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HOD S1E9.mp4



This episode highlighted how horrible they treated children who weren’t noble born. They have a kid checking to see if the King is dead? Then they have other kids fighting with shaved teeth and nails? And we know they were making other kids prostitutes. Just horrible. And I think they were trying to show that not only was he making bastards, but in the most horrible of places. Also, does anyone think Rhaenyra’s first son is Ser Criston Cole’s?


nope they’re all sir harwin’s


the foot fetish scene was so weird to me (its not in the books lmao) and i didn’t know why until i read this comment: “it’s an excellent scene in that it demonstrates the sick relationship alicent has with her body and self worth, and what systemic misogyny can do to the women who buy into it and work to uphold it. and it’s a perfect foil to the idea that rhaenyra is a “whore” for entering into loving consensual open marriage with laenor and harwin, while alicent is still the madonna while engaging in sexual acts directly bartered for information”


Oh wow! I didn’t see it that way at all but I get it now. Thanks!