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17:42 - I don't know much about DPRK leaders or Korean history in general, but I know Kim Il-Sung is revered for his role in the guerrilla war against Japanese imperialism and consequent invasions of Manchuria, China, etc. And the thing about the war records of the Japanese he mentions is that he was regarded by the Japanese as the most effective guerrilla general and was considered an honorable opponent. 18:00 - They on that cultish stuff, yes. Why does that look so weird for us here in the West? I have a theory. First of all, the moral basis of our society is the judaic-christian values, like it or not. Even if people are not religious, it's still very relevant. And in judaic-christian moral values, idolatry is one of the major sins. I could go even further to explain how this hate against idolatry is related to the persecution that these people were subject to by the Romans and their religion, but it's not necessary. But idolatry is a phenomenon that's present in most societies that had emperors or "godlike" leaders. Is it a coincidence that China, Russia, India and Korea are some countries that suffer with cult of personality the most? I don't think so, all of these are societies that have hundreds, if not thousands(in the case of China) of imperial or royal traditions and that becomes a permanent cultural factor. Confucianist philosophy is 100% also a factor here. Russia and India are capitalist, both have elements of cult of personality present in their government(the Russians even had thar under Communism before). China and DPRK are Communist and still have to deal with the permanence of some customs that are obviously inspired by their imperial past and confucianism philosophy. Having all that said, I still find it weird but I understand where this comes from and it's not something that is offensive to me if it's not imposed on myself. But the point here is, even if these people are "weird", having them starved out or isolated from the global economy is some bullshit. 24:10 - On the opposite. I think they are so capitalist that the influence of corporations becomes one with the interests of the state almost all the time. And they are not afraid to use regulation to enforce that. 36:36 - I know. Nobody mentions the need to end this prolonged war so both South Korea and the DPRK can stop being militarized states and become regular countries with a true peace treaty signed. 37:57 - Absolutely. I thought the same when I was watching. I'd like to see more people. I think this guy was on a very tight budget(he was clearly a kid who funded his own doc) and couldn't stay longer to meet more people. 43:54 - Also agree completely. I'd like to see a response to this documentary by the accused party. I have never seen it and if you or anybody else knows of it, I'd like to see that very much. 50:50 - We already know the ATLAS Network that is mentioned in the video had some degree of involvement in what took place on January 8th. ATLAS network supported the protests that removed Dilma from office, ATLAS Network has been supporting Bolsonaro since day 1 of his campaign and remained loyal supporters all the way to the end of the campaign. What we don't know is their level of involvement in training and strategizing what took place in Brazil. This strategy is something that points more in Bannon's direction than anybody else in the international section of Bolsonaro's supporters, but we already know that this ATLAS Network money was flowing in. My personal opinion is that this is a sanctioned US counter-intelligence operation. The US has been doing this in Latin America for more than 80 years already, the military coup of 1964 was connected to a whole bunch of right-wing think tanks that were connected to the US back in the sixties. You watched that in "The Day that Lasted 21 Years''. I'd like to see these people being punished in the US for the crimes they commit overseas, but I personally don't think it's going to happen, because I also think this is a strategic interest of the US government(domination).