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💬: can anyone tell me what they call this creature? half man half goat..? I think there's a term for it.




I believe in mythology they're called a saytr (for males) or a fawn (for females)


it's satyr if they're half goat and faun if they're half deer. Satyrs are more often male and fauns are more often female, but can depend on the mythology

Cooper Maxwell

Satyrs and Fauns are both used but the satyr is more common. In the old time's religions satyrs were male nature spirits and fauns more generic mythical creatures who where good at music. But over time they mix together, even losing the old looks they had, and became mostly known as Satyrs for both sexes and described as ‘below waist of goat, above waist a man, usually nature loves who loved music.


Hmm, tempting offer.

Daniel Thomas Stack

Faun was also used for males in C. S. Lewis books though Satyr is common. There are some books with both that make a point of saying the tails are different.


I'll join you sister!!! :)