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I've just watched this reaction. Like I said before, I never even heard about this show before you uploaded the first episode of this season. I'm actually enjoying it a lot, this show probably ressonates with everyone right now because of the permanent crisis the world is going on through Covid, etc. You got tight when this stupid conspirancies were actually influencing people that were supposed to be working to fix this, this shit during the pandemic... I'm not even gonna start. I'm about to graduate on the University as a History Teacher and in the last semesters you have to work as a trainee teacher in Public Schools, etc. This conspirancy theory crap is so present this days, there's not even one day that I'm not hearing some conspirancy crap from students, parents, this shit get me tight as fck too. Anyway, it's also very interesting to see those political engagements portrayed in the show, I'm very interested in US politics and foreign policy, it's nice to catch a few references here and there. I actually liked the Don Corleone impression a lot, that's what Yorick had coming that moment. Looking forward to your next reactions. If there's subs available for this show I would appreciate it a lot, helps heaps in first time reactions.