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Not all of the ghost in the house were bad. For example, there was the old woman in the bed, and the little boy in the wheelchair. Which the mom even said that she imagined when she thought of the family in that house. She said something about that the books were placed low so even the boy in the wheelchair could reach his favorites. Steve said that he didn't believe in ghost. He saw what he saw, but he still just would come up with a logical reason for it to have happened. They focus a lot on that in his episode (episode 1). He thinks the whole family is just mentally ill. The sister that's the funeral director also doesn't believe in ghost. In her episode when she was younger, she didn't experience much of what was going on. It does seem the younger the child, the more they were exposed to it. After the second child, then you have Theo. She knows things happen, or she's more open because she knows about what the mom had, and what was passed down the family line. I don't think the other children knew that. Then you have the twins. Luke saw the man with the hat, and Nelly saw herself expressing herself through time, as a premonition of her death. If we watch more of it, you'll finally see what the parents knew or what they saw. Then it leads up to the real mystery of the series: what happened to the mom? What happened that last night in the house? Also, yes, they keep doing the flashbacks, because it's that kind of show. Similar to the show This is Us ( I think that's what it's called). Half of the show is in the past, and links to the present day. They do go on and on about how Steve is and how he treats the dad. I think Steve is very annoying. I don't know anyone who actually likes his character. But that's how he's meant to be. To show how much he goes out of his way to not believe. He's the oldest, was given so much responsibility because of that and so he feels entailed. Unfortunately, I do think that a lot of the things you don't get, and dynamic really had a lot to do with the time in between the first episodes when some things were starting to be set up. Every reactor that didn't think they would like this when they went in to it, and they watched it continuously from start to finish, they ended up loving this series. So, that is disappointing that you disliked it so much. I won't force you to finish it. So, I suppose that's it for this series.