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Kayo updates every: Wednesday/Saturday




Looks cute. Love the body language.

Zero Wing

Long ponytails are so cute!


I am not sure whether it will have another female gymnast’s transformation , but ponytail is one of the great hairstyles for them.

Star Journeyfriend

Awwww, they seem like they're gonna be good friends now. She got her wish to be closer with her crush. Seems like a win to me :)


Aww, we don't get to see if she joined the girls team with Ayano?


Another perfect story in the books. Really loved this little epilogue. :D


We're still regularly not getting emailed when these sketch pages get updated to final versions. I found out this got finished because you tweeted the final version. I hope you can figure out why that's not happening, and fix it. The lack of update emails for finished sketches makes it really easy to miss finalized pages. I'd honestly prefer that you not post sketches at all, and wait for the page to be finished, so we're sure to get an email about the final version. Or even make a whole new post to replace the sketch, rather than updating the original post.

Eternal Wanderer

It's still kind of a weird feeling that a story I had translated a couple of years ago resulted in 28 page long comic. It's got me looking forward to seeing more Kayo comics in the future whether their adapting existing stories or Meow original ones.


That's how it ends? I'm stuck as a girl permanently? ...How annoying.


very cuuute cool comic


*Baba O'Reilly by The Who begins playing.* You know, looking back it all made sense. Dream big...live big...love big...get turned into a girl and forced to do a gymnastics routine...and all for the sake of an extended 'Premium Rush' refrence.


That'd work. You could even keep the sketch version up, maybe with a sketch-specific tag like "#kayo1-sketch", so it doesn't clutter the main collection.


What a nice surprise to have you referring to one of my favorite bands! 🙂


this has to have been my favourite comic so far, i hope we get to see more of Eri-chan in the future