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Heyo, everyone! I'd like to bring up a little update with the current comic "Peridot's Curiosity". The comic was an experiment for me to see what would happen if I made a comic with full creative freedom. I'm glad for those that like the comic so far, but I know a lot of people really don't like the comic. Because of this, I've really had to make a tough decision of whether to keep going and finish it or shorten the page amount and finish it like that. Unfortunately, I've decided to shorten the page amount. I'm sorry for those that wanted to comic to last as long as my other comics, but due to the massive negative reception of the comic, I kind of have no choice but to shorten it. The comic will be finished, I guarantee that. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope everyone has an awesome day.

-Mr. Chase Comix


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