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(Disclaimer: All character's involved in sexual acts are over the age of 18.)

Katie’s Revenge

Harry Potter, Head Auror, sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, the last of his paperwork finally done for the day. Checking his watch, it was well after ten at night. Standing up, he groaned as he stretched from a long day of dealing with the Wizengamot and filling out a veritable mountain of parchment. This was probably the part of his job he hated the most. Although, while he much preferred being in the field, he could at least take solace in the fact that he was still making a difference and keeping corruption at bay.

Leaving his office, he waved to the handful of Aurors in the office, bidding them good night. Exiting the Auror Headquarters, he turned right and made his way towards the elevator, only to stop abruptly when he heard a shout from the training room. He frowned and crept closer to the door, curious why someone would be in there this time of night.

Pausing at the door, something in his gut told him he should investigate. Reaching into the pocket of his robes, he pulled out what looked like a small glass marble. Setting it on the floor, he tapped it with his wand and watched as it rolled under its own power over to the door. Too big to fit under the door, it squeezed itself flat until it was thin enough to slide under and slid forward into the training room. Tapping his wand against the frame of his glasses, the lenses became cloudy before giving him a view of the inside of the room from the marble's perspective. At the same time, the earpieces of his glasses cracked, allowing him to hear into the room as well.

Not for the first time, he was grateful the Weasley twins were on their side. Called Mad-Eye Marbles, in remembrance of Mad-Eye Moody, they were an upgraded version of their old Extendable Ears. These, however, were made solely made and sold to the Ministry and had only recently started being issued to all investigators.

Inside the training room, Cormac McLaggen was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a disgustingly smug smile on his face. Standing across from him, blue eyes narrowed in an angry glare, was one of the new Auror trainees, Bethany Brown. Bethany was a cousin of his former classmate, Lavender. Like her cousin, Beth, as she preferred to be called, was an incredibly beautiful witch with a curvaceous figure, but that was where the similarities ended. Beth was much more athletic and serious than Lavender, with shoulder length light brown hair, currently tied in a tight ponytail.

Focusing his attention on Cormac, Harry narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was up to this time. More than once, he had received a number of complaints about the arrogant wizard. Usually about his unprofessional attitude and inappropriate remarks towards his female colleagues. Harry really didn’t like Cormac and would have fired him the moment he became Head Auror if it wasn’t for the fact that he was married to his close friend Katie Bell.

“You can’t do this!” Beth yelled angrily.

“I can actually. It’s entirely up to me who graduates to full Auror. If I tell them I don’t think your cut out for the long, hard hours...” Cormac said smugly.

“You’re a right bastard, McLaggen.” she said in disgust. “I knew you were and asshole, but I can’t believe you’re trying to force me to sleep with you.”

Harry growled quietly, seething with anger, both for what he was doing to this young woman, and his wife.

“I’m not forcing you to do anything.” Cormac said, pushing off of the wall and turning his back to the door to face Beth. “I’m just saying that things aren’t looking too good and spending some time with me would really help your chances of graduating.”

“In a private room at the Leaky Cauldron.” She deadpanned. “I’m at the top of the class, asshole! You can’t do this to me! I’m going straight to Auror Tonks with this in the morning.”

Beth glared at him and made to stomp past him, but Cormac sidestepped in front of her and extended his arm, blocking her path.

“You really think that’ll work?” he asked in a smug tone. “Who do you think they’ll believe, some trainee who my notes show is on the verge of failing, or a Senior Auror who fought in the battle of Hogwarts?”

Beth glared at him furiously for several seconds before Harry watched her shoulders sag in defeat and the fire in her eyes turned to frustrated hopelessness. That was too much for him, he had seen enough. Throwing the door open, Harry marched into the room, his anger causing excess magic to swirl around him.

“Potter!” McLaggen yelped in shock, his eyes wide and nervous. “I was just-”

Whatever pathetic excuse he was going to come up with, Harry never found out as his fist slammed into McLaggen’s face with a meaty thump. Cormac fell on his ass, his hands clutching his nose as blood dripped out of it.

“My office, now!” Harry growled.

His eyes wide with fear, McLaggen climbed to his feet and walked to the door on trembling legs.

“I’ll be right behind you. If you aren’t in my office by the time I get there, I'll call in every Auror we have to hunt you down and then I will personally escort you to Azkaban.” Harry threatened.

Nodding frightenedly, Cormac scurried from the room as quickly as he could.

“Are you alright?” Harry asked Beth in concern.

Tears of relief glistened in her eyes as she nodded. He reached out to pat her reassuringly on the shoulder and that caused the dam to burst. The moment he touched her, Beth threw her arms around him in a tight hug, trembling as she cried.

“Thank you.” she said thickly. “I-I almost...”

“Shh.” Harry whispered, patting her back gently. “It’s alright, you’re safe.”

Giving her a few seconds to let out her emotions, he pulled back and held her at arm’s length.

“You okay?” he asked again.

Sniffling, Beth wiped her eyes and nodded.

“Come on.” he told her gently.

Placing his hand between her shoulder blades, he led her out of the training room and down the hall to Auror Headquarters. Looking around, he spotted a familiar head of pink hair and head in that direction.

“Tonks.” he called out as he approached.

“Hey, Harry.” Tonks said, looking up with a smile that quickly turned into a frown when she saw Beth. “What’s wrong?”

“I need you to take a statement.” he told her.

Grabbing an empty chair, he set it next to the desk and guided Beth to sit in it.

“Beth, I need you to tell Auror Tonks what happened while I go deal with McLaggen, alright?” he asked gently.

“Yes, sir.” she said with a determined nod.

Harry gave her a small smile and turned back to Tonks.

“I’ll call you in as soon as I’m done.” he said.

Tonks nodded and started taking Beth’s statement while Harry turned on his heel and strode to his office. Inside, McLaggen was sitting in the wooden chair with his back to the door, head bowed as he held the sleeve of his robes to his nose. Slamming the door shut, McLaggen jumped, his head snapping around to look at him fearfully.

“What in the fuck do you think you’re doing!?” Harry shouted.

With his fists balled in anger, his knuckles pressed hard into the wooden surface of his desk as he put his weight on his arms and leaned over McLaggen threateningly.

“It was just a prank. I-”

“Bullshit!” Harry barked. “Do you have any idea how fucked you are? I should have you brought up on charges of abuse of power, extortion, and attempted rape.”

The blood from McLaggen’s face drained as Harry listed off the charges, leaving him pale, sweaty and shaking.

“As of right now, you’re suspended indefinitely without pay.” Harry said, straightening up and walking over to sit down behind his desk.

McLaggen let out an explosive sigh in relief.

“You had me worried, I thought you were really going to arrest me.” he said with a smile.

“I still might.” Harry said with an angry glare. “It’s up to trainee Brown whether she wants to press charges or not.”

Any relief Cormac felt disappeared at his words, and Harry took pleasure in watching him sweat.


“Shut up!” he interrupted sharply. “Not another word. Now, get out of my office and go home. I’ll call you when a decision is made. And don’t even think about running. I will personally hunt you down and drag your ass back to England.”

McLaggen swallowed thickly and made to leave the office but stopped with his hand on the knob and turned back to look at him.

“You’re not going to tell Katie about this, are you?” he asked nervously.

“Get out!” Harry barked angrily.

He sighed heavily as he watched McLaggen scurry out of his office and rubbed his eyes tiredly. Taking a few seconds to calm himself, he stood and walked over to the door, leaning out into the main office.

“Tonks!” he called out loudly.

When Tonks stood from her desk to look at him, Harry waved her over. Tonks and Beth entered his office and sat down at the desk across from him.

“Ms. Brown, first of all, I’d like to offer you an apology on behalf of the Auror Department and the ministry for what happened. Something like that should never have happened here and I can promise you I'll do my best to make sure it never happens again.” Harry said sincerely.

“Thank you, sir.” Beth said softly. “I know it’s not your fault.”

“I could have done more to prevent it.” Harry admitted. “Frankly, McLaggen never should have been allowed to become and Auror in the first place. If we hadn’t been so desperate for anyone who could use a wand after the war, he wouldn’t have. I should have fired him the minute I became Head Auror.”

“They wouldn’t have let you and you know it.” Tonks jumped in. “He’s had a few complaints but nothing bad enough to get him fired.”

Harry shrugged, still feeling like he could have done more.

“Have you decided if you want to press charges?” he asked Beth.

“Yes, sir, I do.” she replied instantly.

Harry nodded and stared down at the surface of his desk with a troubled look.

“Is something wrong, sir?” Beth asked curiously.

Harry shook his head, but before he could say anything, Tonks spoke up.

“Just tell her, Harry.” she said.

Harry sighed and took of his glasses.

“I don’t like McLaggen than you do, but I'm very good friends with his wife, Katie, and I'm very close to their children.” he admitted.

“Oh.” Beth said, deflating a bit. “What will happen to them if I press charges.”

Harry put his glasses back on and looked at her closely.

“I don’t want to influence your decision.” he said.

“You won’t, sir.” she said firmly. “But I'd like to know.”

Harry sighed and leaned back in his chair.

“McLaggen will end up in Azkaban for a long time, Minister Shacklebolt won’t let something like this stand. Katie will be able to get a divorce, but things will be hard for her and the kids without his income. Not to mention how upset they’ll be that their father is gone.”

“If I didn’t press charges, would you be able to make sure he doesn’t do this again?” Beth asked.

“I can’t promise one hundred percent, but I would definitely keep a close eye on him.” Harry said.

“So would I.” Tonks offered. “And we could station him as a guard at Azkaban. I doubt he’d be thinking about sex with Dementors around.”

“I’d be okay with that.” Beth said.

"Take the rest of the night to think about it before you make a decision.” Harry said before turning to Tonks. “Tonks, talk to the other female trainees. I want to make sure this hasn’t happened before but be discrete. For now, everyone go home and get some rest. We'll meet here at ten tomorrow morning.”

Tonks and Beth nodded before standing to leave.

“Beth.” Harry called her back just after Tonks left. “You’re not responsible for what happens to Katie, this is McLaggen’s fault. Make sure you’re happy with your decision before you start thinking about how it will affect other people.”

“I will.” Beth said with a smile. “Thank you, sir.”

Harry sighed tiredly after she left his office. Gathering his things, he left the office and made headed straight for the elevator.

The next morning, Harry met with Beth and Tonks in his office. Tonks had talked with the other two female trainees, and while they complained about Cormac ogling them and making rude comments, she was certain he hadn’t tried to blackmail either of them. He spent several minutes talking to Beth, making sure she was happy with her decision not to press charges.

“I don’t want to cause problems for his family if I don’t have to.” she had told him. “I just want to make sure he can’t do this to anyone else.

Once he was convinced she wasn’t going to regret her decision, he dismissed them from his office. Making his way down up to the Atrium, he left the Ministry and Apparated to Katie and Cormac house. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. A moment later, Katie, dressed in a t-shirt and yoga pants, her dark brown hair tied back in a ponytail, answered the door. Her face broke into a bright smile when she saw him, and she pulled him in for a tight hug.


“Hey, Katie.” he said, hugging her back.

“This is a surprise.” She said happily as she pulled back. “What brings you by?”

“Is Cormac here?” he asked.

“No, he’s went to a Quidditch game with some friends. Thanks for giving him a vacation by the way. You don’t need him back so soon, do you?” she asked.

“Vacation?” Harry asked, his tone flat.

“Cormac said you gave him an early vacation for all of the hard work he’s been doing.” Katie said, her brow furrowed.

“Are the kids here?” he asked.

“Yeah, their inside. Is something wrong?” she asked worriedly.

“Can you get someone to watch them for a while? We need to talk.” he told her seriously.

Several minutes later, Katie’s two daughters, Alyson and Melissa, had been picked up by her parents for the night, and Harry and Katie were sitting across from each other in the living room.

“There isn’t a good way of telling you, so I'm going to just come out with it. Cormac isn’t on vacation, he’s been suspended indefinitely, without pay.” Harry said.

“What!?” Katie shouted. “Why?”

“Last night, I caught him trying to blackmail one of the trainees into sleeping with him. He told her if she didn’t, he would fail her out of the program.”

Katie stared at him in shock for a long moment, before anger took over and she shot to her feet.

“That son of a bitch!” She yelled, pacing back and forth. “I can’t believe him! Please tell me he didn’t actually force the poor girl.”

“No, he didn’t.” he said, much to relief. “She’s also agreed not to press charges as long as it doesn’t happen again.”

“Really?” she asked hopefully. “Don’t get me wrong, the bastard would deserve it, but I don’t know what I would do if...”

“That’s why she didn’t. She didn’t want you and the kids to be punished because of something he did.” Harry told her.

“Can I talk to her?” Katie asked. “I just want to thank her and apologize.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” he said slowly.

“Please.” she asked.

Harry sighed. He was so screwed if Kingsley ever found out about this. A few minutes later, Beth was knocking at the front door and Harry led her to the living room. Immediately, Katie jumped up from the couch, where she sat anxiously bouncing her leg, and rushed over to hug her.

“I’m so sorry.” she said tearfully.

Seeing how emotional the two women were getting, Harry made a hasty retreat into the kitchen where he made a pot of tea. He took his time, doing it the muggle way, to give them time to talk in private. When he returned, they were sitting on the couch, turned slightly to face each other, and talking calmly. Setting the tea tray down on the coffee table, he sat down in an empty chair.

“Harry.” Katie called to him as she and Beth turned to look at him with mischievous grins. “Beth and I were talking, and we want to make sure he gets some kind of punishment.”

“There’s not much I can do without pressing charges.” Harry said apologetically.

“I know, but we think we’ve come up with an idea, if you’re willing to help.” she said, her lips twitching into a smirk.

“Sure.” Harry said raising his tea to his lips. “What’s the plan?”

“I want you fuck me.”

Harry choked on his tea and splashed it all over himself as he coughed. Katie and Beth burst out laughing at him, collapsing into one another. Catching his breath, he smiled and used his wand to clean himself off, glad to see them smiling despite what happened.

“Very funny.” he deadpanned.

“It wasn’t a joke.” Katie said, still trying to get her giggles under control.

“He was going to cheat on his wife, we think it’s only fair that he gets a taste of his own medicine.” Beth explained.

Katie laughter stopped and she turned serious as she looked at him.

“I want to make him pay for this, Harry.” she said firmly.

“You’re serious?” he asked.

“Yes. Besides, it won’t be the first time we’ve slept together.” she said with a cheeky grin.

“You weren’t married then.” he reminded her.

“Yeah, well, that didn’t seem to mean much to my husband.” she countered.

“What, exactly, do you have in mind?” he asked curiously.

“Here’s the plan...”

A few hours later, Cormac returned from the Quidditch match, half drunk and in good spirits.

“Katie!” he yelled loudly.

“In the living room.” she called back.

Following her voice, he walked into the living room and smirked when he saw his wife standing in the middle of the living room wearing a short black robe and a sexy smile. She strutted up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I had my parents take the kids for the night.” she said seductively. “I thought, since you’re on vacation, we could have some time to ourselves.”

Cormac smirked and bent down to kiss her, only for Katie to turn her head away from him. Pulling back he looked at her in confusion.

“I have a surprise for you first.” she said teasingly.

Taking him be the hand, she led him over to his favorite chair and pushed him down into it. The moment he fell into the chair, ropes sprang to life and wrapped tightly around his arms, legs, and chest.

“What the fuck?” he grunted. “Katie!”

Katie giggled playfully and opened her robe, revealing she was only wearing a set of sinfully sexy crimson underwear underneath. Putting her hand on the arm of the chair, she leaned forward, placing her lush breasts right in front of his face.

“Do you like my new lingerie?” she asked seductively.

Cormac was too busy drooling over her plump breasts to see her hand come flying in from the side and smack him viciously across the face.


OW!” he shouted, his cheek stinging and his ear ringing.

“Did you honestly think I wasn’t going to find out?” she hissed angrily.

All of Cormac’s anger from being slapped drained away, along with the blood in his face, as his furious wife glared at him.

“I've always known you could be a creep, but I never thought you’d sink so low as to force someone to sleep with you.” Katie said, her voice eerily calm.

Just as she finished talking, Harry and Beth walked in from the kitchen. Katie smirked at her husband and straightened.

“Now, sit here and be a good little cuck while I go fuck Harry.” Katie said, patting him roughly on his red cheek.

“What!? You can’t-”

“Oh. So, it’s fine for you to cheat on me, but I can’t cheat on you?” she asked archly.

“But I didn’t-”

“Only because you got caught.” Katie growled. “Not only were you going to cheat on me, you were going to blackmail Beth into fucking you. Now, you’re going to sit there and watch, or I'm going to tell Beth to press charges, and the kids and I will go stay with my parents until I can find a decent job.”

Cormac stayed silent, looking fearful, as Katie turned and walked up to Harry. Her open robe billowed out, giving him and Beth an unobstructed view of her thin, curvaceous figure, barely covered by her thins lingerie. Taking Harry by the hand, she pulled him over to the couch and pushed him onto it. Slipping the black, silky robe off her shoulders, Katie let it slide off of her to the floor.

Smiling sexily, she climbed onto Harry’s lap, her knees on either side of his waist while her ass rested on his thighs. Running her hands through his hair, she brought her mouth down to his in a heated kiss, her tongue slipping into his mouth. Harry wrapped his arms around her, his hands gliding down her smooth, bare back to cup her full cheeks. Katie moaned into his mouth while grinding her hips down onto him firmly. He felt his excitement rapidly growing until it was pressed against her thigh through the leg of his trousers.

Pulling back, Katie smiled at him as she ground herself onto his erection.

“There’s my favorite broom. I've missed take this for a ride.” she said with a mischievous grin.

Harry groaned at the painfully bad pun and Katie giggled at his reaction.

“You know, it’s kind of a pity Angie and Alicia are happily married. We could’ve had a full reunion.” she said.

His length pulsed against her leg at the memories he had of the Chaser trio in the locker room showers and Room of Requirement in their Hogwarts days.

“Silencio!” Beth yelled suddenly.

Harry and Katie turned to look at her curiously and found Cormac shouting silently as he fought against the ropes tying him to the chair. Beth shrugged at them.

“He was going to interrupt.” she explained.

“He’s just angry because he’s been begging my for a threesome for years and he never got one.” Katie said with a smirk.

“I thought you liked threesome.” Harry said teasingly.

“I do.” she admitted shamelessly. “I just couldn’t find a woman who was willing to sleep with him. Maybe if he wasn’t such an arrogant prick, it would have happened.”

Katie grin at Cormac as he stopped trying to shout and sulked silently, his face red from a combination of anger and embarrassment. Turning around in Harry’s lap, she unclasped her bra and tossed it to the floor while leaning back to rest her back on his chest. Grabbing his hands, she placed them over her breasts, her soft, smooth mound spilling out between his fingers.

“The four of us used to have so much fun together after practice.” She bragged as Harry fondled and caressed her tits. “My favorite was when Angelina would lick my clit while Harry fucked me with his big cock. She could do incredible things with her tongue. What was your favorite Harry?”

“Fourth year, after the second task, when Fleur joined us and the four of you gave me that stamina potion and competed to see who could get me to cum the fastest.” he confessed, leaning forward to kiss and suck at her neck.

“Mhh.” Katie moaned, tilting her head back. “That was a great night. Do you remember who won?”

“Me.” he answered with a grin.

Laughing, she turned to Beth.

“He’s wearing too many clothes, but I'm too comfortable to get up. Give us a hand, would’ya?” she asked.

Beth, who was now sitting in a chair next to the couch and watching them intently, pulled out her wand. With a quick wave, all of his clothes vanished off his body and reappeared a few feet away, neatly folded. Harry groaned as his erection leapt up and pressed against Katie’s warm, panty covered mound. Giggling, she spread her legs and let it pop up from between her legs, his impressive length jutting up rigidly. Reaching between her legs, she stroked him firmly and rubbed him against the soft, silk fabric of her panty covered slit. He could feel the damp heat of her arousal pouring off of her mound.

“Petrificus.” Beth incanted.

Harry and Katie looked over to her again curiously. His eyebrows rose slightly when he noticed she had stripped down to her white, lacy underwear, a noticeable wet spot on the front of her panties.

“He was trying to look away.” she explained.

Glancing over at Cormac, they found him frozen in place, his eyes stuck wide open and staring at them. Katie laughed and stood up, smirking at her helpless husband. Grabbing the sides of her panties, she slowly pushed them down her legs while bending over at the waist. Her round, toned ass sticking out at Harry’s face, giving him a peak at her wet pink lips between her muscular thighs. Standing up straight, she reached behind her to grab his rigid cock and line it up under her as she sat back down on his lap. Harry groaned as her smooth, hot walls hugged his shaft. A long, low moan escaped her lips as she descended down on him slowly.

When she came to rest on his lap with his length buried in her depths, Katie leaned back against his chest and brought her knees up to plant her feet on the seat of the couch. With her legs wide, Cormac was given a perfect view of his cock penetrating his wife’s wet pussy. Using her legs, still toned and sculpted from years of Quidditch despite being a stay-at-home mum the last few years, Katie lifted herself up his length, her taut lips clinging to his shaft.

“Fuck that feels good.” she said as she lowered herself back down on his rock-hard cock. “You’re so much bigger than my husband. Merlin, I've missed your cock, Harry.”

Movement caught his eyes, and Harry looked over at Beth, now completely naked, as she scooted to the edge of her seat for a better view. One of her hands was between her legs, her two middle fingers buried between her taut lips. His eyes unconsciously went to her huge breasts, surprisingly perky for their size and topped with pale pink, puffy nipples. Without a conscious thought, his hand cupped Katie’s plump breasts, his fingers teasing her stiff red nipples. With a moan, she rode him faster, his thick cock sliding easily in and out of her slick depths.

With a transfixed gaze, Beth slid off her chair and crawled over to them on her hands and knees until her face was just inches away from Katie’s drooling slit, he eyes riveted to his shaft as it filled her over and over. Smirking, Harry grabbed the back of Katie’s thighs and slouched down on the couch. This left him holding Katie above his towering erection, only the head left trapped between her grasping lips, while his ass hung over the edge of the couch. She was helpless as he began plowing his cock up into her with each powerful thrust of his hips, a gasp leaving her lips while she gripped his arms tightly.

Beth looked up at Katie while slowly, hesitantly moving forward. As Harry held her in place and rammed into her from below, Beth stopped with her lips just centimeters away from her engorged clit, her warm breath washing over his wet shaft. Cautiously, Beth pressed a light kiss to Katie’s slit before pulling back quickly, her tongue running over her lips.

“Oh, fuck yes!” Katie hissed. “Please, don’t stop Beth.”

Beth leaned forward again, her movements growing more confident as she placed a series of light kisses around Katie’s hooded clit. When she finally kissed it, her full lips wrapping around the tiny nub, Katie trembled and gasped, her nails digging into his arm. Suddenly, she let go of his arms and her hands shot to the back of Beth’s head, holding her gently in place while she moaned and quivered in his lap. Her core fluttered around him, driving him closer to the edge as his peak rapidly neared.

“I’m close.” he warned her, not sure if she was protected or not.

Holding Beth in place with one hand as she continued to lick and suck at her drooling slit, she reached behind her to thread her fingers through his hair with the other. Tilting her head back while pulling him forward, Katie locked her lips with his in a steamy kiss as her body trembled. Grunting into his mouth, she reached a thunderous climax, her body stiffening. Her spasming core pushed him over the edge to his own climax, his cock swelling as it pulsed, flooding her depths with powerful streams of thick, hot cum.

Moments later, she was pushing Beth away from her overly sensitive core while moaning into his mouth. Beth moved her head down, Taking Harry’s tightened sac into her mouth and sucking gently while his hips flexed several times, driving himself even deeper into Katie as he filled her. As their orgasms waned, Katie sagged limply on top of him and Harry wrapped his arms around her, kissing her affectionately.

Once she had caught her breath, Katie sat up and lifted herself off of his deflating cock, a stream of fluids leaking down onto her leg. Holding out her hand, she helped Beth to her feet and immediately pulled her in for a slow sensuous kiss. Despite his recent climax, Harry felt himself rising again as her watched them kiss, their lush breasts rubbing together between them.

When they broke apart, Katie laid down on the couch and pulled Beth on top of her, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. As her hands caressed their way down Beth’s back, she gripped her full cheeks and pulled them apart, showing him her taut lips and a glimpse of her soft pink depths. Moving behind her, he ran his hands over her legs and ass to let her know he was there.

When she didn’t react, he moved closer, his reawakened length rubbing against her damp slit. Grabbing his cock at the base, he moved his head up and down between her lips teasingly, giving her plenty of time to stop him if she wanted to.

He needn’t have worried about that, as her only reaction was to push herself up on her knees and elbows and push back against him. Grinning, he fed his swollen tip into her tight lips and slowly sank into her clutching depths. Beth let out a long moan into Katie’s mouth as he drove into her tight, hot pussy, his girth stretching her walls to fit him. She pulled her lips away from Katie, panting erotically with her eyes closed, savoring the feeling of being filled.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Katie asked knowingly.

“It’s so big.” Beth groaned.

Katie chuckled and stroked her cheek softly.

“Wait till he starts moving.” she said, kissing the thin, delicate shin over her throat.

Harry did just that, pulling his hips back slowly, his engorged head dragging along her grasping walls. Beth gasped and shuddered, her depths flexing around him. As he pushed back in, he leaned over her, cupping her huge tits and squeezing the soft mounds firmly, her pale flesh oozing out between his fingers and around his hand.

While Beth continued to gasp and moan, her eyes closed as she lost herself in a world of her own, Harry bent over her shoulder and kissed Katie lovingly. A few seconds later, he felt lips against his cheek and pulled back to kiss Beth. Soon, their lips and tongues were moving in an odd, but pleasant three-way kiss, tongues meeting and writhing in the middle.

As he continued pumping in and out of her, he gradually felt her loosening up around him, giving him freedom to move faster and deeper. Picking up his pace, Harry straightened up and gripped Beth’s hips as he plowed into her from behind. Katie cupped her breasts, bringing them up to her mouth so she could suck at her puffy nipple and soft, wide areolas.

“Oh, fuck!” Beth cried. “Why would you marry that asshole when you could have had this?”

Harry and Katie couldn’t help but chuckle, and he gave her ass a light, playful spank. Settling into a decent pace, he managed to hit a place inside of her that made her stiffen and gasp sharply. With an almost evil smirk, he adjusted his thrusts to continue hitting that same spot over and over again. Soon, he had Beth moaning and panting wildly, her voluptuous body quivering as she was pushed closer to the edge with each thrust.

A whine like a wounded animal escaped her throat as her body trembled violently and her muscles tensed like coils. Suddenly, she threw her head back with a high-pitched scream while her body went completely ridged. Beth climax explosively, her depths spasming around his shaft as her arousal sprayed out of her lips, soaking his pelvis and the couch. Harry was just nearing his own climax when she moved forward and pulled off of him, too sensitive to continue.

Hardly breaking his stride, Harry fell forward and sank back into Katie’s welcoming depths. Katie smiled and kissed him as he thrust into her frantically, desperately chasing his finish. It only took him a few thrusts before he was filling her again, his cock pulsing within her. Katie moaned contentedly into his mouth, her hand stroking his back. Even as his climax waned, Beth continued to moan and quiver between them, completely oblivious to the world around her.

Sitting up, Harry lifted Beth off of Katie and she curled up in a ball as he laid her down on the couch. Katie smiled and spread a light blanket over her before sitting down next to Harry and curling up against his side.

After a few minutes of cuddling in postcoital bliss, she sat up and picked up her wand from the table next to the couch. A red stunner left the tip and hit her husband in the chest, causing him to slump against the ropes holding him to the chair. Harry looked at her curiously as she turned to him and took one of his hands between hers.

“Harry, I want to ask you something and I want you to be brutally honest, okay?” she asked.

“Okay.” Harry said slowly, wondering where this was going.

“If I divorce Cormac, would you marry me?” she asked bluntly.

Harry’s eyes widened and his mouth worked silently several times before he could get any words out.

“Are you sure?” he asked, surprising even himself with his first question.

Katie smiled at him, her fingers lightly caressing the back of his hand.

“I haven’t been this happy in a long time, Harry. I never wanted to marry Cormac. My father was scared during the war and signed me into a marriage contract.” she told him. “If you and Beth tell our parents he tried to cheat on me, I can enforce the infidelity clause and get a divorce. I know I’m asking a lot, but I've been in love with you for a long time and-”

Harry leaned forward and kissed her lovingly on the lips, his hand coming up to stroke her cheek tenderly. He could feel the wetness of tears touch his face as they kissed. When he pulled back, he wiped the remaining tears on her face away with his thumb and cupped her cheeks.

“I love you too.” he confessed softly. “I was going to tell you after the war, but you were already with Cormac. I would love to marry you.”

Katie smiled brightly, her eyes watering with tears of joy as she kissed him and then hugged him tightly.

“Can I still come visit?” Beth asked quietly from the end of the couch. “After you’re married, I mean.”

Katie laughed a joyous sounding laugh that Harry couldn’t help but smile at hearing. Letting go of him she turned to Beth.

“You can visit any time you want.” Katie told her.


Zitronen tee

That was surprisingly wholesome.

Pope Yoda I

So... Which limb/organ would I need to sacrifice in tribute for a sequel chapter? Genuinely fantastic plot and story.


I think a part 2 would be incredible. Never really said if Katie was protected or not. One session of cucking her husband later and maybe she's knocked up before the divorce is even filed.


Definitely needs part 2 or three as I bet Katie would bring more girls over to help her keep up woth harry