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Photographer's annex:
"The Queen's Hoarder, the largest cargo ship in the world, hit a previously unknown reef near the coast of Somalia. Water began pouring in rapidly, and the captain called for an abandon ship. Suddenly, the ship jolted upwards, and in a few seconds was on a beach off the african coast. Sailors then heard metal screeching and then slowly the ship was pulled - yes, pulled - onto the sand by a woman until it was safely out of the water.

And that woman was Anya-Taylor Joy.

The picture above was taken by a local fisherman who happened to be around with his friends. He claimed the super superstar handed him a camera and posed, clearly waiting for him to take her photograph. Witnesses say the young woman was smiling all the while, clearly unphased by her titanic feat of strength, and after making sure the Queen's Hoarder's crew could make it down to the sand safely, jumped literal miles into the air, disappearing from view.

Authorities have been unable to contact the actress turned strength goddess, but they hope to find her both to thank her and to ask her to please help move the ship back to England."


Had some fun with this one. Too much, maybe. Couldn't really finish the other personal inktober pic because of this, unfortunately. Still, I think it's looking pretty cool.

Will post the next poll in a bit, after I post a quick question.



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