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🤣🤣 If you've already seen this one and are familiar with my reactions you probably know how I felt about this one.  


Vonnie Stewart

"i haven't seen kirsten dunst older" well man, if you'd watch one of your epic shows to the 2nd season you'd see her older where she met her husband :D *i'm salty and waiting*

Fay K

I think it was really interesting to hear your take on this. I'm white, so whereas I tried to appreciate the racial message of recognizing talent, it was good to hear from a different point of view. I actually saw this movie with my mother when it came out. She worked as an engineer in the British version of NASA. I grew up in England until I was a teenager so I've never really been to the most racist of areas. I grew up with the mentality that we should accept people for their ideas and attitude and how they are smart or athletic or kind. However, I can see how I could be racist too by just letting things happen without any concrete steps toward improving lives. (other than joining movements and giving to charities). I guess, this movie gives me something to learn from and I appreciate your candid reaction to it.


Yea see that's why I wanted to express that I can see the importance of a film like this. I do understand that with a limited amount of time to tell a story studios have to change some things. It's just that these media companies often times filter the story in a way that I have a problem with.


Yo I never thought I'd watch this film🤣 this is why we watch


“What’s next, Ping Pong?” - Bill Burr Another home run, awesome reaction, I agree the movie on par with the real story. I watched it the first time both interested in a story I never knew and completely taken out of it by cringey scenes and lines like “we all pee the same color at NASA”.