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ewards Sent on   3/31. Send to patreon inbox.

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3/31 會發送當月獎勵!!!!寄送到P網系統信箱

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🔴 如何獲取獎勵以及一些常見問答> https://reurl.cc/Gdk9Rx



Zephyr E. Levin

Ey, was that during your time in Los Angeles? 🙏💗



Hung nguyen

Glasses 🤯🫠💘

Kalvin Lee

Ey! Tifa! And Sakura wars is a surprising one. But a welcome one.


Can’t wait

joe yan


Joey Tang

What a selection for March! I wondered if Tifa was going to make a return. Last time I believe I saw you cosplay Tifa was Queen Bee Tifa. Looking forward to seeing the entire March photo set. I hope with the entire February Rewards now available you're able to rest. You're the best HaneAme!

東霖 吳

眼鏡女友的裝扮也好正 羨慕您的日本遊...

東霖 吳


rafael B

great Hane !! please don't forget too... waiting for the Tifa lockhart tooo... (but also the remake version album) do you hear my voice , messages.... ... can you

Joey Tang

Thank you for the update. I look forward to seeing the March Rewards when they officially release. Please continue to stay healthy and safe. You're the best, HaneAme!

rafael B

Please please Hane my lovely give me the Tifa Lockhart New Swit photographie signed

Joey Tang

Thank you for the update. Every time you post the cosplays get better and better. I love them all, but I'm excited to see Tifa again. You're the best 2B, Ada and Tifa, HaneAme!


泳裝tifa 好讚喔

Joey Tang

Goodness gracious! Tifa has arrived! Thank you for the update. With the getting the photobooks ready for shipping and finalizing the March rewards, please continue to stay health and safe, HaneAme.