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Chapter 2

(Disclaimer: Hogwarts starts at age 14, making Harry 19 at the time this story takes place.)

Harry and Hermione finally made it to the Hospital wing, hand in hand and smiling. The happiness of the moment was cut short, however, when Madam Pomphrey descended on them the moment they entered and dragged Hermione rather forcefully over to one of the beds.

“Where have you two been? Professor Snape send me a message that you were coming nearly an hour ago.” She reprimanded them as she waved her wand over Hermione in a long and complex pattern.

‘Sorry, Madam Pomphrey, we got, distracted on the way here.” Harry muttered lamely.

Pomphrey tsked at disapprovingly and went back to examining Hermione. After a couple of minutes, she bustled back into her office and he could hear her rustling around in the potion's cabinet. Harry took a seat in the chair next to the bed Hermione and took her hand in his. She looked over at him and neither could suppress the wide smiles that broke out on their faces. Suddenly, Hermione leaned over and kissed him heatedly on the lips, sticking her tongue into his mouth and snogging him senseless.

“Oh, for Merlin’s sake.” Pomphrey groused as she came back into the room, making the teens jump apart in surprise. “Ms. Granger, I realize you're under the effects of a rather powerful potion, but the Hospital wing is not the place for that sort of activity.”

Both of them blushed at the scolding but neither could keep the smiles off of their faces. With a huff, Pomphrey pushed a vial of green, sparkling potion into Hermione’s hand.

“Drink.” She ordered.

Hermione downed the contents in a single gulp and grimaced at the taste, her nose wrinkling cutely. Pomphrey cast another series spells on her, waving her wand in long, complex patterns.

“Odd.” She muttered, making Harry sit up in worry. “Ms. Granger, do you feel any different?”

“No, not really.” She answered.

What’s wrong?” Harry asked.

Pomphrey gave a sigh and lowered her wand. “It seems that whatever Ms. Granger did to make the potion explode changed it just enough that the antidote isn’t working.”

“I didn’t make it explode!” Hermione barked angrily, crossing her arms over her chest. “That asshole Malfoy threw something into my cauldron.”

“No need to get upset, I’m just going by what Professor Snape told me.” Pomphrey placated her. “Do you know what he threw into your cauldron?”

“No.” Hermione answered. “I looked away for a second to check the text book when he did it.”

Harry ran his thumb in soothing circles on the back of her hand while Madam Pomphrey pursed her lips in thought.

“I’m sorry Ms. Granger, without know exactly what got into your potion I can’t make the proper antidote. I’m afraid you’re just going to have to wait for it to wear off naturally.” She told them.

“How long will that take?” Hermione asked.

“I’d say, roughly, a week.” Pomphrey answered.

“A week!” Harry and Hermione yelled in unison.

“With the amount of potion that got on your skin and in your mouth, you were given a much higher dose than what’s normally used. Fortunately, the effects of Draught of Inhibitions do compound the more you take, it simply lasts longer.” She explained to the two horrified teens. “I’ll explain to your professors that this potion will affects your behavior and that you're not to be punished for any outbursts you might have. I’m sure they’ll understand.”

“Snape won’t.” Hermione said, voicing Harry’s exact thoughts. “I doubt Umbridge will be very understanding either.”

“I’ll make sure to explain it to them. If you have any problems, I would suggest going to your head of house for help. In the meantime, I recommend that you stay close to your friends. I'm sure they’ll be able to keep you from doing anything you might not normally do.” Pomphrey said, then her looked softened as she took in Hermione’s troubled expression. “I’m sorry Ms. Granger, but there’s really not much I can do. If it gets too bad, come back here and you can stay in the Hospital wing until it wears off. Oh, and one more thing.”

Reaching into the pocket of her robes, she pulled out another vial, this one containing a bright pink potion. She handed the potion to Hermione who looked up at her questioningly.

“It’s an anti-pregnancy potion.” She explained, smiling at the embarrassed and horrified looks on the teens faces. “Given the nature of the potion that’s effecting you, and your newfound closeness with Mr. Potter, I figured it was sensible precaution. You’ll need to come back here every three months for another dose.”

“Will, will it still work if we’ve already um...” Hermione trailed off embarrassedly.

Harry felt the blood leave his face and a sinking feeling grew in the pit of his stomach.

“So long as it’s been less than a week since the last time you were sexually active, yes.” She answered, narrowing her eyes at them. “I realize you're under the effects of a rather powerful potion Ms. Granger, but that’s no excuse for not thinking ahead. The potion removes your inhibitions, not your common sense.”

Hermione nodded, looking down in shame. Harry felt bad for her, but let out a sigh of relief that he hadn’t gotten her pregnant. There was no way either of them was ready for that. Madam Pomphrey heard his sigh and wheeled around to glare at him, pointing her finger at him accusingly.

“And you.” She said sternly. “Men are just as responsible as women for making sure they are protected, and you don’t have the excuse of being under a potion, Mr. Potter.”

“We’ll be more careful next time, Madam Pomphrey, I promise.” Harry told her, holding his hands up in surrender.

“Make sure that you are.” She said threateningly.

Reaching into the drawer of the small nightstand next to the bed, she pulled out two small pamphlets and handed one to each of them. On the cover, it read, “A Guide to Safe Sex” with a drawing of a witch and wizard holding hand and smiling at each other.

“Read these. They have a list of spells and potion to make sure that you don’t have any little witches and wizards running around before you’re ready. Now, off with you. Come back here immediately if anything changes.” She ordered.

Red-faced with embarrassment, Harry and Hermione jumped to their feet and practically ran from the room. Walking down the hall, Hermione grabbed his hand and then held his upper arm with the other hand, hugging his arm to her body. Harry looked down at her worriedly, but she smiled at him, even if her cheeks were still a bit pink.

“Can we go someplace private?” She asked. “I don’t want to deal with anyone else right now.”

Harry looked at his watch and noticed that it was close to lunch time. They had plenty of time before their next class.

“Sure.” Harry said, squeezing her hand. “Do you want to go to the Room of Requirement?”

Hermione nodded and the made their way up to the seventh floor. Hermione paced back and forth in front of the blank stretch of wall three times, and the ornate wooden door melted into view. Entering the room, it looked like it was a girl’s bedroom in nice house, much nicer than the Dursley’s. Seeing the large, full bookshelves along the wall, he was pretty sure this was a copy of Hermione’s room at her house. Pulling him by then hand, she led him over to the large, comfortable looking bed and climbed onto it. Pushing him down in the middle, she wrapped her arms around him and laid her head down on his chest. Harry ran his hand soothingly up and down her back as she cuddled up to his chest. The laid there in companionable silence for a few minutes.



“I meant what I said before.”

“About what?” Harry asked.

“About what I like.” Hermione answered. “I’m so sick of needing to have all the answers, of being in control all of the time. I’m sick of people like Ron and Lavender thinking I’m a boring bookworm just because I like to read and I don’t go around snogging every guy I think is cute. If they knew how many times I’ve daydreamed about you bending me over a table in front of them and fucking my brains out just to shut them up, they’d never call me boring again.”

Harry continued to soothingly stroke her back as she emotionally vented all of her frustrations.

“Does it bother you?” She asked nervously. “The things that I said.”

“No, not at all.” Harry assured her, kissing the top of her head. “I just want to make sure you don’t do anything you’re going to regret once the potion wears off.”

“You know, I'm kind of glad this happened.” She admitted, causing him to look at her curiously. “I don’t think I’d have ever been brave enough to tell you how I felt without it.”

The fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments before she spoke again.

“I really do want to try some of those things. It’s not just the potion, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. If you’re okay with it, of course.” She told him.

“As long as you’re sure you won’t regret it later, and we talk about it first, I’m fine with it.” He told her.

“Thank you.” Hermione said, leaning up to kiss him on the lips.

Harry wrapped his arms around her and pulled her until she was laying on top of him, her full, perky breasts squashed against his chest as she straddled his waist.

“So, you want to be my personal little slut?” He asked, remembering what she had said earlier.

Hermione sat up on his waist and nodded at him while biting her lip shyly. Harry’s cock twitched as it strained against his pants and rubbed against her thigh. He had dreamed about being able to use her any way he wanted for years, and he couldn’t believe he was actually getting the chance to do it.

“Tell me to stop if I do something you don’t like or go too far, okay?” He asked.

Hermione nodded at him again. Harry smiled at her and caressed her cheek gently with his thumb.

“Good. Now, be a good little slut and wrap those beautiful lips around my cock.” He told her before adding, “And take your shirt off, I want to see those tits.”

With shaking hands, Hermione fumbled with the buttons of her shirt as she tried to take it off as quickly as possible. Once her shirt was open, she tossed it to the side, along with her tie, and reached back to unclasp her bra. Harry watched raptly as the bra slid down her arms to reveal her perfect, medium sized breasts. Unable to help himself, he reached up and groped her full, perky tits in his hands, squeezing them firmly. After a few moments of playing with them, he let go, allowing her to shimmy down the bed until she was knelt between his legs. She quickly opened his pants and grabbed the waistband of both his pants and boxers to pull them down his legs. His rigid cock sprang up to greet her the moment it was free, the head swollen and red in anticipation.

When his pants were off, Harry undid the top few buttons of his dress shirt and then pulled it over his head, leaving him naked except for his socks. Hermione reached out and grabbed his cock by the base, staring at it hungrily as she licked her plump, pink lips. Leaning down, she kissed the engorged head, then licked it with her warm, wet tongue. Threading his fingers through her bushy brown hair, Harry pulled her head down. Obediently, her lips parted as he pushed her down on his shaft, her hot, wet mouth enveloping the top half of his length until he hit the back of her throat. Hermione’s shoulders heaved slightly as she gagged around his girth and pulled back just a little. She sealed her lips around his girth and sucked lightly as her tongue swirled around his shaft.

For a couple of minutes, Harry let her bob up and down on his cock, enjoying the feel of her mouth wrapped around him. Gripping her hair more tightly, he pushed her head down, forcing her to take his cock deeper. He managed to get the head of his cock into her throat before she gagged again and pulled her lips back up his shaft, sucking in air and coughing lightly around his cock.

“Tap my leg three times if you want me to stop.” He told her.

Hermione looked up at him and nodded with his cock still in her mouth, her eyes glinting with determination. Pushing her down again, she gagged once his head entered her throat again. This time, Harry didn’t let her pulled up, the muscles in his arms flexed as her forced her down further and further, sinking a couple of inches of his shaft down her spasming throat. After a few seconds, he relaxed his arms and she shot off of his cock, coughing as she wiped a strand of drool off of her lips. Hermione glared at his saliva covered cock, and then took it back into her mouth. This time, she plunged her head down on her own, forcing most of his length down her throat in a single push. Harry held her head in place and groaned in pleasure as her abused throat spasmed and massaged his cock.

Looking down, he saw that her lips were only and inch from the base of his cock. Thick strands of drool ran down the length of his shaft, dripping into his pubes and down his balls. After holding her down for several long seconds, Harry let her up for air when she started to squirm. Hermione shot oof of his cock again, sitting up and taking several deep breaths as she cleared her throat. Her face was a mess, as long, thick strands of spit ran down her chin and onto her chest and tears trailed down from the corner of her eyes. To his surprise, however, he saw that she had her hand down the front of her panties, rubbing herself furiously. As she bent down to swallow his cock again, Harry grabbed her hair again and held her in place just above his cock.

“Be a good whore and swallow all of it and I'll fuck you.” He told her.

Hermione closed her eyes and moaned as she fingered herself. When she opened them again, she had a determined glint in her eyes as she opened her mouth and pushed herself back down his length. Plunging her head down, she forced most of his throbbing cock into her mouth and throat, but still she stopped about an inch away from the base. Taking her hand out of her panties, she grabbed his hips with her hands and pulled herself down. Slowly, centimeter by centimeter, her lips descended further down his shaft until finally, she reached the bae and her nose was buried in his pubic hair. His cock pulsed in the throat and he held her down for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling of having his entire cock uncased in her hot, wet throat and mouth. When Harry let go, she pulled off of his cock and coughed a few times before looking at him with a triumphant smile.

“Good girl.” He said, stroking her cheek.

Hermione smiled happily and leaned into his hand, kissing his palm.

“Will you fuck me now? Please?” She begged in a rough, sultry voice.

“Take off the rest of your clothes.” He told her.

Hermione hopped off of the bed excitedly and quickly stripped out of her skirt and panties. Harry particularly enjoyed the view as she bent over to take off her panties, sticking out her full, muscular ass and wet, drooling pussy. Once she was naked, she stood there, looking at him expectantly.

“Since you were such a good girl, I'll let you choose the position.” Harry offered, sitting up.

A thoughtful look crossed her face for moment, before she bent over the edge of the bed and wiggled her juicy ass. Hopping off the bed, Harry walked around behind her and grabbed her round cheeks in his hands, squeezing them roughly, making Hermione moan. Pulling her hair into a ponytail and gripping it tightly in his hand, Harry lined his rock-hard cock up with her drooling cunt and sank into her hot core, making both of them moan. Once he was full sheathed in her gripping pussy, he tugged on her hair and brought his hand down onto her ass with a loud smack. Hermione bucked against him with a gasp and her walls tightened around his shaft as he started thrusting in and out of her.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Harry rained his hand down on her ass cheeks, smacking them hard enough to leave a bright pink hand print behind with every thrust into her spasming twat. Hermione moaned, pushing her ass back against him in time with his thrusts. Her back arched as he pulled on her hair hard, forcing her neck to tilt upwards. When he stopped smacking her ass, he reached under her and groped one of her bouncing breasts, squeezing it roughly as the pace and force of his thrusts grew. Gripping her engorged nipple between his fingers, he pinched it hard and held it in place as her breasts shook wildly from his thrusts.

“Oh God, yes!” Hermione hissed.

The sound of Harry’s hips slapping against her ass echoed around the room as their bodies collided. As he plowed into her, Hermione’s moans grew louder and louder as her walls fluttered around his cock.

“Yes. Yes. Yes.” She chanted over and over.

Suddenly, her walls grasped his thrusting cock tightly and fluttered wildly around him. Hermione’s breath hitched from a moments before a long, high-pitched keening left her throat as her arms gave out under her. As she collapsed to the bed, Harry leaned over her and fucked her even harder, slamming his cock in and out of her at a blistering pace. Hermione clawed at the bedding as her body trembled from her powerful climax.

“I’m going to ruin you Hermione. You’re my slut, my whore. You are mine!” Harry growled possessively as he slammed into her quivering cunt.

Hermione’s only response was to whimper under him as he continued to fuck her brutally.

“Say it!” He demanded, smacking her ass hard.

“I’m yours!” She yelled. “I’m your slut, HARRY!”

As she screamed his name she came again, her pussy drenching his cock in her arousal as it spasmed around him. Harry felt his climax rapidly building as her walls massaged his length. Pulling out of her, he flipped her over onto her back and then drove his rigid cock straight back into her pussy. Harry thrust into her furiously, making her perky tits bounce wildly from the force. Hermione tilted her head back and moaned continuously as he plowed into her. Just as he was about to cum, Harry yanked his cock out of her and stood over her as he stroked his shaft rapidly. With a loud groan, he came, long jets of hot, white cum shot out of his cock, landing in streaks over Hermione’s beautiful body.

Again and again, shot after shot landed on her chest, tits and stomach, covering her in his cum. Hermione watched with wide, lust filled eyes as her marked her, running her fingers thought the streaks of hot cum that decorated her smooth skin. When he was finally finished, Harry crawled onto the bed next to her and claimed her lips in a possessive kiss.

“Mine.” He said, stroking her cheek.

Hermione smile at him, her deep brown eyes sparkling. “Always.”


Professor Quill

Enough people asked for it, that I decided to continue with the story. I hope you all enjoy it.


Please continue with this story, it’s amazing