that created some new problems. While Harry was known for telling the public very little about his life, Gabby seemed to have a way of giving them just enough to keep them satisfied, without actually telling them too much about their private life. Soon, she was in high demand from every publication imaginable. Even after six months of rejections, Play Wizard still sent an owl asking for her to do a photoshoot once a week.

Gabby quickly came up with a routine, where she would do one interview a month, sometimes bringing Harry with her to answer a few questions, and then she would pick whatever photoshoots she wanted to do for fashion magazines. It worked out quite well, with Gabby getting dozens of designer outfits for free, all while getting paid thousands of Galleons for the photos.

There were bumps along the, as one would expect. Early on they had to insist on female photographers, and often interviewers, due to wizards unwittingly falling victim to her Allure, or worse, making inappropriate advances. Surprisingly, this caused a small revolution in the industry and allowed many witches to advance in their careers where before they had been denied. Because of that, Gabby was extremely well liked by the vast majority of the people she worked with.

Of course, Harry thought as he watched the attractive brunette photographer lick her lips as she watched Gabby spin, causing her dress to rise up and reveal more of her long, toned legs, it wasn’t just wizards that found her attractive. Noticing him watching, Gabby gave him a brilliant smile and a playful wink before striking another pose. Harry smiled back as he reached into his pocket to play with a small, black velvet box.

A week earlier, after a rather odd, but enlightening conversations with Luna, he had realized it was time to ask her to marry him. Even though they had only really gotten to know each other over the last eight months, he felt like he had known her all his life, and he couldn’t imagine spending his life with anyone else. The hardest part had been figuring out how to ask her.

He’d gone to Hermione, Arthur, and even Luna for advice, but they hadn’t been able to help him much. According to Hermione, it was something he had to figure out on his own. Not being the most romantic person in the world, it had taken him quite a while to think of something. Now, he just had to hope he didn’t screw things up, and that she said yes.

It was perhaps the longest two hours of his life as he waited for her to finish her shoot and change back into her normal clothes. After saying goodbye to the photographer and makeup girls, Gabby walked up to him with a bright smile and took his hand in hers.

“Ready to go?” Harry asked, trying hard to hide his nervousness.

“Oui. Do you want to get lunch?” she asked as they left the Witch Weekly office and walked out into Diagon Alley.

“Actually, I have something to show you.” he said with a smile.

Threading his fingers through her, he started leading them toward the Apparition point near the Leaky Cauldron.

“Really?” she asked, her light blue eyes sparling with excitement. “What ees it?”

“It a surprise.” he told her before changing the subject in the hope of distracting her. “Did you get to keep that blue dress?”

Gabby gave him a knowing smile and pulled a small bag out of her pocket.

“You liked eet?” she asked playfully.

“I like anything you wear.” he said with a smile.

Gabby giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek just as they reached the Apparition point. Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her deeply just he Disapparated. Even as they reappeared on a windy hillside near the sea, they stayed locked at the lips for several long seconds. As they broke apart, Harry stroked her cheek softly and gave her a gentle smile.

“I love you.” he said softly.

“I love you, too.” Gabby said with a smile.

Leaning down, Harry gave her one more quick kiss before smiling at her nervously.

“Ready for your surprise?” he asked.

“Oui!” she said excitedly, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Smiling, her nodded over her shoulder. Gabby turned around and gasped as she looked at the beautiful two-story house built on a hill overlooking the sea. The large, white house had tall windows on all sides, giving it a bright, airy look, and a large deck on the back side facing the sea. Gabby turned her head back to look at him with a huge, happy grin on her face.

“We’re going on vacation?” she asked excitedly.

Chuckling nervously, Harry wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back to his front.

“Not exactly. You know how no matter how much we redecorate, Grimmauld Place still has that dark feel to it?” he asked.

“Oui.” she said, her brow furrowed cutely as she tried to work out where he was going.

“Well, I thought it might be time for us to get away from there and get a house that was entirely ours.” he said.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a pair of keys on a ring. Holding them up in front of her stunned face, he lifted her hand and placed the keys in her palm.

“You bought us a house?” she asked in a quiet, stunned voice as she stared at the keys in her hand.

“Yeah.” Harry said nervously. “Well, more like I had it built. Do you like it?”

When Gabby stayed silent for several seconds, Harry began to worry he’d done something wrong. Suddenly, she spun around in his arms, and he could see tears running down her cheeks. Before he could ask what was wrong, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hard enough that he stumbled back half a step. Just as he caught his balance, she pulled back with bright, tearful smile.

“I can’t believe you built us a ‘ouse! I love eet. I love you.” she exclaimed.

Gabby threw herself at him again and kissed him hard as Harry chuckled in relief. When she pulled back a couple of seconds later, she bounced on the balls of her feet as she beamed up at him.

“Can we look at eet?” she asked excitedly.

“We can do anything you want.” he told her.

Grabbing his hand, she gave him one more kiss before dragging him up the hill to the front door. She slipped the key easily into the lock and opened the door to a small foyer. Gabby stood in the doorway, staring in awe around her before Harry smiled and gently nudged her inside. Past the foyer was a large living room that went all the way to the back of the house with huge windows overlooking the beach. To the right was a large, modern kitchen, and bathroom, while to the left there was a small library and office. Off the back of the house was an enormous deck on stilts nearly a dozen feet off the ground, with a long staircase leading directly to the beach.

Once Gabby was done exploring the first floor speechlessly, Harry showed her up the stairs to the second floor. The upstairs was split in two by a long hallway with doors on either side. To the right, towards the front of the house, were two bedrooms with a bathroom in between. To the left, towards the back of the house, was a third bedroom, and the master bedroom and bath. The master bedroom had tall windows overlooking the sea like the living room, while the master bathroom had two sinks, a shower, and a huge magical bath that resembled a smaller version of the Prefects bath at Hogwarts.

After they had explored the whole house, Gabby finally regained her voice and began excitedly planning how to furnish it. Harry followed her with a smile on his face as she described what she wanted to do excitedly. As they made it back to the first floor, Harry led her over to the windows looking out over the sea.

“Eet’s beautiful.” Gabby said with a dreamy smile.

Harry stayed silent as he fiddled with the velvet box in his pocket nervously. Working up his courage, he took a deep breath and pulled it out of his pocket as he took her hand in his.

“Gabby, I-” Harry cut off as the words caught in his throat.

Gabby looked at him curiously, an almost worried look on her face as he took another deep breath and dropped down to one knee. He heard her take in a sharp breath as held fumbled the box with shaking fingers before it finally popped open to reveal an elegant silver ring. In the center, there was a tear drop shaped blue diamond with two smaller, white diamonds on either side. All of the words he had spent hours planning to say left his mind as he looked up at her stunned face.

“Gabrielle Delacour, will you marry me?” he asked.

Gabby smiled tearfully and nodded her head quickly.

“Oui.” she said in a voice choked with emotion.

Letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding; Harry took the ring out of the box with shaking hands and slipped in onto her finger.

“Eet goes on ze ozer ‘and, ‘Arry.” she said in a laughing voice.

“Right.” Harry said with a shaky smile.

Shaking his head, he put the ring on the correct finger before kissing the back of her hand and standing up. Once he was on his feet, Gabby wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped up to wrap her legs around his waist. Harry cupped her bum to hold her up as she smiled brilliantly at him through her tears of joy and kissed him slowly, yet passionately. The relief and happiness that Harry felt in that moment surpassed anything he had ever felt before.

After a long while, Gabby eventually pulled back, her cheeks flushed and eyes bright. Unwrapping her legs from his waist, she dropped back down to the floor and smiled joyously as she looked at the ring on her finger.

“I can’t wait to tell Fleur and Maman.” she said excitedly.

“That reminds me, I have two more things to show you.” Harry told her, the smile never leaving his face.

“I don’t need anyzing else.” she said looking up at him lovingly as she clasped her hands behind his neck. “I ‘ave everyzing I want.”

“Trust me, you’ll like this.” he said.

Looking out the window, he pointed to a small hill about a quarter of a mile away.

“See that hill?” he asked, getting a nod. “Shell Cottage is just on the other side.”

“We live next to Fleur?” she asked excitedly.

Harry smiled, knowing how close she was to her sister and niece.

“You can visit them any time you want.” he told her. “And I have one last surprise.”

“Zhere’s more?” she asked her he wrapped an arm around her waist and led her to the library.

At the back of the room, between two empty bookcases built into the wall, there was an ornate, full-sized mirror. Leading her over to it, Gabby watched curiously as he took out his wand and tapped the glass. When he did, their reflection rippled like water before coalescing into a completely different image. Gabby gasped and covered her mouth with one hand as she instantly recognized the room through the mirror as the library of her parents’ house in France.

“Eet’s a two-way mirror?” she gasped.

“It’s better than that.” Harry told her.

Reaching out with his free hand, Harry stuck his arm through the mirror. Turing back to Gabby’s gob smacked expression with a smile, he took her hand and pulled him after her as he walked completely through the mirror and stepped seamlessly into France.

“’Ow?” she asked as she stared back at the mirror in awe.

“You’d have to ask Hermione. She came up with it for me.” he admitted.

“We ‘ave to do somezing nice for ‘er.” Gabby said.

“Bonjour?” they heard a familiar voice call out from the other side of the door.

Gabby smiled mischievously and rushed towards the door.

“Let’s surprise maman!” she whispered excitedly.

Harry followed her with a smile as she pulled him out of the library and into the living room.

“Gabrielle!” Apolline gasped, holding a hand to her chest as they stopped just in front of her as she was about to enter the library. “You could ‘ave warned me you were coming.”

“Maman! Fleur!” Gabby exclaimed as she rushed forward to give her mother a hug.

Fleur, who was sitting on the couch, stood up and hugged her sister with a smile.

“You weel nevair believe what Harry deed.” Gabby said excitedly.

“I take eet you like your new ‘ouse?” Apolline asked with a smirk.

“You knew?” Gabby gasped.

Fleur and Apolline laughed at her expression.

“’Arry asked us to ‘elp him design eet.” Apolline said with a smile.

“Eet doesn’t matter, ‘Arry gave me somezing even better.” Gabby said giddily.

Without even waiting for them to ask, she held up her hand. Apolline and Fleur both squealed and began talking rapidly in French. Although Harry had been working to learn the language, there was no chance he could keep up with how fast they were talking. Both women gave him tight hugs and congratulated them. A moment later, Apolline had gotten a bottle of champaign from one of their House Elves and Harry sat on the couch with Gabby leaning against him as she explained everything in detail.

Harry cuddled happily with Gabby as they had an impromptu celebration with her mother and sister. Before they realized it, the sun had fallen below the horizon and the hour grew late.

“We should get going.” Harry said.

Gabby nodded and stood up so Harry could stand. Fleur and Apolline rose to meet them with hugs.

“I’m so ‘appy for you two.” Apolline said with a smile.

“I’ll be ‘ome tomorrow eef you want help looking for furniture.” Fleur said to Gabby.

“I'll come too. We can make a day of eet.” Apolline offered.

Gabby happily agreed and after on last goodbye to her mother and sister, Harry led her back through the mirror.

“Can we stay ‘ere tonight?” Gabby asked with a sultry smile. “I zhink we should celebrate in our new ‘ome.”

“There’s no bed here, love.” Harry reminded her.

No sooner had the words left his mouth when Apolline’s House Elf popped in and handed a note to Gabby before popping away again.

“Eet’s from maman.” she said in a voice laced with confusion. “She says she left a present for us upstairs.”

“She didn’t have to do that.” Harry said.

“Let’s go see what eet ees.” Gabby said, pulling him by the hand up the stairs.

Harry figured it would be in the master bedroom, so they check there first. It turned out he was right and seeing what it was made him question whether Apolline was a seer. In what was a bare room was now a massive four-poster bed covered in a fluffy white comforter and white lace hangings. Sitting in the middle of the bed was a folded piece of parchment with his name written on it in a flowing script. Picking it up, Harry unfolded it and read the short note.

If I know my daughter, she will want to stay the night in her new home. Congratulations on your new home, and welcome to the family.

Love Maman

Harry smiled softly and handed the note to Gabby. Reading it quickly, she too smiled before sticking it in her pocket and wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Does zis mean we can stay now?” she asked as she pressed herself against him.

“I think it’d be rude if we didn’t.” he said while running his hands up and down her back.

“Zhen we ‘ave a new bed to break een.” she said with a sexy smile.

Gabby tilted her head back and kissed him on the lips before pushing him back onto the bed with a sudden shove. Harry blinked in surprise as he landed on the bed and sank deep into the comforter, causing Gabby to giggle.

“Wait ‘ere.” she said.

Trotting into the bathroom, she closed the door behind her. While he waited for her to come back, Harry kicked off his shoes and made himself comfortable on the bed. He’d never been picky about his mattress, but he had to admit Apolline certainly knew what to look for. Hearing the bathroom door open, he looked up to see Gabby walking into the bedroom wearing the light blue dress she had worn at the photoshoot earlier. Without her bra, Gabby’s large breasts bounced with each step as she walked back over to the bed. Eyes sparkling, she crawled on all fours over top of him and straddled his waist with a sultry smile on her lips.

“Do you like zhe dress?” she asked coyly.

With the way she was hovering over him, her breasts hung down, giving him a perfect view of luscious cleavage. Smiling, Harry placed his hands on her knees and then slowly moved his hands up her smooth thighs under the dress.

“I like what’s under it a lot more.” he told her.

As his hands reached her hips, he quickly realized that the dress was the only thing she was wearing. Gabby moaned into his mouth as his hands gently kneaded and caressed her full, round cheeks. Sitting up on his waist, she grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up. Harry sat up and raised his arms over his head so she could take it off. Tossing it to the floor, she pushed him back down and started kissing her way down his chest and abs while her hands worked at his belt. With practiced ease, she had his pants open in moments. Grabbing the waistband of his jeans and boxers, Gabby pulled them down in one go, leaving him naked.

As Gabby crawled back up on the bed, she pushed Harry’s cock against his stomach and kissed his shaft, giggling when it twitched excitedly. Harry smiled and ran a hand through her hair as she straddled him once more, her bare, warm mound pressing on the underside of his length. Grabbing the bottom of her dress, he pulled it up over her head. Tossing the dress aside, he sat up and buried his face between her breasts, kissing and sucking at anything her could reach.

Laughing, Gabby fell forward, trapping his head between the mattress and her soft, perky breasts. Pinning his shoulder to the bed, she pushed herself up slightly and smiled down at him as she ground her slit down on his length.

“I need you een me, mon amour.” Gabby moaned.

Leaning down to kiss him, she raised her hips, giving Harry room to line himself with her entrance. Both of them moaned as she lowered herself onto his length, her tight, wet heat enveloping his shaft inch by inch. When her weight rested on his thighs, Gabby pushed herself up on her arms and rolled her hips. Harry reached up and cupped her breasts, his fingers sinking into her soft, smooth flesh while his thumbs rubbed her stiff pink nipples. With her eyes closed and mouth slightly open as she panted, Gabby started bouncing, rolling her hips when she bottomed out. A cute, soft grunt left her lips each time she dropped back down, and her depths swallowed his straining erection.

“’Arry.” she moaned as she looked at him with a hooded, lustful gaze.

Harry smiled and stroked her cheek, his thumb running across her plump bottom lip. Gabby wrapped her lips around his thumb and sucked on it with a moan while bouncing more vigorously. Planting his feet on the bed, Harry gripped her hips and thrust up into her from below. Gabby breasts bounced and swayed beautifully as a light, rhythmic clapping came from between their bodies.

“Mon amour.” Gabby gasped.

Panting, she let out a desperate whine as her nails dug into his chest, her walls fluttering around him. Even after all the time they had been together, Harry still couldn’t help but feel smug as he watched this beautiful woman nearing her climax on top of him. Gabby closed her eyes and panted heavily through her parted, glistening lips, her movements losing their coordination as she neared her peak. Holding her hips in place, Harry suddenly started hammering up into her at a furious pace, his cock drilling into her depths relentlessly.

Gabby squealed loudly, her body going stiff as she was thrown over the edge. Harry grunted and fought back against his own climax as her walls spasmed around him. Her arousal soaked his length while her body trembled, and her arms gave out. Collapsing onto his chest, Gabby moaned into his ear as she rode out her orgasm. Harry cock throbbed desperately, but he fought back against the desire to empty himself inside her.

As Gabby climax waned, she sat up and kissed him deeply, her tongue delving into his mouth while he caressed her back and ass. When she pulled back, Gabby smiled playfully, a lustful sparkle in her eyes.

“You deedn’t feenish?” she asked with a pout. “Do you not want to cum een me, mon amour?”

“You know I do.” Harry said as he tickled her side, causing her to let out a little squeal and giggle.

“Zhen maybe I need to try ‘arder.” she said playfully.

Climbing off of him, she crawled up towards the head of the bed, deliberately swaying her full, heart shaped ass provocatively. Smirking at him over her shoulder, she arched her back and shook her ass at him. Harry smiled as he rolled over and pushed himself up to his knees behind her. He loved how insatiable Gabby was. No matter how often or hard they had sex, she was always ready for more. As he settled in behind her and slipped his hard cock back into her welcoming depths, she lowered her chest to the mattress and looked back at him.

“Please fuck me, ‘Arry. I need eet.” she begged.

His cock throbbed at the pleading in her voice. Grabbing her hips, he started thrusting into her at a steady pace, watching as her lips parted around his girth and clung to his slick shaft.

“’Arder! Remind me why I'm yours.” Gabby moaned.

The desperation in her voice and the way she threw her hips back at him was driving Harry wild. He had wanted to draw things out a bit longer, but Gabby knew just what to do to push his buttons. Leaning over her back, he began slamming into her furiously, any thoughts of holding back chased from his mind by the loud, desperate moans that left her lips. His hips slapped loudly against her thighs as he drove into her with thunderous force, driving her body into the soft mattress.

With every thrust, Gabby only begged for more, her dripping pussy clutching him tightly in its warm embrace. Harry gave an animalistic growl and slammed into her with all his strength. Soon, his beautiful girlfriend was clawing at the bedding as she gasped and chattered in French. His pride, and his cock, swelled knowing that driving her to speaking French meant he was doing something she really liked.

With such an intense pace, Harry quickly neared his peak. Growling, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back into his hammering thrusts. A loud, wet slapping echoed around the room as his pelvis collided with her dripping lips. Suddenly, Gabby screamed into the blankets as a massive climax crashed over her. She fell flat against the mattress, her legs shaking uncontrollably as they gave out under her. Harry followed her down, continuing to slam into her mercilessly. With just a few more savage thrusts, he reached his peak and buried his cock as deeply into her spasming pussy as possible. Growling, his cock pulsed as he emptied himself into her, jets of hot cum coating her depths.

Under him, Gabby moaned, her walls massaging him as if trying to milk every last drop from his cock. As his climax came to an end, Harry wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him as he rolled them onto their sides. His deflating length fell out of her, but Gabby wiggled her ass back against him as if trying to get him hard again. Harry chuckled tiredly and cupped one of her breasts while kissing her neck. Giggling, she rolled over to face him.

“I love you.” she said.

“I love you, too.” he replied, kissing her perfect lips.

Resting her hand on his chest, both of the looked down at the glittering ring on her finger.

“I love zhis ring, eet’s so beautiful.” she said happily.

“I’m glad you like it.” he said.

Resting her head on his chest, Gabby closed her eyes and snuggled deeper into him.

“Let’s get some sleep. I want to try zhe bath een ze morning.” she mumbled.

Chuckling, Harry kissed the top of her head and drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. Finally, he had a family of his own.


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