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Say hello to the new Frankie look, our famous and alpha female.❤️

  • -Name: Frankie
  • -Age: 20
  • -Gender: Female
  • -Occupation: Student
  • -Current Status: Frankie is one of the rebellious girls of the hood who live life to the fullest, without caring about the risks it may entail. Frankie comes from a poor family that does everything it can to survive with the little money they have. From a very young age, Frankie has had a tendency to steal things, which has given her enough experience to become a prodigious thief at a very early age.




Are all the characters we've seen a preview for getting a scene in the rework?


yeah, maybe not at the very beginning but gradually all the characters I am presenting are possible romantic partners for the Player.❤️


Lord have mercy i'm bout to bust