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I filmed trying on kimonos in Japan and strolling through festivals! Please enjoy!

我拍攝了去日本試穿和服和逛慶典! 請享受!


일본에서 한복을 입어보고 축제를 거닐며 촬영했어요! 즐겨주세요!


浅草着物を試着します Asakusa kimono try on HaneAme 雨波 ハネアメ

服裝感謝 @ 江戶和裝工房-雅 淺草 ▼Full video on patreon for member only 😊 ♦PATREON : https://www.patreon.com/haneame ♦日本の購入リンク: https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/26273 ♦Gumroad:https://haneame.gumroad.com/​​ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Merch] ▼ENGLISH https://haneameholic.com/ ▼Chinese https://www.haneame.com/link ▼Japan https://reurl.cc/028leY ------------------------------------------------------------------ ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/haneame_cos ►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itsrealhaneame/ ►IG: https://www.instagram.com/haneame_cos/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ♦Officail web: https://www.haneame.com/​


rafael B

so so lovely and perfecly my dear hane ame (the real one feeling) in my favortie place Asakua.. i have to make another nice video tooo...


What a cute little video! The fun you guys had is making me envious...

Alex Iturria

You are such an angel!